Perak Section clubbing monster garage rushing my car....almost everyday rush till morning.....but still dunno if can made it for gt.....
TEAMADVAN: Enlighten me cos I might be a bit stupid in this area... I think I heard you said that Monster Garage doesn't do tuning... And you're there everyday rushing something in time for the GT??? Hmmm... In what sense??? Can share with me ar???
TEAMADVAN: Enlighten me cos I might be a bit stupid in this area... I think I heard you said that Monster Garage doesn't do tuning... And you're there everyday rushing something in time for the GT??? Hmmm... In what sense??? Can share with me ar???

monster garage is an accessories shop which bodykits and aero parts, audio system, car alarm, lighting, wiring, interior modification, custom make almost everything bout cars (NOW EVEN not engine and chasis.

and since i get used to DIY myself, i pinjam tempat there...90% of things in my car is fixed, maintain, repair, made and install by my own self.......
included wiring, audio, alarm, turbo, cam, gearbox, clutch, LSD, cut my chasis for maximum lowering...ECU wiring, custom made dash and rewire, tinted, fibreglass and carbon , bodykits, and bla bla bla is also made, create and installed by my own (of cos some parts need two pair of hands is helped by somebody).......
would u believe me?
only 3 things is not DIY myself.
-ECU tuning is by JAPS....cos its a Vpro...i dun have the software....
or else i'll DIY tuning lastime when my car is E-manage-ed....
-Sounds system is tuned by KEN MONSTER.
-Body painting is painted by the paint guy beside monster....

so at the end of the day, i just pay him what i have used and some xtra as place, material and equipment used....
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full boost by "mentally" u said? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
from where or who u got this "info" from? :mouth_closed: :mouth_closed: :mouth_closed:

From the little pink and white fairies that buzzes around .... We'll see if anything materialize in the next 3 months or so ... hmmm .... :mouth_closed:
and since i get used to DIY myself, i pinjam tempat there...90% of things in my car is fixed, maintain, repair, made and install by my own self.......
included wiring, audio, alarm, turbo, cam, gearbox, clutch, LSD, cut my chasis for maximum lowering...ECU wiring, custom made dash and rewire, tinted, fibreglass and carbon , bodykits, and bla bla bla is also made, create and installed by my own (of cos some parts need two pair of hands is helped by somebody).......
would u believe me?
only 3 things is not DIY myself.
-ECU tuning is by JAPS....cos its a Vpro...i dun have the software....
or else i'll DIY tuning lastime when my car is E-manage-ed....
-Sounds system is tuned by KEN MONSTER.
-Body painting is painted by the paint guy beside monster....

so at the end of the day, i just pay him what i have used and some xtra as place, material and equipment used....

Lam, u're a Jack of all trades..
i salute u..
From the little pink and white fairies that buzzes around .... We'll see if anything materialize in the next 3 months or so ... hmmm .... :mouth_closed:

ahahaha! dun worry...i got used to it since AGES ago.....
he is well known for this particular kinda "stories" around.....
since u started to know the truth of "behind the scence" of the movie, i guess the next chat of ours must be newspaper lenght.....LOL.....
but cross your heart to :mouth_closed: :mouth_closed: :mouth_closed: "shhh" ok? hahahaha.....we so sui 8-por already.....hahaha....

melody : haha....i am a plumber or basic DIY-er too.....
sometimes can be trade with beer or licquor also...hahaha....:regular_smile: :regular_smile:
TEAMADVAN: Oh... Now I und lor... Hahaha... Ok ok... Next time I got anything I dunno I ask you la... Hahaha...
TEAMADVAN: Oh... Now I und lor... Hahaha... Ok ok... Next time I got anything I dunno I ask you la... Hahaha...

haha...dun expect me to be the doctor-know-it-all.....i only half pail water.....
most of the things i know best is the cars that driven before.....
other than that i knew them from kepo kepo asking my sifusssss and u know practically experienced is much more better than experience by hearing and seeing .....
i'll try my best tho....:_:
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TEAMADVAN: Hahaha... I will say thank you 1st, if not next time wont teach me or recommend good stuffs for me jor... Hahaha... Anyhow... I am in the process of 'carbonizing' my interior. I wanna try out see if it really will not stick long... Besides, it only costs me RM28 for 9"X53"... Quite cheap la...
TEAMADVAN: Hahaha... I will say thank you 1st, if not next time wont teach me or recommend good stuffs for me jor... Hahaha... Anyhow... I am in the process of 'carbonizing' my interior. I wanna try out see if it really will not stick long... Besides, it only costs me RM28 for 9"X53"... Quite cheap la...

ha.....good...thats very cheap for a try.....
u know how i gain my experience? kena traps....but getting smarter each time when $,effort and time is wasted.....LOL.....thats why now know how to cari lobang for goodies.....but thats not all...the world is too big to know all...
TEAMADVAN: So now you think Monster Garage is the best la... That's why you're there everyday??? Hahaha...
Just now I followed a modded Vios with a diffuser same like yours from Monster. I forgot the number plat la... You know who??? Hahaha...
TEAMADVAN: So now you think Monster Garage is the best la... That's why you're there everyday??? Hahaha...
Just now I followed a modded Vios with a diffuser same like yours from Monster. I forgot the number plat la... You know who??? Hahaha...

yah....i know him....FAT GUY....sumtime he let his GF to drive it around....
silver coloured.....front bumper look like my myvi one....
MONSTER GARAGE sticker at the side of back door.....
teamadvan got share in monster garage everyday sure go ther lo..heheh
Wah!!! Big customer wo... Hmmm... I also dunno when I can mod my car there... Sigh... big deal la...i dun have share there...but the bos helped me alot....
last year becos of rushing for GT, he help me to rush my car...almost everyday never sleep.....rush till 9 am......go home sleep few hours and then back to work again....
this year he canot help much alot of i have to one man show on my own.......

danhong : monster might not be the best....
but so far, i still havent come across any accesories or fibre shop which have better RESPONSIBLITY than him....
his ablity, work, standard and his skill is very good....
yea i also satisfiedwith his work and skill....
Lam this coming round 4 super GT race not going meh?
i might going...
TEAMADVAN: Hear you say like that, I also feel I have confidence in Monster Garage la... But since you say there got so many cars, got time to work on mine meh??? But since I only got a small bonect, you think I should let them see 1st then make plan on how to do it???
7heaven : yah...i'm goin for GT...thats a must every year...
just the matter of "if i can make it to go with my car"....LOL
still only 60% done.....but the shape is already there...very shiok...

danhong : not to say things that side my fren....
u shud go there and let them have a look at your bonet, get the lowest price...just tell him u r fren of mine....dun forget to mention "the student"...LOL..
and then get a date to operate your baby....LOL...

and yah...dun forget to place a pics here after u get it done ok?

good luck..
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