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hahaa......tuesday....why u so ngam geh....
tomoro i'll be at magnum main office for the new terminal launching
and training la.....9am~6pm....
then rush 7.30pm dinner at chemor for the HDA asociation dinner with my partners and bos.......haha....
tomoro schedule full liao....

maybe u can just go and look for ken for the bonet quote....
as for my car preview, hehe...i afraid they wont let u go in to that "secured" area....its another side of the shop....front door always closed...while side door written "for staff only"....ahahaha.....
even if i'm there, they dun like me to bring sumone else over as there might be sumbody else's cars beside there.....u know la...owner's P & A ma....haha

very sorry mate....
TEAMADVAN: Then too bad lor... Cos I only got holiday today... C*r*e* dont have holiday on Wesak Day (Cannot disclose company name :aetsch: ).
Preview your car ar? I also want... But yeah lor, I think, better keep it P&C for now la... I'm sure it will be nice...
I dare not ask for quote now as I dont really have the money yet... So, I scared ppl 'pei si ngo'... But I scared I do so nice also no use la... No one will look at the Savvy of mine... Hahaha... To be specific, no chicks will look at the Savvy of mine... Hahaha...

BTW, what is P & A ar???
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TEAMADVAN: Then too bad lor... Cos I only got holiday today... C*r*e* dont have holiday on Wesak Day (Cannot disclose company name :aetsch: ).
Preview your car ar? I also want... But yeah lor, I think, better keep it P&C for now la... I'm sure it will be nice...
I dare not ask for quote now as I dont really have the money yet... So, I scared ppl 'pei si ngo'... But I scared I do so nice also no use la... No one will look at the Savvy of mine... Hahaha... To be specific, no chicks will look at the Savvy of mine... Hahaha...

BTW, what is P & A ar???

oppsss....suppose to be P & C.....private and confi...

aha...even if i got no training tha day also no use...cos monster garage didnt open...its labour day mar...
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skyrap :
i think i saw u (ur car) in big tree foot today ... :regular_smile: :regular_smile:
TEAMADVAN: The offer still on??? Will you be at Monster tomolo??? If you are, then maybe I will drop by...

skyrap: eating breakfast during lunch time = brunch.... Hahaha...

Sigh... Finally Saturday... At least got 1 day to do all my things...
danhong...i will be there on monday....5pm onward....

skyrap : yumcha? u at ipoh liao ar? ring my handset la....
my PC got worm time to do the de-worm job yet....hardly log in at the time being.....
now using monster's got wi-fi one...very shiok....haha...
but very stim now...almost 4am already.....
few more days to go i guess....then my job is eventually done...(i hope)
the rest is the paint guy's job...
TEAMADVAN: OK!!! I will try to be there by 8 something... BTW, you are called Ah Lam, right??? Hahaha... So paiseh... Until need to ask like that...
yup...was eating breakfast in the afternoon.. hehe..just wake come u didn't call me...? u with girl girl leh?

haha ... i was goin bk home after lunch la . u doin big business inside there . i dun dare to kacau la bro ... look c look c ur car enough dy la . :regular_smile: :regular_smile:

any recommendation on where can spray rims not ?? thanks .
one more thing ... hehe . anyone wanna buy my muffler ( cap ayam hks ) :_: :_: ... ish malu , :vroam: :vroam:
eric_ho20: I also wanna spray my rims wo... Hahaha... You research then share with me la... Can mou???

TEAMADVAN: They ask me how I wanna mod, so I tell them "Top Secret" style just like you told me... Then when I saw their reaction, I feel like they think I am playing them... Hahaha... It's kinda like, when they ask me... I answer them, "Chiu Kup Bei Mut" style... Then they give me that type of "Leng-chai-lei-wan-yeh-ar" look...
Can ask you something??? Do I pay out front or wait till they finish??? Then can I send the car to them tomolo night??? Will they be open???
eric_ho20: I also wanna spray my rims wo... Hahaha... You research then share with me la... Can mou???

TEAMADVAN: They ask me how I wanna mod, so I tell them "Top Secret" style just like you told me... Then when I saw their reaction, I feel like they think I am playing them... Hahaha... It's kinda like, when they ask me... I answer them, "Chiu Kup Bei Mut" style... Then they give me that type of "Leng-chai-lei-wan-yeh-ar" look...
Can ask you something??? Do I pay out front or wait till they finish??? Then can I send the car to them tomolo night??? Will they be open???

haha......u can pay abit first...say like 100....and the rest when collect the car....
and one thing....they say u dun like like student at 30 yrs old...hahaha!....
Wei .... student cannot be more than 30 meh ..... I am still studying too wor .... Everyday and Everynite.
danhong81 :
haha ... i also " whole head clouds " la . i need to ask ppl around here also . yaya , once i get any info ill share u k . no worries bro .
TEAMADVAN: My friend who fetch me back from there, he open big mouth sayI am working la... Luckily, I can think of being a trainee in my current company... Hahaha... Dunno will die or not.... Dunno how my car will look like on Saturday... Dunno they can manage to get enough space to fit in the mod...

eric_ho20: Hope you can get it cheap and good workmanship la... I am looking at around RM100-RM150 la...
danhong81 :
bro ... err , if u wanna look for good workmanship i think wont be around da figure u stated there le . i think u should get ready at least 200bucks . aiya , u workin ma ... sure can one geh . im still surveying now le . any help ?? btw , wat colour u wanna spray ??

hmm ... i wanna ask , i plan to change my whole interior le . im looking for door trim , seats ... ( brand new ) anyone got jalan on where to get da WiSE interior ahh ?? thanks alot . i wan black colour one .
eric_ho20: Hmmm... For RM200, I think you are using high temperature powder coating leh.... I dunno la... I just want economy only... And also, I have to find somehere to take off the tires b4 sending it for spraying... Or at least borrow me 4 wheels for me to send my rims for spraying...

TEAMADVAN: Sorry ar... I always bother you and ask you so many questions... See la, you can give suggestion on how to mod my car too... I know nuts about doing it one....
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Wei .... student cannot be more than 30 meh ..... I am still studying too wor .... Everyday and Everynite.

wahahaha....daytime u learn mandarin while night u learn yoga by twisting your XXXX trying to make it turn and vibrating???


danhong, the air duct hav to be relocated as theres stablising bars under it....
but it looks more garang that way instead of locate it according to your bonet line.....
after that, u have to go find a good and cheap painter......
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