The Difference Maintain Turbo And N.a Car.let's Discuss

erm no one wants to hehehe
too many discussion on it, and u can actually just go to :P
actually in zth forum here already has many of these discussion
to me maintain a turbo car is juz like maintaining a NA car
juz change the engine oil,gear oil n etc
n it depend on how u mod n how u drive ur car.
its the same..n.a and turbo ...only diffrence is how much u spent on the mods for turbo..and fuel consumption..thats all..the rest like oil filter...etc all same.
not much different na and turbo but u hav to keep in mind that engine oil
flow through turbo and it involve lots of heat.

btw, turbo car sometimes sucks because of leakage such as, i/c pipe leak,
oil rail leak etc etc..just think wanna play vtec laa
turbo charged vehicle hav more wear n tear.. for example the engine mounting very fast hancur if u whack it everyday~~
white_bird said:
turbo charged vehicle hav more wear n tear.. for example the engine mounting very fast hancur if u whack it everyday~~
so if u think lke that better dun whack lo.... heheheh..... free bumpppppppppppp
yalor.. i whack it once in awhile only.. haha.. mounting expensive ar.. petrol also expensive ar~~ :P
what if u maintain the standard engine spec

meaning that dont mod anything except the exhaust,intercooler and air induction piping. Would there be any diff if u go for a more heavier mods. :cool:
how comes the junior member started a new thread n never discuss? cabut oledi ar?

NA = Natural Aspiration
TURBO = turbo

This is treads makes zth lack of substances.. Forever there will be one junior member.. without going through the treads pops a question which has been discuss time n time again.. see the topic also sien edi!!!!!... sheesh.. forgive me for being so cruel with my words... just use the dem search button.... sorry bad day... forgive me..
Dino@Casper said:
This is treads makes zth lack of substances.. Forever there will be one junior member.. without going through the treads pops a question which has been discuss time n time again.. see the topic also sien edi!!!!!... sheesh.. forgive me for being so cruel with my words... just use the dem search button.... sorry bad day... forgive me..


y so mad huh? din go clubbing huh? :dancing2:
hahaha... didn't go clubbing like that edi ah... die lou.. nothing lar... my car's black strip got knock off accidently by me today... the black lining.. sheesh...
Dino@Casper said:
hahaha... didn't go clubbing like that edi ah... die lou.. nothing lar... my car's black strip got knock off accidently by me today... the black lining.. sheesh...

oic...i juz got saman today....nothing to blame...

god decide :frown:
Must be speeding with ur car lar.. haha.. joking dude... ur car banyak fast... evo right?.. if i remember correctly...
Dino@Casper said:
Must be speeding with ur car lar.. haha.. joking dude... ur car banyak fast... evo right?.. if i remember correctly...

not evo la..las time difer car..not fast edi

not speeding la...the polis saman me 'ganggu lalulintas' gf at car n ask police gv me one minute osocannot..i go take stuff only ma...where got block ppl car...dunno wat the plois think la...tis is my 1st saman...
Dino@Casper said:
should ask ur gf move the car mah... hehehe.. just one of those days i guess

my gf dunno drive my car la.....

i juz back from port dickson n Fxcking shit....i got another saman....speeding....shit.....but i nego n setle it on the spot...rm30 only....luckily...tis one ok la..i admitted my wrong

but tat parking summon realy fxck cibai....
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