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yea.. heard tat over the radio. Actually i kinda dislike some owners whom bought the pups or kittens just for the sake of 'khau lui'.. or cute when small, but when they grow up.. .they dont like anymore so they just throw it at the pound.

pity the dogs and cats...
I won't adopt a dog or cat thats for sure. I tell you only 1 out of 10 people would really care for their pets. And i'm not one of them. Many many moons ago my aunt have bought this little dog as a pet. It was fed but not well taken care of. Just like many owners nowdays. Yes, i'm condemning all pet owners because it is the truth. And that 1 out of 10 fella can stand out and defend themselves all they want. Nowdays people would rather keep money than to keep pets.

Also i hate my neighbour for keeping 2 dogs for feng shui. They are well fed, but there is no love for them. They bark incessantly. Compared to the 3 other households in my neighbourhood than own dogs, they take them for walks and all. They don't bark without reason. Dogs are not feng shui items!! They would not bring luck!!! IDIOT!!
Some owners have pets for their children and when the infants grow up, they have no way of 'disposing' of these pets. Often they just drive them somewhere distant and let them go. Though they are animals, they are still living creatures with feelings. It's a crime against humanity when these atrocities occur. Instead of spending millions on building a bridge, perhaps issues such as these should be addressed first. The issue of morality has cropped up recently and what kind of example are we setting by 'murdering' these poor animals? Spend some money a free nutering drive or building a bigger shelter for these animals, etc.
anyone whom wishes to adopt a dog... or to help them out... pls visit the:

The adoption drive will be held today, from 9am to 4.15pm, at No 1, Jalan Utama, Taman Perindustrian Puchong Perdana (next to the Mariamman Hindu temple).

spending 2k on a pure breed doesn't mean anything.. as a matter of fact, sometimes a mongrel is even more obidient than a pure breed, and is healthier too... they are still dogs and also loveable.

hopefully the doggies and kitties are able to find a home.
Every dog (or cat) sold from pet shops should have an unremovable tag that bears the owners name and ic number. So if said pet needs to be put down, the owner can be tracked down to go together with the pet...only after they've been anally raped by a big rottweiler...with rabies. Only seems fair.
There are electronic ID tags for pets. But you have to get them implanted at the vet. And they are not cheap. The gov ain't gonna sponsor no pet ID with license scheme. If there was such kind of scheme, i believe there would be no strays. But then there are the illegal breeders......
yes there are owners who buy pets for the wrong reasons. Just because they "bought" pets with their own marney they think they have their own stupid right to dispose them however they like (to them it a material thingy).

But those who feed them too (unethical breeders who only do for profit sake) they should be reprimanded.

pets are good for children and studies have shown that growing up child are generally better ( for those who have pets.) statically .
i have had 7 dogs at once last time.. some of which i adopted from paws.. some i took off d streets.. lots of them grew old and died... it's always hard to see a friend die... yes, i regard them as friends... now i've got 4... and lately, i don think i have enough time to take care of more.. if not i'll take in more... sigh
Duke Red said:
Some owners have pets for their children and when the infants grow up, they have no way of 'disposing' of these pets. Often they just drive them somewhere distant and let them go.

Sadly, I've had this happen to me before.
Back when I was much younger, I remember following my parents in the car and we had our pet dog together.

I was confused as to where we were going to, then my dad stopped the car in the middle of nowhere, gestured my dog (I can''t remember its name) to come out, then led it to somewhere abit further from the car and just left him there.

I remember looking back from the backseat of the car as we were driving off. And I remember feeling tears rolling down my cheek. Only then I realised what had happened. Why? I don't know.
Cow said:
Sadly, I've had this happen to me before.
Back when I was much younger, I remember following my parents in the car and we had our pet dog together.

I was confused as to where we were going to, then my dad stopped the car in the middle of nowhere, gestured my dog (I can''t remember its name) to come out, then led it to somewhere abit further from the car and just left him there.

I remember looking back from the backseat of the car as we were driving off. And I remember feeling tears rolling down my cheek. Only then I realised what had happened. Why? I don't know.

No offence dude, but that was not cool. It's the same way I got my current dog. Some dude in a 4x4 just dropped him off on Sprint Highway. My neighbour picked him up, brought him back and asked if I wanted him. Needless to say, I agreed.
if u bring any pet home makesure u takecare of them like your own family members,otherwise never ever bring home one,u will make the pet suffer.
Btw my last dog died of old age after 18 years giving good services, being good and loyal to my family, we miss him very much!
The council had said that they had issued Ng numerous warnings to remove the dogs but they were ignored.

So if we leave our car parked in a space for too long, the council will blow it up?

The council had also claimed that the dogs attacked several enforcement officers who went to the house to have them removed.

Well one of the reasons people have dogs is to keep trespassers out right? Did they expect the dogs to give them a kiss on the cheek?
Tohsan said:
if u bring any pet home makesure u takecare of them like your own family members,otherwise never ever bring home one,u will make the pet suffer.
Btw my last dog died of old age after 18 years giving good services, being good and loyal to my family, we miss him very much!

Good services as in, being there when you're feeling horny ? hahaha jk only
commitment commitment commitment . dont fall prey for those disney movies lol
People tend to forget that beside having the dog to play with etc etc, they also need to take care of the dog, which can be a tiring chore if you start with the wrong reasons. As usual, only looking on the "good" side of owning a pet, and not the "bad" side.
heard it over today morning..
they said all the kittens were adopted yesterday n 11 dogs were taken as well...
good job, fellow MALAYSIAN!!!
Tohsan said:
if u bring any pet home makesure u takecare of them like your own family members,otherwise never ever bring home one,u will make the pet suffer.
Btw my last dog died of old age after 18 years giving good services, being good and loyal to my family, we miss him very much!

i dunno how old the dog is but i think it should be quite old maybe 18 years old too when my aunty put it to sleep.

but it wasn't sick or anything.

just because she wanted to go overseas to where her kids are working for a long holiday. :mouth_closed:
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