Satria R3 Stolen

aku_sangap said:
damn it man..really really sad to see that is wrong wif malaysia nowadays?....sheeshhhh....

p/s: r3 and sgti will be completely out of my wish list frm now on.....

u could add putra 2 that list 2 :frown:
lude said:
this car was there since u started working ah? i know my friend's sr3 suffered the same fate and his car was also in mutiara for the last 2 months but long time ago his mileage was already 6k+ km so cannot be the same car cos u said that one had a mileage of 1k+ km only.. hmmm.. if not the same car.. whose is this?

Erm i'm not actually working there..Just going thru on-job-training..Been there bout 2 weeks now..Erm how i know the mileage?? Well my manager told me said the car only covered 1k++ Km..Well he could be wrong..
Things like that really scare the heck outta me... sometimes people spend so much on their cars only to have it stolen. Sigh.
I saw a SR3 without its spoiler that day... felt like shit even though I dont know the owner.

Sorry to hear about your friends case.
hmmm...err :hmmmm: how come noboby or police come and claim the R3 in the pic???

damn sad to see a good car strip like that man.....:frown:
KingHaruan said:
hmmm...err :hmmmm: how come noboby or police come and claim the R3 in the pic???

damn sad to see a good car strip like that man.....:frown:
Police report insurance claim all done, awating the parts to refurbish the car
just curious.. what is Edar's rationale in taking out the instrument binnacle and steering? scared might get stolen while being kept there is it?
lude said:

just spoke to nazim and he was as surprised to see the pics.. he was like "where's the steering and meter console?"
If I were him I'd be calling Mutiara PESC now and askin too. Not nice to know that your car has been cannibalised. MOMO steering is worth alot wei.
WMW 1070 has been found sans interior (seats and steering wheel) wheels, rear disc brakes and exhaust manifold

incredibly the R3 CF wing was unharmed.

Awaiting insurance before R3 will return the car to full Glory.

Car stolen in Sunway and found in Pandan Indah.
good to hear.. its sad to see a stripped car but heck its a whole lot better that not to have recovered it at all..
faisal said:
WMW 1070 has been found sans interior (seats and steering wheel) wheels, rear disc brakes and exhaust manifold

incredibly the R3 CF wing was unharmed.

Awaiting insurance before R3 will return the car to full Glory.

Car stolen in Sunway and found in Pandan Indah.

Wah much worst than the car in mutiara damansara..They didn't take the front discs?? Now thats weird..
adrianlek said:
prozac already edited d post.
thts why u c WMW now n not WNW :biggrin:

Saw this msg in

Satria R3 Stolen in Sunway
21st October 2005 - FOUND!
"WMW 1070 has been found sans interior (seats and steering wheel) wheels, rear disc brakes and exhaust manifold. incredibly the R3 CF wing was unharmed. Awaiting insurance before R3 will return the car to full Glory. Car stolen in Sunway and found in Pandan Indah." -Faisal Asri, R3.
YO!! great news for u man!!
sighz.. i still yet to find my missing GTI which got stolen tis monday..

haizz.... how come ur insurance everything so fast wan?/

mine they told me mebbe need to wait 6-9months wo..
from experience when my putra was stolen.. the longest police will take to close the case is 3 months if they think no chance of finding.. it can be faster if u got kaki.. for insurance claim as far as i know.. bank negara gives insurance companies 6 months to settle claims and this is inclusive of the max 3 months the cops might take.. some say it depends on which insurance company so it's also still depends on your luck.. with all the pestering to the cops and numerous status calls to the insurance company.. i got my claim settled in 5 months..

hope they either find your car or give you a reasonable compensation..
Insurance Claims

The first time my car was stolen, the claims took 9 months to settle. This was with oriental caoital and that insurance company sucks. They have a lousy exec working in the claims department and he f*** delayed my claim. He never calls and never e-mails when the documents are ready.

As for my second car, i'm using London Pacific. Everything in the nsurance side is ready including the adjuster report. Now only waiting for case close letter from PDRM. But thid is the shitty part. Its the hardest as you have to contact the sgt. in charge of your case to write the letter. If you get to see him then, some kopi will do and the letter will be out. For mine, everytime i call police station, he's never in. And when i get him on the mobile to make appointment, he say he's not sure if he is going to be in the station. Call again later. So me being busy, can't go.

But anyways, be prepared to loose some money on the insurance as they never pay full.
Hmm.. when my brother's Kembara was stolen, the cops took only 3 weeks to close the case, and 2 months since then, we've already got our claim. Pretty quick, compared to some of you guys, really.
hanjin said:
The first time my car was stolen, the claims took 9 months to settle. This was with oriental caoital and that insurance company sucks. They have a lousy exec working in the claims department and he f*** delayed my claim. He never calls and never e-mails when the documents are ready.

As for my second car, i'm using London Pacific. Everything in the nsurance side is ready including the adjuster report. Now only waiting for case close letter from PDRM. But thid is the shitty part. Its the hardest as you have to contact the sgt. in charge of your case to write the letter. If you get to see him then, some kopi will do and the letter will be out. For mine, everytime i call police station, he's never in. And when i get him on the mobile to make appointment, he say he's not sure if he is going to be in the station. Call again later. So me being busy, can't go.

But anyways, be prepared to loose some money on the insurance as they never pay full.

Wah!!! bro u lost ur car twice ah
2pac said:
Wah!!! bro u lost ur car twice ah

ya lor, what to do. Malaysia no security at all.

but anyways, hope to find my car soon. got some news of it's ware about and trying to locate the chasis. Might want to use it for track car. Or might vist R3 soon to mod!
haizz still no luck in finding my car..
haizz.. sad la..

i come zth forum, almost everyday i see a new thread sayin their car broke into, stolen n etc..

damn tis dum thieves..
the gonvernment should jst put up a law, if car thieves get caught, get the hell beat up to death also can, den i tink it might lowered the crime rates.

seriously they are damn irritating..
u fix up ur car nicely.. enjoying it a a day or 2, nxt thing they smash ur screen rip those stuff off n vandalised ur car..
haizz >.<

wish me luck in finding my car
KryPToN said:
Damnn... so hard to keep such a nice car. I guess there is no security system that can prevent this. Unless you follow Prozac's style of "security system" in keeping his goodies safe... (Sorry Prozac.... just wanted to 'cucuk' abit! :D Just that I personally never thought of such a creative method. Peace man! Peace!!)

But whats the point in getting such a sweet ride then? Sighhh.... how much does insurance cover btw? The saaadest part of them all is that you can never get another R3.

R3 is as rare as ori EK9.
good to hear that the car has been recovered. so whats the latest update bro?

dem sien to drive nice car these days.. : (
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