satria keyhole lights


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Senior Member
Dec 6, 2005
well i just brought second car few month ago..yesterday i notice that there is no lights came out from the keyhole..
so i plan to diy my self to replace the bulb,after i replace it ,it look fine but the problem is it never turn off even i close my door manuallly or using remote..
the ilght will stay...the blub is really hot and i afraid it will melt the wire o socket..
is that my wirering problem? any ideas? or sggestion//

yup all car ..30 second ..but mine..its seems forever..need help Huhuhuh
Wah use that kinda bulb of course hot la

Try using leds, the 12V kind.
erm erm... anyone DIY before such keyhole lights on non-keyhole lights starter before??... i remember there's a topic somewhere in here regarding this... but dunno lost where adi....
imoloq said:
Wah use that kinda bulb of course hot la

Try using leds, the 12V kind.

i think the wire is direct to battery..that's why it wont turn off :cry_smile:
Ok i'll try..but will led make car battery kong early then it supose to be? and skywalker..if find the thread ,,inform to me k...

thanks hehehe
i remember they use acrillic rod and bend it around... somethings similar to BMW angel eyes headlights, but much smaller version... hmm...
SkYwAlKeR said:
erm erm... anyone DIY before such keyhole lights on non-keyhole lights starter before??... i remember there's a topic somewhere in here regarding this... but dunno lost where adi....

yea , i remember tat today too .. .i was following it last time, but then no good reply was ever generated ... the thread juz died off... so dunno la ... hope someone would know how to do that diy ..:regular_smile:
Can try using EL wires but those are a bit expensive

I think the acrylic tubes are a great idea
yeah, i've been searching around accessory shops for EL wires but cannot find...
anyone got lubang??... how much is it cost??...
what is dat bulb for the key hole called ? long in shape right ? mine burn oledi wanna find one but very mar fan take out ..... who knows ar ? i wanna go buy a good one can last long .... dun one use 2 -3 months die off .... where can buy ?
i used led in my perdana... think about 1year already... still shining like brand new... :D
edwin just go to acc shop and ask for meter bulb..kruger wat kinda led do u use? 12 volt?..if the led turn on 24/7 ...u think ok x?
sure got problem lor... day light also need to light it up for what??... haha joking la... its preferable that it switches off during daylight lar...

mayb u can tap the wire to cabin light or a 'light sensitive diode" (dunno whats the specific name)... it switches off when there is sunlight... similar to those night lamp u use at home, where it automatically switches off during daylight....
any one know where to buy the condom ar ? i heard there is one which it fits into the bulb to make the colour change ..... any one knoe where to find ar ?
my car also same lah.. the light will turn on n never off.. how to repair like normal back?? s all wira n satria, the lights will go off after 30 secs?? thanx in advanced
just 3v led connected to 1.5k ohm resistor...

guys, just my 1cents. why not u guys trace the wire from the lights and see if got any relay or other device connecting to it. may be that device is kong already...
Sorry for late reply, got some problem with my comp

EL wires can be found in some accessories shop but they are quite expensive. Search ebay if you are really desperate hehe
finally got pp who have the same problem with me hehehe..e819 if u find the solution tell me k :) and kruger i only see 2 wire conneted to the bulb..maybe + and - ..and the wire is connect to the socket :)

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