My experience in workshop.

tq d7zul
but all over now, although i didnt win the court case, but happy enuf his bussiness closed down.
i believe bro danz is one good example for us all. the tak apa attitude is worthless, as other may fell victim to this type of businesses which take us consumer for granted & take advantage of us. making report & fighting them at TTPM may take time, we might or might not win. fighting for whats right at the right place has its reward.
but i was surprised u know when i reported to TTPM online, i registered & report in the morning, by evening they called me, to make appointment for hearing the following week.
after the hearing (if cannot settle, they will make next appointment for trial), the appointment for trial is the following then must settle edi......2 weeks can kautim everything, but depends how complicated is your case......overall im satisfied with TTPM.

thats y now ah, dun be afraid if our or other workshops tries to cheat us, swap our engine parts or overcharge....TTPM is always there......dun worry......
after i sued him, he slowly lost his regular customers as everyone knows the story in this area.
finally workshop closed down & he went back to his kampung.
all this happened within less than a year


whole chasis was realligned costs almost rm2k.
costs borned by workshop
I hate fore mans, even I am around to have my vehicle inspected, the way they drove my car like no body business, ram here and there like my car cannot spoil , so old car what Is the heck of driving at such speed, after servicing I collect it the problem occur, to my conclusion I felt that foreman has the intention to damage our vehicles
dun worry bro...after a while u will learn stuffs & those con-foremans wont dare to cheat u....
for me, my mech knows that i will bring my stuffs that need to be changed, if a problem occur, i will troubleshoot it myself...i have the manuals...if unable to do so will ask frens......if still cannot just ask the foreman...some will tell u to change this change that.....they can give advice, but its up to u wanna change anot...1 more thing, study the market price for it.....u aint wanna pay high premium for china/taiwan stuffs rite?
dun worry bro...after a while u will learn stuffs & those con-foremans wont dare to cheat u....
for me, my mech knows that i will bring my stuffs that need to be changed, if a problem occur, i will troubleshoot it myself...i have the manuals...if unable to do so will ask frens......if still cannot just ask the foreman...some will tell u to change this change that.....they can give advice, but its up to u wanna change anot...1 more thing, study the market price for it.....u aint wanna pay high premium for china/taiwan stuffs rite?

Well said.
I have my doubts about reporting these buggers. Most of the time the court will rule the workshop to repair your car again.. but why would I want to send my car to the people who destroyed it?

I believe I saw online somewhere someone had a similar experience and the workshop was ordered to repair the car, the owner later found out that the workshop had swapped other parts out of the car while repairing the car.

How do we protect ourselves from these dirty tactics?
its true...but u can inform the judge that u dowan to repair your car there...
& bring it to another shop to avoid these such descrepancies....
ok bros....
ive made up my mind & decided not to proceed anymore with the court case.....
y? because its time consuming & money involved....& doesnt mean i will win the case.....
anyways, we cant always win rite? we win some, we lose some.....maybe i have no rezeki.......
because he once told me that his mother was sick, cos his wshop was closed for a few days few mths ago.......& i saw his workshop still open on raya eve.....& even on last tues was open already...maybe he needed the money....

when i recall the incident, i feel very angry........but there is nothing i can already happened...

but although i didnt win the case, i gained alot of experience from it, at least i know how our law system u all, in case this happens to u ......u could refer to this thread or ask me for advice........

ok guys...thank you all for you support all this while.......

We cannot always receive and not give. Should you be the better man, God can see and will always reward the generous in the future, people make mistakes and its the past, forgive and forget. If he disagree to follow your terms, do what is necessary. If he agrees, let it go and call it a day. Then again respect you upon your actions!
after i sued him, he slowly lost his regular customers as everyone knows the story in this area.
finally workshop closed down & he went back to his kampung.
all this happened within less than a year



well there is some one who will say we "tutup periuk nasi" that men.But like people say don't shit where you it. He got his least you prevent more people been cheating lah bro.:proud:
although both owner & mech were my fren...but they took me for a ride...
so when it comes to bussiness....fren or not fren....i'll take u down if u bring me for a ride.....
i already warn them before i send in my car that becareful of my suspension, brakes & tires cos
they are sort worn out......but they didnt care bout my advice though....
fuh... i took about 1 hour to finish from 1-35...
there's a lot of case i heard about this situation..
im also faced that before..
but i agreed you did a great job to prevent others also kena..
DanzEterna, felt sad abt your bad experienced...but felt of proud took the legal way of bringing down the inresponsible mech. Salute...
Stumbled upon this old thread yesterday. Took a few hours to read it all. A good and informative thread.

Sadly, the Perdana is no longer with Danz anymore now.
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