to be or not to be?
is this the right way to handle a power tool?
congrats to the 5 new owner -
unwrapping their new baby..... just like gift from above
master seech begins the class with - study of paint damage, swirls infliction
RIDS.....random isolate deep scratches???? remedy for restoration
eg. how would you clear this 1500 grit sanding marks
close up
master seech carefully showing the right techniques of handling the machine
how by using just the new optimum double side foam pad & optimum hyper spray POLISH ....enabling him to do the job
at work
ta da
mirror finish again
how from this
now ta da
Later we move on to paint study, paint damages,
the root caused of clear coat paint failure mostly by paint poor preps job & road side car wash (harsh chemicals)
sanding marks prior painting - resurface after paint cured
a very common scene here
boils down to poor preps prior painting -
look at how factory paint still remain good on top of the worn out CC paint
Less is more - if we handle it well shouldnt be repainted
the secret of handling the machine is
practice - cords behind yr shoulder, always starts at the minimum speed & gradually increase...the max is to speed 3 - 1200 will be sufficient for tropics climate like us - as our paint melts under the extreme equator lines....
remember the secret is to keep your pad all times
thanks to the brilliant magic portion of Doc G
it has been another wonderful time of lesson & knowing so much new friends
Our little effort in sharing our knowledge to trains others in car detailing..... thanks to Master seech who came & taught us