After much awaited moments.......finally the day came....and we walk down the isle together
Far Far Away Land *&^%$# this is not Shrek!!!
Presenting you the Hands on Car detailing class! It has been almost 3 years since I last held any big detailing class(es)
It is rather hard to conduct such an event when you are in the business, somehow it contradict your interest......
it has also being very challenging times for me personally and to locate a free Venue to hold such an event....* as I hosted it 'free' ...for the lesson and all
I am thankful and owe my gratitude to Raymond and TJ * they are an awesome bunch......** ever generous in sharing their passion and also their experience...
more over how often you can get free sampling, to try out ...especially european product....proven but not available...before
without much intro....the patience for the day
Guess? what car?
I needed a demo car! for all first time detailing enthusiast to try on...guess what?
a German Marques...A C class AMG fitted ride
While waiting for the time to start....I had to hurried to wash the car and prep for the hands on
1. Begin washing the car - Ensziett Hantz Shampoo
Verdict: An advanced car wash shampoo that removes road grime while synthetic polymer waxes bond to the car surface adding protection and a high gloss shine you'll ... to provide unsurpassed wax-like gloss and protection that lasts for several weeks. Perls gently removes dirt and environmental grime without stripping your paintwork's wax finish, spotting or leaving a film residue common with traditional car soaps and detergents. Environmentally safe, phosphate-free, and biodegradable.
I find it provides excellent lubrication to prevent scratching and conditioners to maintain the shine. Your hands will appreciate the special skin conditioners, too.
* most paint damages inflicted during car wash and drying process, either by wrong techniques or wrong product ( detergent! washing powder, adds on(commercially) eg degreaser, Acid base all purpose cleaners...- getting the fundamental right is very vital and most important
** I showed and pass around - drying agent of such....
- old towel or rags
- worn out mircofibers
- Microfibers
- water magnet
*** The Techniques - never ever, use round and round srokes (circular) to wash or dry.. ... after some time you will find lots of Swrils like spider web, scuffs, R.I.D.S & more wound like damage
- Start from Top then down! not bottoms up, we are not drinking....
- practice * North South and east west Strokes
- be gentle - although the clear coat is the most wonderful protection evermake for your paint but is delicate too, it may prematurely fail, if it is abuse
- Seperate your washing cloth into multiper colour for different segment * Upper Body , ** Lower body, ***Wheels, **** Interior, *****Engine
Tips - Think Green! recycle! reuse!
Always use the new MF towel for top body after 3-4 months...transfer it to thelower body
those lower body, then uses for rims or engine bays
one of our large size drying towels - water magnet like results
#2 Body surface preperation - this is 2nd mst important steps
- we tested the area by doing a swipe test with a damp microfiber - to get a feel of the contaminations# this ride is truly neglected
- we didnt use any de ironizer or wax remover, the shampoo is sufficient
- removing surface contaminations (Clay + Einszett Cockpit premium * is one of the most far best lube for a quick and smooth clay action - like indurtial fall out, brake dust - abestos- metal flakes, birds poos, tree saps, alien inflicted contaminats
I am supprise the ladies is more attentive than guys and they stand through for the next 3 hours
getting your hand on - Passive leaners and not observant
** most of the contamination was remove swiftly by Polih Angel - Glaycolic clay * as little as one pass
Now the rest of
once - body is well prep
we now look for the issue.......only good lights and proper light enable us to see thedefect clearly and effectively - thakns to Zenon power
On a scale of 1-10, how glossy is your paint? Do you find yourself chasing those fine swirl marks?
come closer
TADA....this damages during washing and drying! I always aint going anywhere if you not walking though the first step correctly
Close up
if you notice carefully.....there is plenty of swirls (horrendous) RIDs Scuffles ...worst of all 'Orange Peels'
my objective is simple and getting my message across was easy and simple...after showing them the WOW wow damage effect....everyone is attentive and I remember hard for me to start ....without internet ....people help....detailing or car wash centre folks ........ or find any willing one to share! it was so tough, even of the detailer said - used maximum speed of the rotary to finish your polish @#$%^&* i wouldnt be here if I follow what he says... going this lonely , challenging journey.... struggling to used by folks or abuse of my kindness
I always believe "blessed is on he who give ..... and though it I gradually find my self improving, as you need to prepare to first needed to be taught ........ over the years I learnt as much by sharing - reminding myself to STAY LOW to fly high
time to sweat.....
#3 Paint correction begin
Tools to be used - the conventional Rotary Makita M9227 & Deltalyo DA with CUTTING COMPOUNDS & POLISHES
* you will be amazed shorty
** as you notice - i have tape up 4 four do our surface test....
First Compound area and side by side for Polish (area) for both the force rotation and DA Dual Action Polisher
* correct handling method
** costume - tuck in all the loose clothing & wearing the detailing apron (protecting your car being scuffs by your belts and extra pockets for MF or camera
*** I begin showing them how to handle the machine , method and directions
**** we want to know how the paint react with different tools, speed, product and pads!
TIPS - always start your polishing on the left to right , top to bottom, coevring half moons! lapping over!
TROUBLE - MY S95 finally failed me.....and all these pictures shot by my 4 year old phone
* picture are soften to protect & not invading PDPL
this is the area corrected by the first time polisher - not bad for a start...i remembered how the whole rotary fell on my girl friend car when I first tried...thank goodness nothing of such happen
this hood has plenty of sanding marks! dimple like round sanding marks before....promise to show you the picture (guys please share)
verdict - the swirls and RIDs is still visible - inspite of force rotation from rotary polisher !
so I pass the Deltalyo DA and the results after the second pass * with Polish angel Mater final
we managed to to get the paint corrected but alsoall the previous sanding mark by the painter was removed completely
hands on and sweat out
asthonishing for first timer...and I was taken a back of the results
ta daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
the over all results after the first pass
the over all results - most improved after the second passes
verdict - who need rotary for cutting - where first timer can use a DA and final Polish to acquire asthonishing results
seeing is beliving
*it contain the both DAT & SMAT
**Long working time
***Dust free
***So easy to use even for any fist timer
this is Phenomenal
amazing resuts from Deltalyo DA + Polsih Angel Master Final Polish
from this
to this - with just one pass
moving to the left side
and my phone battery died...........................
Step 4
LSD - protection -
Sealant Polih angel SYNTHETIC SEALANTS
Coating - polish angel Cosmic COATINGS
later we did - sanding
* orange peel removal
** Key Scratch removal
*** Interior detailing
**** normal hand wash method - how to wash , like what we usually do back at home
some of us left at almost midnight

hanks to all who came - to the ladies as non complaint it was boring....
My gratitude to EinAuto Hub for their generosity and hospitality ... lavishly allow us to try all their product
for more info please check out at
stay tune for more
Far Far Away Land *&^%$# this is not Shrek!!!
Presenting you the Hands on Car detailing class! It has been almost 3 years since I last held any big detailing class(es)
It is rather hard to conduct such an event when you are in the business, somehow it contradict your interest......
it has also being very challenging times for me personally and to locate a free Venue to hold such an event....* as I hosted it 'free' ...for the lesson and all
I am thankful and owe my gratitude to Raymond and TJ * they are an awesome bunch......** ever generous in sharing their passion and also their experience...
more over how often you can get free sampling, to try out ...especially european product....proven but not available...before
without much intro....the patience for the day
Guess? what car?
I needed a demo car! for all first time detailing enthusiast to try on...guess what?
a German Marques...A C class AMG fitted ride
While waiting for the time to start....I had to hurried to wash the car and prep for the hands on
1. Begin washing the car - Ensziett Hantz Shampoo
Verdict: An advanced car wash shampoo that removes road grime while synthetic polymer waxes bond to the car surface adding protection and a high gloss shine you'll ... to provide unsurpassed wax-like gloss and protection that lasts for several weeks. Perls gently removes dirt and environmental grime without stripping your paintwork's wax finish, spotting or leaving a film residue common with traditional car soaps and detergents. Environmentally safe, phosphate-free, and biodegradable.
I find it provides excellent lubrication to prevent scratching and conditioners to maintain the shine. Your hands will appreciate the special skin conditioners, too.
* most paint damages inflicted during car wash and drying process, either by wrong techniques or wrong product ( detergent! washing powder, adds on(commercially) eg degreaser, Acid base all purpose cleaners...- getting the fundamental right is very vital and most important
** I showed and pass around - drying agent of such....
- old towel or rags
- worn out mircofibers
- Microfibers
- water magnet
*** The Techniques - never ever, use round and round srokes (circular) to wash or dry.. ... after some time you will find lots of Swrils like spider web, scuffs, R.I.D.S & more wound like damage
- Start from Top then down! not bottoms up, we are not drinking....
- practice * North South and east west Strokes
- be gentle - although the clear coat is the most wonderful protection evermake for your paint but is delicate too, it may prematurely fail, if it is abuse
- Seperate your washing cloth into multiper colour for different segment * Upper Body , ** Lower body, ***Wheels, **** Interior, *****Engine
Tips - Think Green! recycle! reuse!
Always use the new MF towel for top body after 3-4 months...transfer it to thelower body
those lower body, then uses for rims or engine bays
one of our large size drying towels - water magnet like results
#2 Body surface preperation - this is 2nd mst important steps
- we tested the area by doing a swipe test with a damp microfiber - to get a feel of the contaminations# this ride is truly neglected
- we didnt use any de ironizer or wax remover, the shampoo is sufficient
- removing surface contaminations (Clay + Einszett Cockpit premium * is one of the most far best lube for a quick and smooth clay action - like indurtial fall out, brake dust - abestos- metal flakes, birds poos, tree saps, alien inflicted contaminats
I am supprise the ladies is more attentive than guys and they stand through for the next 3 hours
getting your hand on - Passive leaners and not observant
** most of the contamination was remove swiftly by Polih Angel - Glaycolic clay * as little as one pass
Now the rest of
once - body is well prep
we now look for the issue.......only good lights and proper light enable us to see thedefect clearly and effectively - thakns to Zenon power
On a scale of 1-10, how glossy is your paint? Do you find yourself chasing those fine swirl marks?
come closer
TADA....this damages during washing and drying! I always aint going anywhere if you not walking though the first step correctly
Close up
if you notice carefully.....there is plenty of swirls (horrendous) RIDs Scuffles ...worst of all 'Orange Peels'
my objective is simple and getting my message across was easy and simple...after showing them the WOW wow damage effect....everyone is attentive and I remember hard for me to start ....without internet ....people help....detailing or car wash centre folks ........ or find any willing one to share! it was so tough, even of the detailer said - used maximum speed of the rotary to finish your polish @#$%^&* i wouldnt be here if I follow what he says... going this lonely , challenging journey.... struggling to used by folks or abuse of my kindness
I always believe "blessed is on he who give ..... and though it I gradually find my self improving, as you need to prepare to first needed to be taught ........ over the years I learnt as much by sharing - reminding myself to STAY LOW to fly high
time to sweat.....
#3 Paint correction begin
Tools to be used - the conventional Rotary Makita M9227 & Deltalyo DA with CUTTING COMPOUNDS & POLISHES
* you will be amazed shorty
** as you notice - i have tape up 4 four do our surface test....
First Compound area and side by side for Polish (area) for both the force rotation and DA Dual Action Polisher
* correct handling method
** costume - tuck in all the loose clothing & wearing the detailing apron (protecting your car being scuffs by your belts and extra pockets for MF or camera
*** I begin showing them how to handle the machine , method and directions
**** we want to know how the paint react with different tools, speed, product and pads!
TIPS - always start your polishing on the left to right , top to bottom, coevring half moons! lapping over!
TROUBLE - MY S95 finally failed me.....and all these pictures shot by my 4 year old phone
* picture are soften to protect & not invading PDPL
this is the area corrected by the first time polisher - not bad for a start...i remembered how the whole rotary fell on my girl friend car when I first tried...thank goodness nothing of such happen
this hood has plenty of sanding marks! dimple like round sanding marks before....promise to show you the picture (guys please share)
verdict - the swirls and RIDs is still visible - inspite of force rotation from rotary polisher !
so I pass the Deltalyo DA and the results after the second pass * with Polish angel Mater final
we managed to to get the paint corrected but alsoall the previous sanding mark by the painter was removed completely
hands on and sweat out
asthonishing for first timer...and I was taken a back of the results
ta daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
the over all results after the first pass
the over all results - most improved after the second passes
verdict - who need rotary for cutting - where first timer can use a DA and final Polish to acquire asthonishing results
seeing is beliving
*it contain the both DAT & SMAT
**Long working time
***Dust free
***So easy to use even for any fist timer
this is Phenomenal
amazing resuts from Deltalyo DA + Polsih Angel Master Final Polish
from this
to this - with just one pass
moving to the left side
and my phone battery died...........................
Step 4
LSD - protection -
Sealant Polih angel SYNTHETIC SEALANTS
Coating - polish angel Cosmic COATINGS
later we did - sanding
* orange peel removal
** Key Scratch removal
*** Interior detailing
**** normal hand wash method - how to wash , like what we usually do back at home
some of us left at almost midnight

hanks to all who came - to the ladies as non complaint it was boring....
My gratitude to EinAuto Hub for their generosity and hospitality ... lavishly allow us to try all their product
for more info please check out at
stay tune for more
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