How bad can water spot damages your car? how worst can Mineral deposit kills you paint? How do you preserve your beloved Possession against aging and envioroment contaminations!
how water mark inflict your car like leper
'i wouldnt says abandon or neglected car wouldnt get! yet for a new car is so unbelievable!!! it does kill the car and devalue
when i was washing this 6 months car
prior to collecting his car! the sales advisor advise my Friend to coat the car! you must protect your car
fast forward months later
on the chrome
I couldnt believe my eyes,
on the glass
on the paint
close up on the craters looking water mark
take a closer look
it is like fish scales
likemy favourite sunsets on the beach......except for the scales damaging the paint
feling like crying
for the next whole day I spent trying on different polish compounding product and to get the right combination to get this rescue and not endangered the existing clear coat paint
thanks to road side car wash
close up
Menu for the day
Pre wash
1. einszett Anti Insect + Pre-Cleaner
2. wash down with einszett car shmpoo PH neutral
3. Clay with Polish angel Clay Bar with Polish angel Baby Clay lube
Paint Restoration and Correction
1. Detalyo Krestel FRA DAS 6 Pro & Makita M9227
2. Pads combi
Buff & Shine
3. M101 + Polish Angel
1. Polish Angel Coat Shield
2. Opti Coat Leather
after 50% corrected and non corrected
Ta daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
the side body before
ta daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
roof before
on the glass
the glasssss after
ehhhhhhhhhh leper water spots...mineral infected
time for protection
curing time
please allow the picture to speaks
on the paint BEFORE...leper water mark
Ta daaaaaaaa
the side body before
rear hood
remember the paint before
Thanks for saving and protecting me
Some day shot
roof before
luster ...restore....
mirror shine
for the next 2 hours, I was chatting with him and his wife, how to care and wash their car

take hold of your belonging and start caring for them
how water mark inflict your car like leper
'i wouldnt says abandon or neglected car wouldnt get! yet for a new car is so unbelievable!!! it does kill the car and devalue
when i was washing this 6 months car

prior to collecting his car! the sales advisor advise my Friend to coat the car! you must protect your car
fast forward months later
on the chrome

I couldnt believe my eyes,

on the glass
on the paint
close up on the craters looking water mark

take a closer look
it is like fish scales
likemy favourite sunsets on the beach......except for the scales damaging the paint
feling like crying
for the next whole day I spent trying on different polish compounding product and to get the right combination to get this rescue and not endangered the existing clear coat paint
thanks to road side car wash
close up
Menu for the day
Pre wash
1. einszett Anti Insect + Pre-Cleaner
2. wash down with einszett car shmpoo PH neutral
3. Clay with Polish angel Clay Bar with Polish angel Baby Clay lube
Paint Restoration and Correction
1. Detalyo Krestel FRA DAS 6 Pro & Makita M9227
2. Pads combi
Buff & Shine
3. M101 + Polish Angel
1. Polish Angel Coat Shield
2. Opti Coat Leather
after 50% corrected and non corrected
Ta daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
the side body before
ta daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
roof before
on the glass
the glasssss after
ehhhhhhhhhh leper water spots...mineral infected
time for protection
curing time
please allow the picture to speaks
on the paint BEFORE...leper water mark
Ta daaaaaaaa
the side body before
rear hood
remember the paint before
Thanks for saving and protecting me
Some day shot
roof before
luster ...restore....
mirror shine
for the next 2 hours, I was chatting with him and his wife, how to care and wash their car

take hold of your belonging and start caring for them