Malaysia Car Detailing Guru KC present - Professional Car Detailing Hands On lesson

Re: Malaysia Car Detailing Guru KC present - Professional Car Detailing Hands On les

Bro, believe me - if you're really interested in polishing and stuff, don't skimp on the hardware. I regret buying my ROB, it doesn't have the power of a full on Makita polisher or whatever brands you're into.

Save up and buy a proper Makita / Bigfoot / Bosch polisher (RM900 and above) and you'll never need to upgrade your hardware.

And like what veteran VR2Turbo said - this isn't a cheap hobby

You asking him jump in the sea and not the lake.....hhahhaha
Yup, if jump into the sea, get Rotary polisher, but to me rotary more for correction. For my normal detailing like polish and wax I still use my Bosch orbital. Lighter and easier to handle, and not dangerous.
Rotary also need practice. Too fast, run too hot, burn your paint then

Wah! Bigfoot I think cost more than rotary......:driver:
Re: Malaysia Car Detailing Guru KC present - Professional Car Detailing Hands On les

I saw a tools call Skill got speed control does it work also. not into business venture so home DIY only so no need tat expensive tools. Like wat vr2turbo said dont let me jump into the sea 1st.. haha
Re: Malaysia Car Detailing Guru KC present - Professional Car Detailing Hands On les

Bro, believe me - if you're really interested in polishing and stuff, don't skimp on the hardware. I regret buying my ROB, it doesn't have the power of a full on Makita polisher or whatever brands you're into.

Save up and buy a proper Makita / Bigfoot / Bosch polisher (RM900 and above) and you'll never need to upgrade your hardware.

And like what veteran VR2Turbo said - this isn't a cheap hobby

lol dude at least your Bosch BOD is better than my B&D BOD. Although its modified to Velcro backing, it still lacks the speed to cut. It does the job on cleaning or polishing the paint but it doesn't break down the polish compound good enuf and its a hell of a job to buff.
Re: Malaysia Car Detailing Guru KC present - Professional Car Detailing Hands On les

I saw a tools call Skill got speed control does it work also. not into business venture so home DIY only so no need tat expensive tools. Like wat vr2turbo said dont let me jump into the sea 1st.. haha

I remember a friend mention the Skill one with stop if too much pressure is applied, means motor not that strong but can be used.....:driver:
Re: Malaysia Car Detailing Guru KC present - Professional Car Detailing Hands On les

lol dude at least your Bosch BOD is better than my B&D BOD. Although its modified to Velcro backing, it still lacks the speed to cut. It does the job on cleaning or polishing the paint but it doesn't break down the polish compound good enuf and its a hell of a job to buff.

B&D sold in supermarket that is why many buy. Bosch mostly sold at hardware shop and actually is a
Re: Malaysia Car Detailing Guru KC present - Professional Car Detailing Hands On les

I remember a friend mention the Skill one with stop if too much pressure is applied, means motor not that strong but can be used.....:driver:

ok will try on this brand.... will review later
Re: Malaysia Car Detailing Guru KC present - Professional Car Detailing Hands On les

B&D is much cheaper that's why people buy it haha..and the brand is a famous one too
Re: Malaysia Car Detailing Guru KC present - Professional Car Detailing Hands On les

Check whether it comes with backing plates

Bro this machine come wit backing plate, and wat the different between polisher machine and rotary machine? i had try on hand using soft 99 on bonnet.
Re: Malaysia Car Detailing Guru KC present - Professional Car Detailing Hands On les

Bro this machine come wit backing plate, and wat the different between polisher machine and rotary machine? i had try on hand using soft 99 on bonnet.

ROB or Random Orbital spins and moves in circular motion to act like human hand polishing in circular motion. Rotary spins on a center point at high speed that is why have to be very careful if using this machine. Have to move it around and not polish same spot too long as it will burn that spot.

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