in simple term .... Bitumen is the remnant of crude oil after the petrol....and there are a least hundreds of product available and the most effective ..like acidic base solvent...which widely pratice by car detailing shop (to save time and increase productivity)..petrol or diesel.....heheheheheheh
imagine - those aggressive chemical of petrol used on Lambroghini, Ferrari, Mclaren, Konigggggggggggggggggg
I still practice this from day - using the least aggressive and safe way to remove them
how to get rid of annoying or irritation
I have encounter thousands of same contaminants in my detailing jouney, and the sameold prosess must be tackle and approach with the right steps!
also written many of my personal encounters to share with you ....how i do it
Car detailer: Tar remover - the safe & effective way by detailien
Car detailer: Alien Clean Review - the all mighty power clean by Detailiens
I begin by
1. einszett Anti Insect + Pre-Cleaner
2. wash down with einszett car shmpoo PH neutral
3. Clay with Polish angel Clay Bar with Polish angel Baby Clay lube
4. Using ALien Clean on some hard stains area
lastly rinse off and protect by LSP
lower rear bumper
sprayed on to agitate
allow it get soak in and gently....remove
yes this is my secret
remember before
at the end of the day ....I speaksof health more than wealth!!! Do unto others what you want others to do unto you
a petroleum production also known as bituminous surface treatment (BST) or "chip-seal",Tarmac (short for tarmacadam, or tar-penetration macadam) is a type of road surfacing material
in simple term .... Bitumen is the remnant of crude oil after the petrol....and there are a least hundreds of product available and the most effective ..like acidic base solvent...which widely pratice by car detailing shop (to save time and increase productivity)..petrol or diesel.....heheheheheheh
imagine - those aggressive chemical of petrol used on Lambroghini, Ferrari, Mclaren, Konigggggggggggggggggg
I still practice this from day - using the least aggressive and safe way to remove them
how to get rid of annoying or irritation
I have encounter thousands of same contaminants in my detailing jouney, and the sameold prosess must be tackle and approach with the right steps!
also written many of my personal encounters to share with you ....how i do it
Car detailer: Tar remover - the safe & effective way by detailien
Car detailer: Alien Clean Review - the all mighty power clean by Detailiens
I begin by
1. einszett Anti Insect + Pre-Cleaner
2. wash down with einszett car shmpoo PH neutral
3. Clay with Polish angel Clay Bar with Polish angel Baby Clay lube
4. Using ALien Clean on some hard stains area
lastly rinse off and protect by LSP
lower rear bumper
sprayed on to agitate
allow it get soak in and gently....remove
yes this is my secret
remember before
at the end of the day ....I speaksof health more than wealth!!! Do unto others what you want others to do unto you