Advance Car detailing Crash Course by Malaysia Detailing Guru KC

Awesome... beautiful job man...

KC, you mentioned that is there is a clear coat, we will burn the clear coat. What this means? Does it mean that if our car got clear coat, this method is not suitable?
Awesome... beautiful job man...

KC, you mentioned that is there is a clear coat, we will burn the clear coat. What this means? Does it mean that if our car got clear coat, this method is not suitable?

that time we was detailing a single stage paint with sifu kc and some other participants. the car we detail is a proton saga with a single stage paint. so the paint definitely will stick to our pad cause is a non-clear coat paint. unlike now, we have melanie clear, urethane clear and scratch resistance clear, those clears i mentioned above is being used by all the manufactures nowadays. but if the paint which have clear coat (example: urethane clear) is stick to your pad means you burn the clear coat alredi and actually you're polishing the base coat. if is a single stage paint is normal that the paint is stick to your pad cause single stage paint only have base coat which is a non clear coat. so single stage paint will get oxidized easily compare to clear coated paint. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: hope it helps.
that time we was detailing a single stage paint with sifu kc and some other participants. the car we detail is a proton saga with a single stage paint. so the paint definitely will stick to our pad cause is a non-clear coat paint. unlike now, we have melanie clear, urethane clear and scratch resistance clear, those clears i mentioned above is being used by all the manufactures nowadays. but if the paint which have clear coat (example: urethane clear) is stick to your pad means you burn the clear coat alredi and actually you're polishing the base coat. if is a single stage paint is normal that the paint is stick to your pad cause single stage paint only have base coat which is a non clear coat. so single stage paint will get oxidized easily compare to clear coated paint. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: hope it helps.

thats very very true

Thanks for the tips

now what we have just learn - clear coat is only as thick as a 70g paper that thick. so must wash with care...can u imagine when it is whack with aggressive car wash - very very soon our clear will get worn out & ta da - mati lo the paint
thats very very true

Thanks for the tips

now what we have just learn - clear coat is only as thick as a 70g paper that thick. so must wash with care...can u imagine when it is whack with aggressive car wash - very very soon our clear will get worn out & ta da - mati lo the paint

agree with you kc.. :proud: and please update your blog ASAP! cant wait to read your next post d.

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