losing weight~~~

jinkl-hey it's a very good idea...but when u wanna start?
i need to lose another 10kg before mid next year...
if possible in 3months...hehehehhehe
jinkl said:
loosing weight, ok here i come , come i show u something :)
hehehhe .. i knw one or two gonna come in and laugh


left was me 6 months ago, the right side is me 2 months ago

total weight lost 20kg , period - 4months
mistakes i did - did not eat well , no nutricious food at all
i tell u the side effects later hehe

ok this is wht i did every single day
- 7 rounds in the stadium in 30 minutes
do not attempt a 7 round in the first day itself , why ? cos u will get too tired and give up the jog , i started with slow walks , after a week fast walk , tht was jst 4 rounds a day , then went up to 5 then only 6.
- after tht , jump into the gym , U MUST pump light weights , if u used to pump 10kg in one hand , and u used to do 10 reps and 3 rounds , now u got to do 20 reps , 3 rounds bt reduce ur weights to say 6kg , heavy weight will build muscle , light weight and more exercise will burn ur fat down, do sit-ups i did bout 150 a day
- after gym , i hunt for side games , tennis , basketball , badminton , pingpong
if u r not used to games , u gonna get a big heart pump , take rest between time to time, u will build stamina in time . join ler zth badminton games
- food intake , DO NOT FUCKING NOT EAT anything , what u musnt eat is red meat, forget ur bak kut teh and rendang , nothing with sugar is permitted , dream on ice cream , rice u got to cut down, u know usualy u go economy rice u take only quater of tht the rest push it down , take vegetable , TAKE alot of them , i fill my plate with atleast 60% vegetable, then whts left is Tau Fu , and u can take fish , fish is not a problem man , once in a while u can take chicken, tht one oso take stim sticken , kicap chicken or wht, no no to fried , forget ur nasi lemak and roti canai man, no mcd , no kfc , no pizza , no cheese , no sugar , go to pharmacy and get PAL SWEET artifical sugar , COKE ? go take diet coke and get used to it. A BIG NO to beer , beer has the most calories , u need to run atleast 12 rounds in the staidum to burn one tin of beer u know ?
- water, u need to finish atleast 3 big mineral bottle water per day , and this does not include the water u drink during exercise, take 100plus once in a while to get minerals
- concept of loosing weight and food intake
food = calories , fat and carbo = high calories , fibre = low calories
calories input - calories burned = add weight ... this is if input it more than burned
calories burned - calories input = loose weight and fat burnd

forgot to tell u , when u exercise u need to breathe properly , to burn fat u need OXYGEN , and do not work HARD in exercise , u must work less bt work LONGER , u mustnt feel pain , PAIN = build stamina + build muscle

ok here u go if u did it wrongly
if u dont eat and do not exercise , wht will happen ? u will become a SOTONG , ur weight will come down, u will come like a SISI , u will be very weak like a gal , if u dont eat properly , no minerals , u will get sick easily and not strong to fight pain , no antibody , the worst thing i faced for not eating food properly is HAIR LOST , hair drops if u dont eat properly cos u lost all ur vitamins and minerals. if u dunt eat properly, one fine day when u start back to eat properly, u will EAT LIKE A PIG , ur appetite will get EVEN BIGGER THAN GODZILLA and finish the whole buffet in hilton hehehehhe. please do taste chicken and meat once in a while , dowan u to go crazy and start biting humans , remember to go to pharmacy and get MULTIVITAMIN tablets with ZINC and B-Complex , its good so u get the vitamins even if u eat less. NEVER EVER go for diet pills and other stupid dieting products, ITS CRAP !!!!

its more to determination and concentration
DO NOT SKIP meals , there is no such thing as " i dint eat lunch lar , now i eat dinner double plate lar" , try not to eat late dinner , cos u eat late u will go to sleep after that not good cos the things u ate u dint burn , so eat early , do not eat supper , u got to learn to say no , someone offer u to eat in KFC, say NO , best excuse u should give is "i am vegetarian today cos got prayers" , errr easier like this hahahahhaha , y dont u look at a beautiful gal tht u alwiz dreamed of and consider loosing weight so u can go after her hahhahahahahaha, do not hide the deal that u r trying to loose weight from ur friends specially gals , cos gals will support u as i know and they give possitive feedbacks now and then to help u out , dont go tell a guy u dieting hahaha u sure kena tiu lolx

erm .. im still on the journey , 20 more kg to loose, hehe , lets gooo.....
jin ... how much do u weigh right now?
ganbatte jinkl!! :rock:
well,kookoo...u can do it too...heheh...a lil cheersleading here... :dancing2:
zephyr3d : aprox 100kg

kookoo : mid next year 10kg , sure no problem one lerr, take it slow lerr :)
sure wan to bet or not hehehehe

wah dint know lot of ppl to support :) kookoo sure cannn... lerr .. everytime u want to exercise jst call up bikinigal to cheer for u
hey thanks bikinigirl~~
i'll try my best la...got so much pressure la~~stress
i know i can jinkl...but the pressure is driving me crazy~~
sigh...so stress la...i hate ppl pushing me...sigh...but i have no say~
haha...no prob...if u in pg, i'll bring u go hiking then, swimmin then, canoeing(uuurrrggghhh ...i'm so in love with the game now!!)...hehe....then, go sunbathing (natural sauna...ekeke....) :rock:

errr....jinkl...like dat can lose weight ar?i mean, i'd rather do enjoying activities to lose weight naturally than to do activities ONLY to the intention of losing weight and not enjoying it, rite?!

jinkl said:
wah dint know lot of ppl to support :) kookoo sure cannn... lerr .. everytime u want to exercise jst call up bikinigal to cheer for u
bikini's way of getting slim is = on the bed
jin's way of getting slim is = exercise+proper eating+discipline

go jin go jin go go jin!

damn hardworking..
wow.. gonna take alot of determination.. willpower and disipline ...

i only keep gaining weight. hahaha.. die die.
who said having sex cant help in weigh loss??!! :albertein
weighloss during sex

[/QUOTE=SPEEDSPiRiT]bikini's way of getting slim is = on the bed[/QUOTE]

shankspony 04-Sep-2001 17:53


The Dieter's Guide to Weight Loss During Sex

"The Dieter's Guide To Weight Loss During Sex"

How much weight do we lose during sex? The diet literature explains calories
burned while jogging, playing tennis or golfing, but similar information
concerning sexual activity has, until now, been unavailable. Yet, a survey
of 206,000,000 people indicated that 96% devote more time and effort to sex
than jogging, tennis, or golf, and we felt that the time was right for a new
type of sex manual.


1 hr. intensive foreplay Burns Off: 1 slice (large) chocolate cake.

25 min. nonstop lovemaking Burns Off: 2 slices of pizza with cheese & mushrooms.

53 min. of kissing partner Burns Off: 1 cheeseburger with
14 french fries.

53 minutes kissing yourself Burns Off: Christmas turkey with all the trimmings.

Includes setting the snooze alarm and dimming the lights:
42 (calories burned)

Hiding the sex manual: 3
Decanting the wine: 4
Without a corkscrew: 268

If you are shy: 15
If you are anxious: 43
If you beg: 100

If you are rich (cash): 5
If you are rich (credit card): 15
If you are poor: 200

Fumbling: 4
Casually rummaging around: 7
Seriously rummaging around: 42

With partner's consent: 12
Without partner's consent: 187
Removing socks by violently shaking feet: 418

Blowing in partner's ear: 15
Blowing in your own ear: 2,512

DISAPPOINTMENT (after seeing partner undressed)
Partner looks better with clothes on: 10
Partner wears corrective underwear: 15
Partner turns out to be of wrong sex: 100
You don't mind: 0.25
Partner wearing elevated socks: 50

Fumbling around: 4
Desperately trying to put something somewhere: 18
Completely missing: 126

Italian (man on top; woman on bottom): 26
German (facing each other, but in different beds): 48
English (woman on top; man hiding): 15
American (both on top): 1,243

Leg cramp: 36
Making believe you don't have a leg cramp: 612
Sneezing (during intercourse): 7
Sneezing (during orgasm): 588

Toupee slips off (if your partner knew you wore one): 5
Toupee slips off (if partner didn't know): 72
Extinguishing cigarette (in ashtray): 1
Extinguishing cigarette (in mattress): 17
Extinguishing cigarette (in partner's leg): 133
Calling your partner the wrong name: 50

Shoes flew off: 15
Expression didn't change: 0.5
Room turned purple: 4
Face turned purple: 78
Earth moved: 30
If Earth actually moved: 1,234,588
Moaning in Turkish: 506

"I am so grateful": 15
"It must have been something we ate": 15
"Was it good for you?": 15
"Are you finished?": 15

If woman is ready: 5
If man is not: 563

After sex: 18
During sex: 546
While parking car: 212

Real: 5
Faked (a good way to avoid sex-craved partner): 74

In a bath: 5
In a sink: 150
In a jacuzzi: 15,269

With partner still in it: 44 (indicates either a neatness obsession, a
severe optic disorder, or a partner who is very tired).
With you still in it: 97 (suggests extreme withdrawal
and profound dissatisfaction)

Maintaining your own record of sexual activity will be
helpful for keeping track of weight loss.You needn't go
into detail, just list the activity and the number of
calories burned. A typical entry in a woman's journal
(for example) for a pleasant low-key sexual
experience might read as follows:

December 1st: Sex with Harold

Explaining how: 12
Suggesting something different: 3
Calming terrified Harold: 40
Encouraging him to at least take off his socks: 8
Foreplay (a little of this; a little of that): 56
Intercourse (standing position): 22
Intercourse (holding Harold up): 10
Intercourse (urging him on): 5
Orgasm: not sure
Thanking Harold: 3
Waving bye-bye: 1
Total time: six minutes (taxi waiting)
Total calories burned: 160
My 2 cents:

a) Don't ever skip meals as it will only lead to fat retention. Our bodies are designed to sustain us and as such will store fat for a rainy day when it is starved.

b) Eat in moderation as most of us over eat at 1 sitting. It's better to have 5 smaller meals rather than 3 big one's.

c) Avoid Oily & Fatty food, also those high in sugar. Only eat carbs if you plan to exercise as carbs are a source of energy.

d) EXERCISE, there is no shortcut. A few tips though. There's no such thing as spot reduction (meaning if you wanna trim your waist, doing situp will NOT help as muscle is formed under the fat). Ideally, do both aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Your body is like a car's engine. The bigger the engine, the more fuel it consumes. Similarly the bigger your muscles, the more fat you burn even at rest. Notice how you don't see fat body builders.
SataniC said:
lose weight fast....get high with vitamin D...ehehhehehe....theres no fast way of losing weight...if you stop eating completely...yes you may lose a bit of weight but thats just your water/body volume...and its hazardous...heehhehe

oi setan, this kinda topic.. u and i better stay 10 feet away and keep quiet.. mauhahaha

btw, take nothing but GANJA... confirm sure lose lots of weight
sex is good for your health also..
considered as an aerobic activity,good for your heart and also built your stamina...hehehe
let me just give some pointers la..hope its beneficial.
will try to put this as short as possible la.

starving can help u reduce ur wasteline without a doubt but why want to suffer dat way?? most obese people or overweight people loves food..correct me if i'm wrong.some obviously have medical illness like hormonal dysfunction like hypothyroid i.e inactive thyroid. thyroid is a neck gland which secretes throxine which governs our metabolism together wiv other homones as well.
When we starve, our body senses there r less energy consumption thus lowering our metabolism accordingly. Besides dat starving also cause loss of many vital nutrients.
during starvation mode we lose more muscle(fat burner) than fat..our metabolism will very low n thus when we suddenly start eating like before or slightly more after we have achieve our desired weight, bammm we put on weight at a rate much higher than the rate of losing weight.


this is my theory la..don think any research carried out yet.. just after ejaculation our testosterone drops. n since it plays a role governing our metabolism together wiv thyroid hormones n growth hormone etc thus leading to a reduce basal body metabolism as well n thus gain weight..
so if u guys work out alot n able to watch blue film without ejaculation then...huhu..power la.
sexual stimulation like watching porns does increase testosterone level sky high but for a short period only la..


Exercise boost our metabolism thus increase fat burning.. but remember don over do it la.. dat goes to everything else..
my principe is too much of anything is not good... imagine drink too much water also can die, too much money also dangerous etc..

dats all 4 today la... too tired typing
hope able to contribute.. cheers guys...
lose weight fast ?? join Fitness First if u wan to know more about membership detail pm me. We have a damn good promotion going on best ever !!
The proper and correct eating habit for a person who want to loose weight and for body builders are, they eat 6 times a day.

Oat is one of it, damn fookin' hard to eat for beginner, especially plain oat, but if add some raisins would be nice.

Oat - 4 scoop with hot water + some raisins. :tongue:

500 ML of HL low fat milk, with some high fiber biscuits (i.e Jacobs)

That is your 1st breakfast around 8am, 2nd breakfast around 10.30 perhaps? :tongue: , eat again the Jacobs biscuits with tea (teh o without sugar).

Then your lunch, half rice, 2 vegetables 1 meat. Fried chicken is ok, try to take the breast part, and throw away the skin part.

After lunch, eat 2 oranges.

Somewhere around 4.30pm, take a yogurt or eat biscuits again with teh o. :tongue:

Dinner, eat small portion like lunch meal.

After dinner, around 9 something, eat fruits.

The next monring, you are ready to do some 'business' .. LMFAO! :rofl:
BTW this is my diet plan is about the same with simplythebest as i taugh him couple of months back dunno if he achieve his goal yet.
i have tried this for 2 weeks only, MY goal is diet for 1 month but failed.

7:30am CardioVascular workout for 60minutes keep my heart rate at 70%
9:00am Breakfast 2 slice of low fat milk chese 10g protein + calcium for my bone
10:00am 1 scoop of nitrotech protein powder around 25g protein or u can choose to eat 10 white eggs OMLET style no sugar no oil no salt scary part !!
12:00pm Lunch time i cook my own brown rice 1 scoop = 15g and 1 slice of chicken breast proberly give 15g protein+ steam brocolli damn high fiber.
2:00pm Guava+apple give me Vitamin C + high fiber make sure u eat the skin as well
4:00pm Protein shake or 10 white eggs again.
6:00pm Repeat on 12:00pm meal
7:00pm Weight training for 45 minutes high intensity workout means go for light weights.
8:30pm Protein shake for recovery from workout.
sleep at 10:00pm

TIPs dun let ur stomach hungry keep eating every 2-3 hours eat guava and green apple like junk food. Take multi vitamin a,b,c,d,e fish oil as well must take B complex. Cut down carbohydrate increase protein intake is ur goal... But dun overload protein if not u r shiting and pissing money out wasted !!

NO sugar, no sodium, no oil, high intensity workout + 60 minutes cardio daily.
IN 2 weeks time i lose 2% body fat and increase 3kg lean muscle...

My weight was 80KG 178cm 22% body fat..
after diet 2 weeks weight 81kg 20%body fat i can see my muscle getting leaner.. But strength goes down bcos of diet..

My experience is this is no life i really respect the body builder can keep constantly keep their body fat < 10% with durian at abs. awesome hard work strong mental and passion only can do this....

Enjoy reading give me some feedback, different people have different diet program not neccessary have to follow mine but i just simply giving the idea... For those who dunno me i work at Fitness center i got the advantage of doing all these. But most of u dun work at fitness center still able to do it, just need to find some time for eating and little cooking..
Thanks for reading !!
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