losing weight~~~

Zeneger : will it be a problem if i pumped weights ?
as u know im already big sized and still overweight
i pump weight for my bisep , trisep , shoulder , wing , arms , for about 1 1/2 hours daily
i used to carry light weights but more reps
but lately for the fun of it i carry more , dont laugh hehehe one hand around 13kg dumbell
problem is eversince i started this
im no longer loosing alot of weight anymore
jinkl said:
Zeneger : will it be a problem if i pumped weights ?
as u know im already big sized and still overweight
i pump weight for my bisep , trisep , shoulder , wing , arms , for about 1 1/2 hours daily
i used to carry light weights but more reps
but lately for the fun of it i carry more , dont laugh hehehe one hand around 13kg dumbell
problem is eversince i started this
im no longer loosing alot of weight anymore

Well simply giving you guys some tips about weight trainning.. for a beginner means never do weight trainning in the past.

You need to build the foundation.

Shoulder, leg, lower back, forearm this is a basic and most important body part that you must work on. WHY ? it can prevent injuiries if this 4 part is strong. Your shoulder rotated calf muscle, wrist, and lower back is the most common injuiries area if you carry heavy heavy weights... Lower body is 1 of the most important part bcos it is the largest muscle group, you need to increase your hormone testasron by working out on big muscle group. Building muscle basic ingredient is eat well nutrition is most important dun be stingy if u wan nice body shape. Protein, recovery (enough sleep), Hormone testaron this is why female cant build big muscle bcos they dun have testicle.

Beginner means 1-2 years on weight trainning more then 3 years and above consider veteran where they muscle is much more mature. Mature mean the muscle better shape, more lean, and solid (HARD).

Alot beginner start their weight trainning in 12months time and aspect good muscle shape chance is rarely. At 1/2 way they start give up because cant see any result. Thats y u can see in malaysia still not much body builder (macho man). Lets said in a gymnasium out of 100 man working out only less than 15man have good body shape where u will admire their body !!!

I been in this field for about 7 years, hope this information can help you . Thanks for spending on reading CHEERS... If anyone think that i bull shit pls give me some feedback, i would like to share knowledge....
jinkl said:
Zeneger : will it be a problem if i pumped weights ?
as u know im already big sized and still overweight
i pump weight for my bisep , trisep , shoulder , wing , arms , for about 1 1/2 hours daily
i used to carry light weights but more reps
but lately for the fun of it i carry more , dont laugh hehehe one hand around 13kg dumbell
problem is eversince i started this
im no longer loosing alot of weight anymore

Whats your goal JIN ? Losing size or weight ? Losing weight is not important the most important is lose body fat %%%... Let me tell you why ur weights wont drop.. At the same u have build up muscle.. Muscle is 2 X heavier then fat... So carry on with your weight trainning and cardio vascular trainning.. The first 10 kg is always easy to lose the coming body fat will depends on ur passion, and consistency never give up 1/2 way. Even if u have archieve your goal dun ever think of stop it...

You cant maintain your goal without trainning.. If u wan to be looking good you must do more then others did all the hard work will pay you when u r confident about yourself u feel fit and look good... Thats ur reward for those who only know how to admire and lazy doing nothing,, keep on dreaming then.. Until 1 day u will wakeup when u have medical check up, your friend call you fatass, your gf ask u come on dun be so lazy i dun wan to weak man i wan strong man u look horrible compare to 3 years back i knew you hahaha wat a joke but it is real life...

Enjoy reading i have see many of this people in my life they have goal in mind but they just lazy and dun wan to change their lifestyle, 1years 3 years 5 years 10 years how many years u have in your life if u still doing nothing and wan to be look good feel good and healthy....

Dun ever wait until a day DR told u hey u got to start excercise your colestrol, blood pressure, heart is weak....
yeah lor see ur avatar oso ganas hehehe :)
u in this field meaning u own a gym bro ?
i dun own a but i manage a Gym at Cheras the most famous gym in Malaysia guess which 1 haha you could a member of that gym. BTW how did u view my avatar ?? i cant see ?
ZeNeGeR said:
i dun own a but i manage a Gym at Cheras the most famous gym in Malaysia guess which 1 haha you could a member of that gym. BTW how did u view my avatar ?? i cant see ?

alaarrr of cos i remember u so long time ago redi
remember u had a 4g92 mivec ? correct ? even asked advice on it b4 i tink
The fastest way is to take methaphamine crystals (ice/syabu). just take it for 1 month and stop. maybe around 30-40kgs ? just dont get hooked on to it,lol.

another way is always vomit after you eat, bullimic ? dont do it for too long... after become anaroxic
Hmmm GOod point aeonic but before make u buy a few insurance.. It will die faster hahaha
jinkl said:
Zeneger : will it be a problem if i pumped weights ?
as u know im already big sized and still overweight
i pump weight for my bisep , trisep , shoulder , wing , arms , for about 1 1/2 hours daily
i used to carry light weights but more reps
but lately for the fun of it i carry more , dont laugh hehehe one hand around 13kg dumbell
problem is eversince i started this
im no longer loosing alot of weight anymore

one of the most common misconceptions people have is that you have to slim down before hitting the weights. again the bigger the engine, the more fuel it requires to run, ceteris paribus.
aeonic said:
The fastest way is to take methaphamine crystals (ice/syabu). just take it for 1 month and stop. maybe around 30-40kgs ? just dont get hooked on to it,lol.

another way is always vomit after you eat, bullimic ? dont do it for too long... after become anaroxic

Bulimia is widely acknowledged as a disease and should be avoided ler.
kookoo keep it up la! me oso on diet now.. >.<"" although is quite torture but wat to do.. lotsa nice dress waiting for me LOL~
wah... that kind of diet ar? hehe No way I'm going to do that although it's possible. haha You can actually go on a more easy diet, retain some strength and gain some mass. Well, don't expect much mass to be seen in a short time, though. But you'll know all that anyway. hehe
how to lose weight fast???
wanna get more ideas...n ways to

easy take the drugs my blardy cousin sells... RM900...

make u lose appetite and also u wont feel to eat.

can add dosage if still doesnt work...


better do some exercise n ask ur gym trainer or experience people better way to reduce the fat...

n eat a lot of fibres...
After reading all the posts by u guys,i think i'll go for Duke Red's comments. It reli makes sense. I also got a special diet plan menu from Marie France. Who wants?
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