Local women ‘choosy and troublesome’

why choosy? Because most of them mentality havent change yet

You want nice looking,with cars,bangalow/condo,good job,with alot of cash,nice character la,patient to you,love ur parents..

Come on....women,you all are going after a perfect guy

I notice this trend...mouth said nvm...actually inside the heard really want a perfect guy.When either one of the criteria is not perfect,then fnid another one.

Very simple...they think we are GOD
why choosy? Because most of them mentality havent change yet

You want nice looking,with cars,bangalow/condo,good job,with alot of cash,nice character la,patient to you,love ur parents..

Come on....women,you all are going after a perfect guy

I notice this trend...mouth said nvm...actually inside the heard really want a perfect guy.When either one of the criteria is not perfect,then fnid another one.

Very simple...they think we are GOD

Well, i believe there's no perfect guy..
& no1 is deem perfect!!
& i aint seeking a perfect soulmate!!
OK la, i remembered one of x gf rejected me bcoz i have no sex appeal n another x gf bcoz i got no EVO 8 n money. very choosy nowdays.

Hope u guys dont fall for a girl who uses her fake name just to fall in love with you.
if anyone notice..

gurls want guys to be thier type....change us to the type they want...dont do this..dont do that...

but if guy want to change the gals...they think guy want to control them...please top up ur prapaid...coz its crying session...coz its hard for them to accept what a guy said... or worse...wouldnt listen...

what we need in couples is trust, tolerance and forgiveness.... a must for both side..
if anyone notice..

gurls want guys to be thier type....change us to the type they want...dont do this..dont do that...

but if guy want to change the gals...they think guy want to control them...please top up ur prapaid...coz its crying session...coz its hard for them to accept what a guy said... or worse...wouldnt listen...

what we need in couples is trust, tolerance and forgiveness.... a must for both side..

This one i agree. Not really girl even guys, u guys remember the jealous bf thread ??
OK la, i remembered one of x gf rejected me bcoz i have no sex appeal n another x gf bcoz i got no EVO 8 n money. very choosy nowdays.

Hope u guys dont fall for a girl who uses her fake name just to fall in love with you.

types like these are crawling everywhere.. SIGH!!!!
i maybe a gal but i noe guys situation..
cos i've got a few gfs who belong 2 this category..:Not_Impressed:
as for me, CHOOSY may not be the reason i have not found the rite guy 2 share my life!!!! It's all about COMMUNICATION, CHEMISTRY, TRUST, UNDERSTANDING & most important the correct mix of FEELINGS & PASSION!!:angel_smile:
i had my grandma bro, who still alive which is 70-80++ years old.
he is still single n live alone. kinda wealthy or just ngam ngam middle class.
and 1 day, he decided to buy over a girl from some country. i think is vietnamese, and it does appear in newspapers once. he need around rm100k to buy her backn giving her family some $$ as wedding gift. n the girl is just 18years that time. (she is even younger then me 2-3 years)

n now she get to malaysia, she is not lost contact with the family. just rare to call back, as she was brought back to be wife of my old uncle. Learn to speak mandarin and chinese.
in this 2-3 years, the incredible was, the old man still can produce spearm to have legacy of his own.

n he told us, nowadays girls r better be brought or buy over. No rejection n no arguements. as the girls will listen to the one who bring them over.
y r local girls are big sigh?

some of them dont even to request more of u guys.
some of them request is a call each day or a sms to let us feel ease n not heavy hearts.
it all depends on chemistry and what you look for in a girl...... i am seem to be fond of independent,smart,inteligent,hot looking,well groomed beautifull, educated professional malaysian and singapore women..they might be choosy,snobish,arrogant.....but that just get me even hotter when i bed them.....this kind of women have help me to evolve from the shy person i was.....
this kind of women also tell you in the face if u are not up to par...this keeps me on my feet...so are they wife material for me ...no.....i am not interested in getting married to a competitor......
why viet,thai,indon,philipine,india,china......women are more appealing...they have not evolve mentaly to the standard of our malaysian and singaporean women who are thinking like first world country girls......so dont blame the girls blame the player.....to guys out there having relationship trouble pls makesure you always stay in demand...cause when the girl knows that she is your only queen she will suck u dry and move up the ladder..........
YES! HOW TRUE! Malaysian females are troublesome and choosy. They always want to have sex their way, their time and their choice of location. When we guys try to suggest something kinky, they may not like the idea and bla bla bla....

oh... wait....

This ain't a movie? Sorry. I took the wrong script for the wrong movie then. I thought this was an audition for PlayMate Malaysia: The troubles of malaysian females

I also kena 1 time from my secondary known gal.Damm cunning gal!!!

I ajak her go out few times and she reject
Finally she gave in and accept my date we go out for a date.She request want to buy things then of course i buy la because i like that girl.Every time go out with her also buy things for her.1 week i spent over Rm10k only buy things for her
After she get all she wanted the things from me and said
"We are not meant to each other.We better don't keep in touch frequently.My new bf don't like me talk with guys so much"
Before go for date didn't said she had bf or whatsoever.After spent all my hard earn money only said she had bf.
Nowadays call me back ask me "Do u still have feeling for me or not?"
I said "No more feeling,my heart already stole by car"

Malaysian gals nowadays very cunning mostly have 2 or 3 bf.Primary bf don't buy things for her or do things for her.Ask 2nd or 3rd bf buy or do things for her.After doing and buy things said BYE BYE and said free ask u come out yam cha.
"Free come out yam cha" U will wait for months,year or over a decade

I hope u gals don't take offence what i am trying to said here because i am telling facts.
my fren was like this too...
last time,this gal,alwayz ajak him out...then go eat chillis la..TGI la...buy this buy that...
then,tell me" he's actually a nice guy" bla bla bla
then my fren kek sim...
then after few months only accept him,dunno y...smells fishy...
hey id just remember that chinese thingy - lui yan (women) could also be pronounced as lui yan (disturb people)
mix feelings and passions is outta my list.

feelings is for the spark and that is all..
the rest of it is all commitment and responsibilities.

yes of cos i will love the girl which is one reason i will commit to her and responsible over her.

my point is...love is not about feelings. love is about commitment and responsibilites.

and of cos that is my point of view only.

p/s - physical beauty is about sexual appeal~

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