I Got Gangbanged Nicely At Jalan Ipoh!!!

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hopeless cops.
wonder how many cimes or cases they successfully solved in a year.
rorytate said:
can we use bow and arrow...???

is it legal to own one? dont care for target practise or not la...but for prevention....

least like a rogue, we can shoot them from afar....

4 fellas breaking your car....

take a bow and arrow, hit one of them, and quickly get another one arrow and start pointing at the other 3. If they insist to grab the 4th fells(kena shot oredi), shoot either one of them. Then shout fucking loud.

NOTE: dont shoot at the chest area, the fella might die and leads to no investigation. Shoot their kukuciao....and start laughing out loud.....

If you use Bow or some weapon which can allow you to hit them, let assume it has 5 fellow outside.And you hit 1 of them, yup maybe they will flew away once saw you had those weapon but do you think they will just give up like this?

I think they 2-3 day later , they buy some Granade or Hand made Boom to boom your house..This even worst..So better prevent and not retal..Just hope police can do their job better and not just only know how to write saman and hide behind the bushes to peep us.
the best is kamikaze with them...go get a parang and charge one of them...make sure u kill one of them as a warning..then get the other idiots..

but make sure u are as good as bruce lee..
Seriously, you guys need this


It's very easy to make. You know those butane lighter refiller (pressurised one)? Buy a few and make a pilot flame in front.


The range will not be as far as the pic above but definately has a longer range than a parang. Around 3-5 feet depending on your nozzle configuration.

Confirm next time if they come back they will be wearing fire-proof clothing! Very high on fear factor!

And if you guys really want to build a 20ft flamethrower, visit this site:

Homegrown PVC Flamethrower

Parts are available from any big hardware store like ACE hardware.
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Where can i get the BB gun....it seems like imposible to get this stuff.....if i get my hands on this BB gun / Air gun i will change pallets to u know liquid paper metal ball.....i believe use those will sure can kill them......some modification on the gun sure can kill i think.......die damn bastard......damn piss off of this ppl.....didnt know KL start to have this serious problem luckly Johor still not so serious......but is sooner or later this thing happen in whole malaysia.....
My point of view on the "authority"

yeah man.. I got frens whom cars kena 'raped' when parked outside coz no choice, no place to park inside or some staying apartments.

But then I was wrong coz I thought is safer to park inside. Safe my ass... it makes no difference . If they want, they want it ! Nothing deters them coz the law is not strict enough, police are not interested to break this case unless caught red handed . Why I said so ?

When the police came, after taking photographs..they wanted to leave. I asked them why they don't want to dust for fingerprints ? THey said is not necessary as is not a 'big case'. I almost puke bloood...

The best part was I got to 'volunteer' to pass them my CCTV. THey (the detective so called) were not even aware I have CCTV when they are standing right under it ! Fyi, my CCTV box is about 1 feet long box (those tahan rain/wheather type).

That's why I felt so hopeless with our law enforcement team.

Just want to share my POV. It is totally unrelated to car but the 2nd story is. Long time ago, during CNY, my apartment was broken into and the thief took everything electronic that's small and valuable. That's a very heavy lesson for me. Came in via toilet window. Must be one of those small fellow thief cos my toilet window super small. Cut long story short, police came, cameraman came, interview here and there and don't bother to even check anything cos they said impossible to catch and suspect might be internal cos my apartment's toilet just facing guard house! Imagine! Like this also can. There's dirt stain like finger print mark on the toilet wall and they don't even bother dusting! If this is CSI.. u get my drift, a lil' bit of evidence also they can catch the fellow! Guess, that's when my POV on our law enforcement drop. They don't bother this type of small cases one.

2nd case happen to my sister's car. It is a case of hit and run in Mont Kiara. I guess drunk driving. That fellow bang my sister's car from behind damn hard. It was pretty bad till the whole backside of the car went in. She's having a drink with her friend in one of those cafes so didn't heard it. When she found out, she called and I came and we managed to piece together the broken number plates from the car that bang my sister's car. But we only managed to get 2 alphabets and 4 numbers. Managed to get the Front Alphabets and the Last Alphabets (sticking to number). Then, we went to make police report. Guess what police told us, with number like this WxM 1234 (example given), there's alot of possibilities and they can't waste their resources going to hunt them down 1 by 1. If they do, it might take some time. Insurance can't proceed until case classified. Have to consider this a hit and run and just claim insurance! Imagine how I felt. If this is CSI again, u can imagine how long it will take to hunt down the culprit. But then, I won't say I'm not surprised. Just disappointed. In fact, very disappointed but there's nothing much I can do. So, that's my 2nd experience.

My POV, is that we can depend on them if only the case is super easy to solve (for those minor cases) and if it is hard to solve, better make sure it is on national TV or newspaper. Then only, will you start seeing CSI in them! :Not_Impressed:

B18C-R, for your case, have u ever consider discussing with your neighbours to hire security guard to patrol your neighbourhood? I think it is better in terms of deterrance. But then.. i could be wrong seeing how daring these thiefs are.
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Ready a crossbow at home, if those thieves came into your house, you have the right to shoot them, but then you must give out a loud "bang" warning shot before you shoot your bolt to them, but really try to acquire a long-ranged weapon legally 1st.

As the buggers trespassed your territory (into the house fence already), and you'd give out warning shots, the loud boom with bright flash fireworks, if they still "hesitant" to go away, phone police, then shoot those buggers down, when the police arrived, you said they came into your compound and attempt to assault you or anything, and you are doing it for the sake of your family's safety. By law, you're not wrong as they are the 1 who are trespassing and you thought they are burglars or something.

Such case happens to a distance friend of mine, but he got a gun, home-made one la, not legal 1. Got 4 burglars came into the compound, he saw them and shouting them to go away while he sound off the car alarm, the burglars also challenge him to come down and fight. Neighbors shocked and came out to see whats going on. He go in to get his phone and gun, phoned police, then shoot 1 round at the sky while talking with the police as warning shot to those buggers. Those buggers still not go away, still wondering at the gun is a toy and resume taunting. But then, he shoot 1 of them in the thigh and 1 of them in the legs. The rest runs away and the police came. All four burglars are caught, my friend give the gun to the police as confiscated firearms, the court only fine him for carrying a non-licensed weapon and the judge himself ask him to get a license next time. A few hundred only, better your life been taken away. Right guys?
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there's a shooting range in Menara Weld.
Could probably ask them...........
hello bro, sory to hear abt yr incident..i think u should take pic of them..maybe can help the police...
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