How to make a turbo sound like a Pigeon ~


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Dec 15, 2010
Kuala Lumpur
I really addicted to those Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu sound emitted by those Supra's,Skyline's,Silvia's and many Turbocharged car's.....although Supra's sound was the sweetest

Heres a video regarding the sound : YouTube - ‪BIG HORSEPOWER JZA80 Supra Turbo flutter mountain run - T04Z 6 speed‬‏

A question came on my mind,how to make your turbo sound like that, i know it can be done without using a blow off valve,when the throttle is closed the boost from throttle had nowhere to go and goes back to the turbine and met with the blade's thus got that kind of sound......but i've tried with my L9 turbo with a TD04,it sound like this :
For your info,im not using the stock air-filter anymore,just a direct funnel attached to the turbo and a metal mesh infront of it to prevent stone or other large foreign material from entering the turbo and damage the turbine blade's ~

Thanks for any info =)
dat depends on the turbine u r using, the bigger the turbine, the sweeter the sound. its either dat, or u can try to adjust the bov and see how it goes
Sigh,my next plan is to putting a TD05 Hybrid or maybe i should choose the turbo from Garett to put in.....just noticed Garett turbo mouth are shaped like a funnel and thier T04Z are sounded swettt =D

Im not using any BOV now,thus Turbo Flutter happens =D

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