help E-manage A32 VQ20

Bro what happen to our TT session ? Postpone ah?

Bump: I drilled some holes on the ori filter box , got extra air intake during WOT and some intake howling sounds but my pick was not compromised.

Cheapest air flow mods, hahaha....

Btw, i am using K&N drop in also.


u make hole at upper side or lower side?
plan to diy custom cluster gauge. halfway thru


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yap,now looking for material to print. now got 2 option 1. trasperancy paper 2. decal paper & find good laser printer.
my friend did that on other car, is doable but you need to adjust the paper thickness cause the lighting will not be very even distributed.
my friend did that on other car, is doable but you need to adjust the paper thickness cause the lighting will not be very even distributed.

good advised, will take note,plan to change to xtra bright led.

btw the most scaried part iis when take out cluster gauge meter pin, takut putus.
2ndly is when everything put back, cluster gauge go hay wire.




luckly now ok, just need a little bit adjustment.
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yes, and be careful, cause the needle are very fragile. It need to have some tricks to take out the needle. else it just loose up and jump up and down. I try once in my old B13, since i got few spare took me 3 unit to successfully take out one without spoiling it.
abang itu banyak mahal lor, pound sterling ler.

actually i saw it oredi, price tak boleh tahan ler.
yang murah punya version


still need to enhance the cluster gauge printing , so fix one niah.

now hunting for xtra bright led (new type-flat head).
night version.



as per previous weikee say, need to adjust paper thickness for light evenly distributed. & needle need to change to red color.
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front printing using adhvesive transperancy paste with book front cover (hard plastic) + normal a4 paper.

still need to look correct 3 layer paper, maybe sticker will do. light was not so easy to penetrate.

not yet done, busy ler. laptop down upgrade to W7...
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