Fishy Talk

kkho bz making another million b4 he goes for his P9 trip laa .. no time to reply reply .. hehehehe
yalor .. thats why can pay ppl $$ to shaddup !! .. huahahahaa
sifoo ADY asking if we are using tekong named ah kong laa i think ..
I have tried to book another boat for 4 pax but unfortunately the boat is having engine problem.

Would you guys be interested to take A Cong's boat? As it can fit more people ...the more the merrier.. :)

Currently the Tekong(A Cong) have a new boat but the cabin is not fully renovated yet.

I have just called him, he will revert is availability of boat to me at about 11~12.

His boat is much bigger thus it can accommodate about 8 pax in a boat. Meaning in such that all of us will be in the same boat.

The earlier booked boat was RM550 for 4 pax per day, and A Cong is charging at RM800 for 8 pax.

He also mentioned that the casting for GT will only see result at 4pm till late as due to the current bringing the bait fish there. In the earlier day and afternoon we will be doing jigging and bait fishing. I have proposed a special spot to him as well which is the deepest part in P9 which is about 90m(270feet = 27 floor) and we shall do jigging there. Also have asked him to bring us to his new spot for talang(Queenfish).

Please comment
good morning sifussssss...............

hardcore working for the last few days so no time to posting here mah...

TT on syk kepong on 13th June are ON lah.....

sifu tate... i dun mind if take back the ah chong boat. aslong the DATE are not change lah.....

what u telling us is the good timing for GTs is after 4pm......

how about this....we take the boat after 12pm then finish at 12am. boleh kah!!.....coz for the morning section oso not much of fishs activity.

duno the ah chong can do that mou!!..if cant then 4get it lah...
ok sifu tate.... see what he say lah......

other sifus!! macam !! start fishing at 12pm then finish 12am!! can boh!..
i no probs one la ... coz i not driving ma .. sifoo HO driving maa .. i just tido only la after fishing .. huahahahahaa ...
leave at 12afternoon oso good ... coz no need to rush to wake up so early in the morning lorr .. leave KL at 830am .. slow slow drive and stop makan on the way more syok ma .. feels more like holiday maaa like that ... huahahahaaa
farking pokai again go shopping at kepong .. hahaahahaa
sifu Q... if fishing on noon i have to drive back to ipoh on friday nite wor!! coz have to send back my wife then then only go to lumut at saturday noon lah....

if u dun mind sleep my inlaw house then i come along with me lah....hehehehheh
adooiss ... we not taking your car go fishing mehh ?? wanna sit in nice and comfortable NISSAN XTRAIL maa ... plus can put damm kow alot of stuff into the boot one ma .. hahahahahaaa

if u send your wife go back ipoh .. that means u have to go back pick her up on saturday midnite or something like that laa ??? sure u wont bungkus while driving ka ?? hahahahaa ... jaga jaga oohh .. nowadays damm kow alot of accident oohh ... that day got 1 car directly infront of me buta buta terus naik divider and terbalik ... i think either he playing SMS grandma story with handphone or fell asleep laaa .. this incident near sifoo tetek house only ... ahhahahaaa
teu...knnccb , mkh, pkm , tns , hkl .............. kenot join.......sien ah..... arghhhh..... jealous , jealous......
why la jealous ?? u everyday makan tiong kok mui until fedup liau meh ?? hehehe
i think sifoo HO and the few of us here damm kow jealous of u oso laa .. hahahahaa ..
haiya sifus , i rather exchange the tiong kok mui for GT anytime wor , the orgasm of fighting a GT is so much enjoyable......muahahahah

Sifu Ho , i dun think tat u should use the thomas stroker for P9 kicimiau lo..... too heavy and overkill , bu if u really wan to use , go ahead la , no problem gh. But hor u can alwasy borrow sifu 3266 rod he newly bought , abu conolon pe1-3 , quitesong wor on light jigs .....

mebe can do a trip for early august ??? hehehehe
Pe1~3 is enuff to kill...

i realise that jigging rods have to be super light...otherwise could have created fatigue on jigging
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