Fishy Talk

me still here mah... :)

Bro Ho must be very busy making money, same goes to Bro B. I wonder where's Bro 3266 :)

Bro PK also busy making money....

Bro Ho,
Is 16th June our meeting date? On 23rd June the current is slow current, so we can jig with lighter jigs...hehe...
16th June ?? i tot 13th June ?? anything laa .. just have to go there and spend $$$ only laa .. hahahahaaa

all oso bz making $$$ .. me forever pokai so damm free lorr ..
ohh...13th June...sorry .. :) Bad sector memory :P

Hopefully i manage to get a Daiwa Revros or called Daiwa CY in JDM market :)

Also, i'm building a light jigging rod. Will be bringing a spinning and casting.. :)
The rod that i intend to build is a 2 piece jigging rod. The 2 piece as in handle 1 piece and the rod blank 1 piece. In such, the rod handle and reel seat will not bend due to the parabolic action of the rod. It's a PE3max rod. Very thin blank and thick wall, thus it can bend kaw kaw. I have yet to test the rod curve but i have tested it lightly. It's also a fast taper rod.

Bought the blank together with bro KLMT last saturday at Sykt Kepong. It's not an expensive blank but since it's thick walled, i dont mind purchasing it. :)

I have completed the handle setup, have not done the guides as i have not purchased any guides yet.

These are the pics.


This is the handle setup. A curvy top EVA foam handle, reel seat, slanting middle palm rest and curvy bottom EVA for comfortable 'ketiak' fitting + gimbal for biggies :)


H18ECS Fuji reel seat


ALPs gimbal


Heavy wrapping on the handle piece. Smooth graphite and spiral for stronger handle piece. Also completed the short wrapping.


The rod blank, fast taper and it's spiral upwards. It's not smooth and you can feel the small little bumps. I intend to maintain the rough surface. Not going to paint or wrap it.
If you notice the rod has no guide yet.

Blank: RM60
Fuji reel seat: RM20
ALPs gimbal: RM18

The guides
Fuji HardLoy: is about RM70~80 per set
Fuji Alconite: is about Rm100 per set
Fuji SiC: is about Rm130
Taiwanese SiC: is about Rm60 still Silicone carbide but not branded as fuji

So take your pick and add into the sum.

Excluded the rod wrapping which is about Rm11 per 100meter(in a thread set) and you need 2 set for 2 different color
Then the epoxy is about Rm57 for resin and hardener..but you can use long time la..otherwise, i can sponsor some epox for your wrapping :) so it's free :)
hmmm ... like this can consider getting u to customise one oso laa since the cost does not seem to exorbitant .. just nice for P9 and JARAK trips one like that .. hehehehe .. but must try this coming trip 1st .. huahahahaa

u did not mention length of the rod oso ... 6ft or 5.5ft ??
The rod is about 5ft6~5ft7 itumacam lor.. :)

The rod have a fast taper and it's quite strong too. Do come over to test test but without the guide first la.. :)

In fact you can do one by yourself too :)
got a great deal for zirconia guides. Apparently it's no less better than SiC guides.. :)
malas laa wanna go over your place ... maybe next LYN TT i go drop by la ... u just put it in your car la .. so can show everybody there oso ... hahahahaaa
asking me to DIY ka ??? super malas laaa ... hehehehe

5.5ft sounds like a good length to have on a boat laa ..
The rod is in my car lar...why wanna bring it all over the place in my car??

Next LYN TT dunno when yet.
like that ok lorr ... just wait until next TT lorr ... 13th is not that far away oso what .. hahaahhaa
If you want me to do it for you, then you better get the stuffs ready for me lo...i also need time as i'm in the midst of completing my jigging rod ler...
not now laa .. no hurry one .. after test test your rod 1st ma .. hehehehe .. coz this round P9 i oso using my cheap ugly sheet + antique reel only laa most prolly .. no big deal one .. if make oso will be for next round out not this round .. hahahahaa
ohh okie okie...

i was thinking if you want to use the rod for this coming P9 trip, then i have to arrange my time to build you the rod liao... :)
Sorry, I cunt cum for TT on 13th. We are going to Ipoh and then up Penang b4 to east coast @ Pulau Lang Tengah. Then, back to Penang/Pantai Merdeka for 'sua chiam' fishing.
unker manyak syok laa .. jalan jalan all the time enjoy to the max laaa ... hahahaha
damn envy Unker ler....can travel here and there...anytime, everytime... :)

Bro Q,
Yesternight bro IceCube came tarak datang
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