Fishy Talk

woh...really kah!!...then sifu tate sure know when is TT mah....can i join mou!!!
can can...all anglers are welcome.. :)

This week will be at the girl's home :)

I do wish that ZTH would be as active as last time :)
Walau , sifu Ho now oso sibeh busy hor, need to make appointmenmt to meet up neh. Summore next mth 13th oni got time ,.....hehehehe

Any news abt unker headache's kelong trip?? wats the result ?
Bro B, will you be back on 31st Aug boh??

if yes then we can go fishing together with Ktang leh
sifu B.... now busy with work n going back to ip see my son this month n next month weekend oredi fully book jor....

sifu tate...i'm not sure 13th is her OT day lah...coz she oso havent confirm with the date lah..but will let u guys know 2morrow lah....ok mou!

unker... this friday i guest we will leaving around 9pm to 10pm from careefour subang jaya lah...but still depant on my wife lah....worry she have OT on this friday lah....
sifu B.... if u cant come back for the meDARKer trip....can i borrow ur thomos jocker kah!! and oso ur DAIW ABS system reel mou!!....kekekekek
sifu B....why u so bad one!! pay RM5 to ask ppl silence..... for me hor..i wll pay RM10 to ask him sit besite ah wong... coz both of them oso the same type one...kekekekke
waaa .. looks like sifoo B and sifoo HO damm kow rich liau la nowadays .. hehehehe
Sifu Ho , take la n use the rod and rell , no problem geh. But u wanna use the daiwa cement mixer to do jigging ka ?? Sure die wan wor.....muahahaha
not for jigging lah.....use daiwa sure tangan patak one lah.....i use it for bottom fishing mah....

sifu Q.... this is the 1st trip go for 3D 2N mah..... so no coz of rich or poor mah..........
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not that one la sifoo HO .. i was refering to the simply pay ppl $$$ to shadup or sit somewhere laa .. hahaahahaaa
oic....hehehe..that one have to pay lor.....i dun want fishing like in a 'class room" mah......rite boh!!... very bising one wor... so pay litter bit to get peacefull lor.....muhahahahah
yalorr .. correct lorr .. nanti so noisy the fish all cabuts laa .. hahahhaa
heheheheh....duno got ppls to bit him boh!!....look kesian leh!!.....

have to ask sifu B bit him to shadup lah.... i think sure many ppls want do that lah...
Kelong report

There was ZERO selar!!!! KKNCCB!!!

So, we decided on gelama. Among the 3 of us, we got probably at least 100.

Total scat fish was 32 and we threw away about 20 'cos there's insufficient space in our icebox. Caught a couple of todak and the best of all.... 3 senagins in 1 cast. Thereafter, it was all casting in vain.

Sorry, cun't post pictures 'cos photobucket is virtually inaccessible. KNN... :angry_smile:
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