evo owners - sharing bad experience

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Thats my problem BTC boy!!...Not happy? (DEAL WITH IT)! :thefinger:

knnccb.... deal with it?? Mai La...

Waste my time, my energy and dirty my hand for what?

Lu Win and Wa never LOSE..

juz i'm BTC ppl and kenot afford to own Mitsubishi M3 Coupe thats why can't Deal with it ler...
DD, lol, lucky my jb hokkien study still can understand your penang hokkien meaning...
No need to answer lame post, let kids play with kids and adults deal with adults... he will eventually get some friend in his own kindergarten circle de...:biggrin:

Thanks you :thefinger:
DD, lol, lucky my jb hokkien study still can understand your penang hokkien meaning...
No need to answer lame post, let kids play with kids and adults deal with adults... he will eventually get some friend in his own kindergarten circle de...:biggrin:

Agree with u bro... siao kia wont admit sendiri siao kia... Gong kia wont admit sendiri gong kia.. and the best part is..
CB kia act hero to be Kong Kam Kia that is really :banghead:

anyway its up to him to make himself as clown to let ppl perli or laugh.. :rofl:

P/s: Sorry to thread starter, Moderator and Mr P and MR VP for these posting..

i'm not gonna post anything and of cuz wont lowered my standard to match / DEAL with Kong Kam Kia

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Hahhaha....Lu kong ha mi wa im cai la...Wa mai cai ok...Wo bo chap! Wa ka ki song tu ho!

DD05 & Zac <---Gong Gong cho gau gau...Lu Singaporean ah?
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Thanks you :thefinger:

Err, it's either thank you or just thanks i guess... : ) i will let your teacher know your weaker part.

Agree with u bro... siao kia wont admit sendiri siao kia... Gong kia wont admit sendiri gong kia.. and the best part is..
CB kia act hero to be Kong Kam Kia that is really :banghead:

anyway its up to him to make himself as clown to let ppl perli or laugh.. :rofl:

Bro, let him perform alone then he will eventually get bored and quiet...
dun dance when you listen cock (as in hen's husband) sing = one of chinese idioms...
and although you are stating out truth but please rephrase a bit lah... we are no longer kindergarten standard liao... :biggrin::biggrin:
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Guys take it easy lah..anything off topic or flaming each other please take it to PM and post in english (not because I dont understand but because there are other ppl sharing this public forum as well)
Guys take it easy lah..anything off topic or flaming each other please take it to PM and post in english (not because I dont understand but because there are other ppl sharing this public forum as well)

hahaha... bro pocroC~~~ long time no see no chat.. wakakaka....

err.. those words in english dun have one wor... let me borrow dictionary from khsim.. then i will try to edit in english ya..
PabloIceman & Stormvolution 9:
im just sharing the technical info that i've gained during my workshop visit regarding this issue....

i wasn't there...were u there???


I wasnt there... Tht's y i didnt comment... Until u did!!! So i jus bring up the possibility tht some issues u might missed out, when u kindly sharing yr 'technical info'!!!

Again, not looking for fight!!! Same as u, jus wanna share!!! :biggrin:
Not sked ppl buta kenot Read / See, its bcuz bigger and Bold to let ppl see from FAR.

Mostly ppl is forum-ing in the office.. so i BOLd and Make it BIG baru the next colleague, behind and behind mia behind can read and share the story ma...
Too bad thats is maximum size.. if can be bigger i will make it BIGGER with ur name there
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hi DD, quite long no chat too,lots to catch up...But since this thread been started its been the hot topic for all the forumers to see, I really do hope there will be healthy discussions instead of launching personal attacks.
Dear chriskhaw,

I'm sipek sorry for the behavior just now okay?? Peace.... (*.*)Y

i'm not gonna post against you ler... u got the point to flame maybe... so i better stay neutral and IF there is a sarcastic posting then maybe la... my posting will up again.. :thefinger:

Shud give respect to Senior Evo Sifu like you... :adore::adore::adore::adore::adore: bcuz u got more experience than me ma... when u driving evo i still taking bus to skool... when i join MLOC u already drive M3 ma.. so... no matter how u are still Senior Evo Sifu..

Please accept my apology with sincerely.... No hard feeling bro... Next round u coming down for spa then i bring u to nice & secret spa... serbis veli da Gud... until u cant drive home take taxi 1st the next day baru drive u car back.


Best Redards,
Newbie MLOC member
dd05 a.k.a joe
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Dear Chris,

I'm sipek sorry for the behavior just now okay?? Peace.... (*.*)Y

i'm not gonna post against you ler... u got the point to flame maybe... so i better stay neutral and IF there is a sarcastic posting then maybe la... my posting will up again.. :thefinger:

Shud give respect to Senior Evo Sifu like you... :adore::adore::adore::adore::adore: bcuz u got more experience than me ma... when u driving evo i still taking bus to skool... when i join MLOC u already drive M3 ma.. so... no matter how u are still Senior Evo Sifu..

Please accept my apology with sincerely.... No hard feeling bro... Next round u coming down for spa then i bring u to nice & secret spa... serbis veli da Gud... until u cant drive home take taxi 1st the next day baru drive u car back.


Best Redards,
Newbie MLOC member
dd05 a.k.a joe

I never hold things to heart...NO JOKE NO FUN!!....IF canot take Joke stay at home!! Hahahahahhah.....Cho siau mai tu lan ok...lolzzz

All the forum guys know me, Mouth busuk a bit but all in the nature of goodness if the other party not "Siu hey"....If everyday come in forum, so serious...I might as well go political forum...hahahahaha....The nature of ZTH forum is to meet new people, learn new things & most of all I have to say...HAVE FUN! :hmmmm:

Cool~ As everything u n miz77 wrote, almost answer the questions itself dy... And I'm really happy tht u un what i'm trying to bring out... B rational n sensible, think of 2 sides rather than 1 dimensional!!! Hahaha...

Jus like miz77 said, he heard all yr experience (mostly bad for u) and oso CPG story from u during yumcha session ( i term it onli 1 sided and hope u agreed with me)... And he is a good fren of yrs who care abt u so much... Tht's y whenever there r 'sensitive' comments or posting from the other side, he feel offended, angried n thus he came out to defend u...

Same jus applied to CPG side... All CPG frens jus know this issue through CPG and oso yr stories oso through CPG (again, 1 sided story)... So as a good frens of CPG, they jus react in a similar way jus like yr fren did... When they see something they thought is unfair to CPG, the fire shoot up to their head, thus all those 'flamming' posts kept flying in then...

So? Yr fren agreed what u hv said n shared n wanna support u... On the other side, CPG frens r supporting CPG after getting all the stories oso 1 sided like over yr side... Tht's y all this happened... But when u think rationally n sensibly, u know how all this happened... SO no need to get angry... And i'm happy tht both u n CPG agreed to settle this problem soonest possible... So hopefully no more "salts", "herbs" and "sugar" posts!!! I'm oso glad tht few of them hv stand forwards to appologize on what they might hv done wrong... Who else?! Haha...

I think being calm hv got nothing to do with study a lot or less la... Hahaha... It doesnt means tht a person who didnt go to Uni, cannot b a well behave ppl mah... Haha... So dun worry... As i said b4, no hard feelings ever from me towards any of the zth members here... Hope tht u too, r fine by now!!! Yum cha no pro, but my time is a bit susah... Many members hv complained me abt tht... LOLzzzzzzzzzzz... Said i lansi, yum cha oso no time n always FFK!!! But u know la, in my line time r hard to tell... Somemore now got 1 wife, 2 kids n 3 gfs to handle la... SUsah~~~ >.<

Chris, James, Kampoon,

Oooi, apa lah lu orang!!! Why whenever there is a link to SPA, my name always come up?! Sigh!!! I onli own a small SPA in d corner of the KL and 1 wks yum seng outside 5nites nia... So why always me?! Hahaha... Oh ya... I go massage 4 times a wk too... Polish my exhuast!!! LOLzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Jus kidding!!! ^o^
Many thanks for your forgiving with big hearted :biggrin:

There is nothing to forgive also in the first place ok! :itsme:

---------- Post added at 11:44 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 11:40 AM ----------


Cool~ As everything u n miz77 wrote, almost answer the questions itself dy... And I'm really happy tht u un what i'm trying to bring out... B rational n sensible, think of 2 sides rather than 1 dimensional!!! Hahaha...

Jus like miz77 said, he heard all yr experience (mostly bad for u) and oso CPG story from u during yumcha session ( i term it onli 1 sided and hope u agreed with me)... And he is a good fren of yrs who care abt u so much... Tht's y whenever there r 'sensitive' comments or posting from the other side, he feel offended, angried n thus he came out to defend u...

Same jus applied to CPG side... All CPG frens jus know this issue through CPG and oso yr stories oso through CPG (again, 1 sided story)... So as a good frens of CPG, they jus react in a similar way jus like yr fren did... When they see something they thought is unfair to CPG, the fire shoot up to their head, thus all those 'flamming' posts kept flying in then...

So? Yr fren agreed what u hv said n shared n wanna support u... On the other side, CPG frens r supporting CPG after getting all the stories oso 1 sided like over yr side... Tht's y all this happened... But when u think rationally n sensibly, u know how all this happened... SO no need to get angry... And i'm happy tht both u n CPG agreed to settle this problem soonest possible... So hopefully no more "salts", "herbs" and "sugar" posts!!! I'm oso glad tht few of them hv stand forwards to appologize on what they might hv done wrong... Who else?! Haha...

I think being calm hv got nothing to do with study a lot or less la... Hahaha... It doesnt means tht a person who didnt go to Uni, cannot b a well behave ppl mah... Haha... So dun worry... As i said b4, no hard feelings ever from me towards any of the zth members here... Hope tht u too, r fine by now!!! Yum cha no pro, but my time is a bit susah... Many members hv complained me abt tht... LOLzzzzzzzzzzz... Said i lansi, yum cha oso no time n always FFK!!! But u know la, in my line time r hard to tell... Somemore now got 1 wife, 2 kids n 3 gfs to handle la... SUsah~~~ >.<

Chris, James, Kampoon,

Oooi, apa lah lu orang!!! Why whenever there is a link to SPA, my name always come up?! Sigh!!! I onli own a small SPA in d corner of the KL and 1 wks yum seng outside 5nites nia... So why always me?! Hahaha... Oh ya... I go massage 4 times a wk too... Polish my exhuast!!! LOLzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Jus kidding!!! ^o^

Dey pundek,

You when wanna come out...Always hide in the house or the kilang. later I bom your kilang then I wanna see where you hide.
There is nothing to forgive also in the first place ok! :itsme:

---------- Post added at 11:44 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 11:40 AM ----------

Dey pundek,

You when wanna come out...Always hide in the house or the kilang. later I bom your kilang then I wanna see where you hide.

oh ok... sked offended u ma.. then since nothing to to forgive then i save back lor..

hahaha :biggrin:

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