evo owners - sharing bad experience

Shall I close this thread to avoid any further damage to all parties?

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stormvolution9 cheers to u too bro.......
last nite i saw a black evo8 or evo 9 wagon...at old klang road,
does anyone knows who is that?

Wagon Evo 9..... CF hood.... WR? 30x?

sor hai Jimmy from jln dunno wat hartamas regency
Wah... Got E9 wagon meh?! Never seen b4 le... Ard What time they passby OKR?! Mmm... Getting more n more interesting le the whole of OKR... Haha... Lately i saw Lambo Gallardo, Aston Martin and Ferraris passing by the OKR too le... Good!!!
E9 wagon got la bro... LX mode Damansara also got ler... Dark purple with CF Hood.. parking oposite the OLD town ample parking there LX Mode Gallery
skyc : i'm not the only one who are dissatisfied with CPG work attitudes. neither did i instigate this matter (if that is what you are suggesting) nor did i flame anyone at all throughout the 17 pages.

5115 & TR : thanks for helping to calm the situation.

S9 : when i talked about evoz story, i was just quoting what he told me (and also a few others during TT) and i didn't add any ajinomoto. if i did, evoz would have come in to clarify it. i also admit i'm defending evoz because like i said before, i don't understand why evoz is being portrayed as a difficult customer/bad guy here.

btw, during TT, evoz did tell us what was the initial feedback from CPG when he first approached them. so more or less, i have 'heard' CPG's side of the story from evoz.

about me being part of the reason why evoz and CPG couldn't sit down and talk, i don't think i had influenced it in anyway. the 'talk' was supposed to happen last saturday night. leslie was going to chair it and no one else was supposed to be there except evoz and CPG. i got a call from leslie on friday night where he told me evoz and CPG will talk about it on saturday night so he asked everyone not to post anymore in forum which i agreed. when saturday came, i got a call from evoz telling me that the 'sit-down-and-talk' session has been canceled because CPG is not willing to admit what happened. that is all. i didn't do anything or say anything at all to either parties.

when the talk session didn't happen, leslie told us it is up to us if we want to continue discussion in the thread which is exactly what we did by telling what our experiences are. people came in to flame and to make it look like we are making things difficult for CPG. we are just telling facts and so far, no one has proven that our facts are lies. is that wrong? :confused:

now that skyc has already admit his mistakes and is willing to rectify the issue, of course i'm happy for evoz. but he's still getting banged. this was why i posted my previous post - why continue to bang evoz? am i wrong to defend evoz also? :confused:

i don't know la... i don't really care anymore how people think of me. most importantly, i'm also a victim of the work attitudes. i was just luckier than evoz because nothing major happened to me.
Fuhyoooo... It's gettin' HOT in here.... I think the thread is not goin' to be at this current situation if everyone understand the thread topic.... It's about sharing experience.... The thread starter is postin' up this topic just to share it frustration & at first it turns good when fellow forummers lend a helpin' hand with ideas... But when some forummers start flammin' up the thread starter, all hell break loose....
People who don't know the whole story start shootin' each other while the CPG owner keep mum over the issue....If I'm the threadstarter, I'll definitely pissed off because people who knew nothin' about what happened keeps on passin' remarks...
Everyone have the right to post their comments as this is a public forum... But when they start postin' somethin' silly in order to protect something that themselves might even don't know what had happened, it's kinda pathetic....
For me, experience sharin' is when I share what I've been through... Some times it looks ugly to some certain people, but that's my experience...That's what I gone through.... It's not a wise thing for someone else to alter my experience just to make it looks good...
The threadstarter is the one who's havin' problem with the CPG... But when he keep his cool, someone start passing remarks to ignite his temper again... And that someone is not present durin' the whole process of what had happened...Is that FAIR..?? Since when if someone share his bad experience, he will be labelled as a trouble maker..???? I guess the troublemaker is those who have nothin' to share except flammin' the thread...
Makin' fun of other people bad experience... That's is CHILD PLAY..
That's my 2 cents I guess....:wavey::wavey:
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Hello bozz, how r u doing lately? Hey, jangan la ni macam... Nanti ppl misunderstand tht Me n u pakat n play fire here like OTHERS!!! Sensitive le... I sincerely wanna to ask clearly, so tht no more misunderstanding here anymore...

Jus hope tht all issues will b cleared soonest n effectively without worsen... ^.^

Now i also very HOT!!! Hot bcos you told me the Urut Urat place but didnt make the initiative to take me there:banghead:

---------- Post added at 05:33 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 05:06 PM ----------

Wah... Got E9 wagon meh?! Never seen b4 le... Ard What time they passby OKR?! Mmm... Getting more n more interesting le the whole of OKR... Haha... Lately i saw Lambo Gallardo, Aston Martin and Ferraris passing by the OKR too le... Good!!!

Haiyoh...Why pecah secret??? Ok,the Lambo its mine...:biggrin:

---------- Post added at 05:38 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 05:33 PM ----------

Fuhyoooo... It's gettin' HOT in here.... I think the thread is not goin' to be at this current situation if everyone understand the thread topic.... It's about sharing experience.... The thread starter is postin' up this topic just to share it frustration & at first it turns good when fellow forummers lend a helpin' hand with ideas... But when some forummers start flammin' up the thread starter, all hell break loose....
People who don't know the whole story start shootin' each other while the CPG owner keep mum over the issue....If I'm the threadstarter, I'll definitely pissed off because people who knew nothin' about what happened keeps on passin' remarks...
Everyone have the right to post their comments as this is a public forum... But when they start postin' somethin' silly in order to protect something that themselves might even don't know what had happened, it's kinda pathetic....
For me, experience sharin' is when I share what I've been through... Some times it looks ugly to some certain people, but that's my experience...That's what I gone through.... It's not a wise thing for someone else to alter my experience just to make it looks good...
The threadstarter is the one who's havin' problem with the CPG... But when he keep his cool, someone start passing remarks to ignite his temper again... And that someone is not present durin' the whole process of what had happened...Is that FAIR..?? Since when if someone share his bad experience, he will be labelled as a trouble maker..???? I guess the troublemaker is those who have nothin' to share except flammin' the thread...
Makin' fun of other people bad experience... That's is CHILD PLAY..
That's my 2 cents I guess....:wavey::wavey:

Bobo ah...I like 13yrs Chicks too...So,am i also consider CHILD Player?:biggrin:
Bobo ah...I like 13yrs Chicks too...So,am i also consider CHILD Player?:biggrin:[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure about CHILD PLAYER cause I'm talkin' about CHILD PLAY...
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even this is a public forum... it is still under the category > Car Clubs > Mitsubishi Lancer Owners Club... somehow, i suggest we should give some respect to the moderator / leader.

when the emotion comes in, the topic is hotter than the hot cake... (hot cake?) it is getting less and less appearance of "sharing bad experience".

even the moderators/leaders have shown compromising, i still do no think this is the appropriate place for a thread like this. if you do this to some other VIP, they would use ISA on you ! LOLz.

cheers !

PS: don't fire me........
Luckily evoz and skyc are so far moving towards the same goal, a mutual understanding... COOL

As for those who think they are not responsible to the thread heat because someone else made offensive posting before them? Hello~~ this is not titanic u jump i jump thingy ok~~ Would you go eat shit when someone else did? of course you won't as you can judge whether this is right or wrong.

Same thing apply here, if you saw offending post (if you really did) two options are available and when you choose to flame back rather than put out the fire, you are flaming...
It's so lucky that we still have enough wise guy in zth who made wise choice help clearing mist.:biggrin::biggrin:

So now we shall wait and see, with all unnecessary shits gone and never come again, what would be the outcome of the discussion between evoz and skyc, i hope it's happy ending...
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I totally agreed with your statement, Zth is actually a place or portal for car owner / users to share their experience, there is no ringht or wrong on every sigle threat, everyone have th rights t share their feelings and information.

We should cool down and Mr Fireman is on his way to bring down the flame here......


Peace is always around our angle.

Eddie a.k.a kampoon

Luckily evoz and skyc are so far moving towards the same goal, a mutual understanding... COOL

As for those who think they are not responsible to the thread heat because someone else made offensive posting before them? Hello~~ this is not titanic u jump i jump thingy ok~~ Would you go eat shit when someone else did? of course you won't as you can judge whether this is right or wrong.

Same thing apply here, if you saw offending post (if you really did) two options are available and when you choose to flame back rather than put out the fire, you are flaming...
It's so lucky that we still have enough wise guy in zth who made wise choice help clearing mist.:biggrin::biggrin:

So now we shall wait and see, with all unnecessary shits gone and never come again, what would be the outcome of the discussion between evoz and skyc, i hope it's happy ending...
even this is a public forum... it is still under the category > Car Clubs > Mitsubishi Lancer Owners Club... somehow, i suggest we should give some respect to the moderator / leader.

when the emotion comes in, the topic is hotter than the hot cake... (hot cake?) it is getting less and less appearance of "sharing bad experience".

even the moderators/leaders have shown compromising, i still do no think this is the appropriate place for a thread like this. if you do this to some other VIP, they would use ISA on you ! LOLz.

cheers !

PS: don't fire me........

I think the threadstarter somehow shows respect to the moderator / leader by obeyin' what they said.. But when others start makin' fun of his bad experience, then his action is understandable... Yes, this is a public forum... That's why everyone is free to voice out their opinion within the guidelines....:wavey::wavey:
Wow!!! Only now i know there are so many Abritrators around ya...hehehe
PabloIceman & Stormvolution 9:
im just sharing the technical info that i've gained during my workshop visit regarding this issue....

i wasn't there...were u there???

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Yes! Now I am free to read carefully every details that you posted so I could answer all your Q well since my previous posting created some confusion to u or to all (I assume). Since u demand an answer and mistaken me or someone else looking for a fight….i can say u r wrong coz..in forum we can fight….by words…so I assume you understand oh.….i can see u keep mentioning not looking for FIGHT….me too…u r so educated person (lucky coz yr parents might spent a lot of $$$ to give u the best education but I am unlucky coz was brought up in poor family….but I paid for my own education and god bless I gain some academic lesson over the years..part time student lor….sorry OOT coz just sharing ma….since u said here all are friends….lets get back to topic…
<o:p> </o:p>
-thread started on 24-02-2010 bout 3am, (no intention to flame and no name were mentioned) me sharing my frustration/experience with a wshop and then some forumers here just drop a notes or 2 to comfort or to support me not to give up with my car. I think that is healthy – correct me if I am wrong. Posting went on with more & more ppl coming in to post a word or 2 with similar content after I further explain more about what happened to my car and how I was treated there. I am telling my actual experience…correct me again if I am wrong.
<o:p> </o:p>
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]<!--[endif]-->on 24-02-2010 bout 7.30pm,posting #27 & #31 someone came in and stir things up with flaming contents even though no name were exposed..i suppose it is cause of the situation getting tensed….maybe u can check with Mr P or Ben…I guess they are following this thread too, just to be FAIR la….don shoot me ya..FAIR MA
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]<!--[endif]-->everything back to normal since Mr P posted on #34 to cool things down – later the flaming comes back due to some statement by CPG mech, thread deleted by LESLIE in MLOC forum…..my phone ring nonstop, sms keep coming in….so I have no choice but to open it back and move to General Talk and suggested by some forummers to move to Car Talk….
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]<!--[endif]-->The flaming and debate all over and too long to elaborate…..
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]<!--[endif]-->Some mloc members came in to share their bad encounters too…later some pm to suggest change title since its no longer my E7, so I changed to evo owners – sharing bad experience – I apologize coz I forgot to explain to all about changing topic and why the thread been moved…..next time before I move this thread or make any amendment, maybe I will send a proposal for your approval coz worry later I am not FAIR to all…..don shoot me ya..i just trying to explain onli ohh…
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]<!--[endif]-->Thing went on until yesterday skyc posted an apology and explains on the situation….i can admit not 100% their fault, maybe bad luck or maybe my fault..so we do compromise and agreed that things blown out of proportion due to intense flaming by both parties in here….resulting in matter getting worst.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]<!--[endif]-->But at least some evo owners here telling/sharing their true experience on what happened to their rides….is that anything wrong? I not asking to be flame ya..just sharing and asking just to be FAIR to them….
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]<!--[endif]-->Yeap, ex evo owner or not to be in mloc or making friends with mloc member is non of my business…but if evo owners sharing experience, why must flame and challenge them…why cant we speak politely and sincerely like YOU….i respected your courteous way of asking question..that is why I am learning to post like u…thanks a lot ya bro…..
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]<!--[endif]-->My mistake to ask why u send car to other workshop…I can apologize if u need me to….its yr freedom ma…all have their own choices. But that time I just curios ma…since u mentioned CPG so good…I believe they can do all ma…maybe I am ignorance…don shoot me…ya..i just thinking only.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]<!--[endif]-->Since u pointed out being sensible and rational…ok la, maybe I not rational and sensible …but after thinking further ha..i being very rational and sensible ler..at least ppl Fxxk me in general forum I kept quiet …imagine if I say Fxxk u to yr face, how u feel ler, before this I am so happy to get to mix around with MLOC members and ex members (seen them few times in TT) but didn’t know they can become “transformer”” or turning into “green monster – hulk” scary man!! So I decide to leave..worry I kena eaten alive wor, I big size onli, cannot fight one..so I wont look for fight..anything can talk nicely ma..thanks again to you coz taught me a lot.…hahaaha thanks to my EQ also to be so patience…imagine all these small but irritating SHITS of my ride problems, emotionally torturing etc etc happen to u, maybe u can handle better than me…I guess. Cos u so rational and a fair person. .salute…I must learn more from u…J
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<o:p> </o:p>
Long story cut short la….tired typing oh….sleepy too.
For yr latest thread…..i just got time to really go thru…..
<o:p> </o:p>
Talking bout facts – salts & pepper I do agreed in certain extend, but those ppl posted on their own will , as u mentioned free forum, anybody can express their 2cents..but if intentionally stirring things up and provoking is NO NO….name me those flaming postings then I will get other moderators to judge and delete if necessary….fyi, 1 hand cannot clap one oh….so I am FAIR to u too right? Maybe our side also got wrong but we are human being, no 100% correct..being provoke sure got reaction….u kick a dog it will bite u too rite??
<o:p> </o:p>
Actually case to case we discuss – my experience with CPG, only me & CPG knows it well
Other evo owners – they themselves and CPG knows well
So why other wanna comment on mine and other evo owners bad encounters. I don understand…maybe u can enlighten me a bit. Thanks..
<o:p> </o:p>
For CPG name being exposed, actually it’s a spear of a moment which I also cant tell, yes, I agreed, its been provoked resulting from being provoked too..so its subjective…who is rite and who is wrong, doesn’t matter – already no way back..name mentioned..we face it and see what counter measure for this….we (not u, don worry) started it, we work it out by ourselves……as I mentioned skyc pm me and I do understand his feeling and accept his explanation. Hope when things are not so tensed and cooled down, I will see what is next …no promises on anything yet but for sure if someone willing to own up their mistakes, I will not take any further on this until matter is discuss and solve amicably... So consider this a FAIR deal for both parties??
<o:p> </o:p>
I didn’t comment anything on yr 1<sup>st</sup> post – remember? So no issue I guess ….u are free to express your good experience with CPG…
<o:p> </o:p>
On yr 2<sup>nd</sup> posting – I commented and u replied too….you don know how I drive and for sure I knew the maintenance for evo is more expensive than normal car. But by linking it to gymkhana as reason for the bolts been stressed..philip was there watching them wacking with hammer & welding on my bolt etc? I don think it make any sense as gymkhana took place on 2<sup>nd</sup> jan 2010 and I sent my car in on 3<sup>rd</sup> feb 2010..everything works well for the whole month after gymkhana…just that I felt safer to change my clutch coz I need to travel during CNY..its not because got problem then I send in for repair..etc…maybe I am not clear to all on this…now I make it clear….
<o:p> </o:p>
On yr 3d posting – question answered as per above….as mentioned earlier – problem started from my bad encounter with CPG then matter need to be solve between 2 of us. So other ppl who wanna post and share their experience, we couldn’t stop them, I believe they are sharing their true experience like u and some of your friends too, am I right? ? so if it’s a healthy sharing of experiences, why not….its a open forum..all can post but if the thread is “evo owners – sharing bad experience” maybe its OOT for some posting and maybe they can post it in other thread or open up own thread..that will be more specific..am I right? Hope I answered all your Q and if anything that I left out…..pls let me know….i will be FAIR…as this is yr main concern.
<o:p> </o:p>
I am juz sharing…so please don shoot me….if got time we can still sit down for teh tarik at OKR if you still think this “trouble maker” worth to be acquainted with.
Best regards
<o:p> </o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
p/s: me & CPG hasn’t been in contact yet (me busy with some workload) and I have not decided what to do next.…..to all my friends, will keep you guys posted..thanks for staying with me…
appreciate it..kowtow to all..

---------- Post added at 02:26 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 02:24 AM ----------

Does it matters..???:rofl::rofl:

when u coming back to town.....tt la...
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