A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Mark

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Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

Well seriously... who cares?

A professional magazine would be a boring one. A touch of humanity is cool sometimes. If Top Gear was professional it would become another boring ass talk-about-a-car show.

While Mark's comment may not be a sense of humour well appreciated by the public... seriously, why care? Its almost like there are too many people sitting around looking for things to criticise and complain about.

I'd rather look at porn.
Top Gear is professional. They loon about on the show but they are ultra professionals, all of the team.

The thing here is professional ethics. Its not about being boring or interesting or showing a touch of humaity. Like Ixeo said, the magazine isn't somewhere for him to vent his personal anger and frustration, especially not from an insignificant (in the big scale of things) post in an internet forum. It's not his personal blog.
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

For what it's worth, I actually like Hypertune.

It may not be as technical as some publications but then again, readers like me are not the hardcore petrol tech head.

What I needed was a mag that point me to the right direction to get the mods I needed, written in a language that a layman can comprehend and at the same time not being too simplistic or general. Importantly, they give you an indication of who and where the local tuners and accessories suppliers are located and review what services they offer.

So they served my needs and for my purposes, I think highly of them.

I don't have any problems with Mark's writing style. In any case, he can't please everyone out there. Maybe publishing his reaction in an editorial was a tad extreme, but then again, people made disparaging remarks about his credibility as a writer and using langauge that was getting personal and doing all that in a public and popular forum, which may have repercussions on the magazine's sales.

I'm not surprised Mark reacted the way he did. You poke his eye out, and it's understandable he will return the favor. Like someone else said here..."tact".
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

wei uncle... simpan kulit la u.. retired oledi still wanna come out and bark bark... mauhahahaha.... celaka lu! stop playing cars but now play PRC.. summore got 4 PRC girls in the car yesterday afternoon!!! all shouting Piau Kerr... hen yang ah... poo yauu laaa!!!


they are ak kuas la... what to do, ppl dont make 6 digit salary like some new FC owner in old town. cant afford to buy IMPORT TUNER to oogle at those fake boobies mai buy hypertune to look at those local chickies lor. Then now their price also go up i might as well buy Motor Trader and oogle at the chic on the back cover lo. haih.

honestly i was shocked so see someone like Mark wrote that in the editors page and was checking out other car forums for this travis guy and what he did to mark so bad until i came across this post here in zth.
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

I guess the writer took it too personally. I myself also feel that its unprofessional to actually publish that "back at you" words.
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

Top Gear is professional. They loon about on the show but they are ultra professionals, all of the team.

The thing here is professional ethics. Its not about being boring or interesting or showing a touch of humaity. Like Ixeo said, the magazine isn't somewhere for him to vent his personal anger and frustration, especially not from an insignificant (in the big scale of things) post in an internet forum. It's not his personal blog.

You see a lot of people complain about Top Gear being unprofessional; not featuring enough down-to-earth cars where people actually buy, or not doing proper car reviews, but instead cocking about in the show and going on various trips and challenges... in the same way everyone is bashing Hypertune about this issue. If you've seen the show uncut and live style on various personal videos you should know what I mean.

(Offtopic: And this is cause Top Gear used to be a cars review program and many have failed to accept that is has now become a show about 3 men interested in cars.)

I mean if Autocar published that then it would be atrocious. For Hypertune who constantly has their articles in a personal and care free manner, why is it such a big deal if they publish a personal whine or two? They have personal articles all the time (i think?), the magazine doesnt *have* to be 'professional'.

Im just amused of how many people are going " yeah he's unprofessional and Im shocked at this behaviour oh thats really bad " when it really doesnt really matter or change anything in life. Call me cynical.

That said this is all just purely my opinion.
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Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

as an professional editorial writer, one needs to be tactful.

accepts criticism & moved on. you cant please everyone
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

dude, do you still keep in touch with the 2 guys who came down for the F1 last time? erm... i can't recall their names la. hahaha If I didn't recall wrongly, one of them writes for Sports Compact car or something.
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

condolences to mark as he had been kutuk all this timebeing..actually IMHO, mark is 50-50 lar..sometimes good sometimes bad lar..reffering to his articles which sometimes good..sometimes bad..(i forgot la which is good)..the bad part is when he try to write about mitsubishi evolution 7 i think(i forgot what volume), which he conclude that, that car is weapon of mass destruction lar, can fight bush lar..its a crap lar..(imho)...
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

Overall, the thing is, Mark misused his "power", once he THINK he got hold of Murali's position just to FILL IN for Murali (Note: FILL IN).... THIS is what happen... Sohai betul.

Whenever these kinda people start thinking they are becoming great in something, they tend to get power crazy.... lol. (sounds familiar) .. And in the end, they screw up everything.

Imagine what will happen if he ever takes over that Murali's place? hahaha.. Think about it lah. Hypertune sales hancurrrrrrrrr berkecai... Good luck to that marko.
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

WOW..check out the load of bullsh*t!! ; How's that for a title??

Damn, this thing is getting out of hand. ZTH-ian and the few lifeless LYn members who i bet are reading this, most of you don't know me. I browse through in forums to buy stuff i don't have, sell stuff i have and look for information regarding a topic of interest. I do stay away from threads like this as it is such a silly thing but since its so freaking hilarious and everyone is adding their 2cents, it caught my attention and i just had to register.

You fellas are all like 'lalang' only ler. When the wind blows you lean in one direction and when it changes, you lean in the other. You die down sooner then later as the topic slowly dries up, waiting to grow for another season. Is this how you get your word out? For one female LYn member, can really write but yet chose to 'waste her talent on insults or opinions in a silly forum'! I don't see you putting your 'gifts' to good use now eh? Now even the LYn flers are saying ZTH flers don't understand and stuff...haha, is this gonna be a word against word from everyone?

Anyhow, for those of you who's taking matters to seriously, sometimes without thinking, its clear who you are. Yea, those who are complaining at everything in life are those who are also flaming like crazy. First of, you are so silly...SUE MARK!!!! yah rite, its not libel lah, where got meaning? and if you really were in the states, you'd probably have to spend a night in jail for saying mark should be shot. Owh, didn't you know, its a bigger offense to say someone should be shot then to ask someone to die in a fire. One is a intention/threat...the other is simply a F*CK OFF!

As for Htune magazine, i can't blame them. I'm an avid reader! Try to understand the magazine doesn't belong to you and if it does, it'll probably would close down. My ex-gf used to work in Singapore for some girly mag and can you imagine printing cost for a month could easily buy the owner a supercar, whereas sales generated after distribution fees, salaries and running cost are deducted, couldn't even get a good meal. MEDIA SURVIVES ON ADs!! Look at Astro, they feature loads of ads, plenty of silly repeated programs and they raise the subscription fee higher and faster then samiVelu can hike the toll charges. So why isn't anyone complaining about them like they are now? Besides, if those 'informative' ads in the mag were not there, there would be yet another complain.

If all of you who are so eager to come out and say a few words, perhaps aimed it at more serious and pressing issues like...say err...toll hikes, crime rates and simple politics, it would be a much better topic as waste of time or an attempt to change something. If you think your voicing out won't make a change though..ask yourself again then why am i here posting and taking things to seriously and making it personal to get the so called unprofessional writer to set things straight!

Speaking 'bout the crime rate, yes there are more cars to feature then just Evos & Scoobies on the roads but with the crime rates going up, who wants their car featured anymore. An STi even got broken into outside a guardhouse filled with gurkha guards..sadly, 3-guards were no match for 5-thugs. So now you see why its so hard to get cars! And besides, Htune features a balance of girls and cars. If it were your way then readers who loves looking at chick pics would be doing exactly what you are now..COMPLAINING!! So they try to make everyone happy..."this month more cars, next month more chicks or sumtin like that"

Sigh, i didn't realize i could type so much, please don't hate me, i don't want to have to sue you or ask you to die in a fire...but published media and online forums bring the same meaning. Moreover travis_ckf could be anybody yet Mark, a hypertune writer only refers to one person. An insult is an insult. If mark had to take his then so should you! *tsk*tsk...bad childhood perhaps??

Besides, kudos to you mark for you have unsuspectingly did nothing but managed to ask the offended few "Who's the Bitch now!" This word war has made many so called cheapskates who flick through magazines at bookstores yet proudly claiming they don't read or buy Hypertune to go and grab a copy. Plus, it took you one year to reply so it means you just didn't give a flying fark but when you had the chance to piss them off you did. LOL...I AM GONG TO WATCH THIS SPACE...YES...to count how many people start grabbing a copy and how many more idiots get pissed off!!

P/s:- Go on, i know you want to...pls go post this up in LYn too. It'll be fun but i just can't give a damn to go register there.
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Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

You see a lot of people complain about Top Gear being unprofessional; not featuring enough down-to-earth cars where people actually buy, or not doing proper car reviews, but instead cocking about in the show and going on various trips and challenges... in the same way everyone is bashing Hypertune about this issue. If you've seen the show uncut and live style on various personal videos you should know what I mean.

(Offtopic: And this is cause Top Gear used to be a cars review program and many have failed to accept that is has now become a show about 3 men interested in cars.)

I mean if Autocar published that then it would be atrocious. For Hypertune who constantly has their articles in a personal and care free manner, why is it such a big deal if they publish a personal whine or two? They have personal articles all the time (i think?), the magazine doesnt *have* to be 'professional'.

Im just amused of how many people are going " yeah he's unprofessional and Im shocked at this behaviour oh thats really bad " when it really doesnt really matter or change anything in life. Call me cynical.

That said this is all just purely my opinion.
I'm a big Top Gear fan so I know and in this case I'll just agree to disagree. They're basically now more of a variety show of sorts and the 3 hosts are entertainers (who go about their jobs professionally). Not a lot of difference from say a stand up comedian, an actor or a talk show host. They don't go on the show in their active roles and sort out a spite they have with some random person, at least not in a personal vengeful manner.

Anyway, Top Gear is in a totally different league to Hypertune with their slightly dodgy production quality and sometimes cringe worthy writing. So I'll stop uttering them in the same breath.

Lastly, you may feel that "Mark" can have a bit of a childish burst like that on Hypertune, while I don't. He could have done it in a more intelligent manner, making indirect jibes at his critics, for example would have been a bit more tasteful. It's about showing some class. So again, we'll just have to agree to disagree.
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

After reading 5 pages of replies, I'm still trying to figure out what really are all the grouses against that particular writer and the magazine he works for.

OK, so maybe he wasn't thinking properly when he used the editorial page to return an insult which was a tit-for-tat reaction for a personal attack by a forumer at lowyat.

Then again, many of you never really cared why he reacted the way he did. All I hear you saying is that Mark, as a journalist, ought to take criticisms like a man.

yeah well...as far as I can tell, there's just one problem with that statement....it depends whether the criticisms you levelled at him are 'constructive'.

Personally, I haven't seen or read one bit of constructive criticism offerred. You don't expect any guy with even an ounce of pride to swallow every bit of sh1t you throw at him.

1. People are taking issue with his writing style. Travis even mentioned the Turbo Vios article. I'm assuming you are referring to the Vios article in Issue 51. Well, what exactly is wrong with the way he wrote that piece ??? He described the car....the work and mods that went into it....the owner's intentions and plans, how the car handles...er....so what's wrong ? Sounds like pretty much how it is written in other car magazines. OK in some articles, he takes up a couple of paragraphs rambling on about an unrelated matter, but fair go guys....he doesn't do it all the time. Honestly, in the majority of his articles, I'm hard-pressed to single out any idiosyncracies with his style. Some people are so nitpicky :)

2. I don't know about you. But I take the good with the bad, and if the overall result is still good then everything is fine with me. The guy had maybe a few rambling articles out of many others but you tar and feather him nevertheless.....drag his name in dirt and suggest he ought "to be shot." And you wonder why he's pissed off at you ?

3. About those comments and comparisons of Hypertune to Clarkson and Topgear magazine as the benchmark.....that's just barking up the wrong tree. Don't get me wrong. I love Clarkson and Top Gear, but if you think Clarkson is any less slapstick, you're wrong. The guy writes a lot of BS and devote a ton of pages talking smack (in an article featured not so long ago in the Star he had a entire editorial in newspaper small print devoted to fighting global warming by building a giant pipe to space to channel hot air into the vacuum...what sh1t....but you love the comedy anyway didn't you?)

4. Clarkson and Top Gear is all about BMWs, Porsches, Caparos, Ariel Atoms, Mercs, Aston Martins etc etc. Cars most of the people here won't be able to afford. Hypertune is about local modding scene, local tuners, review of specific mods available locally, with due attention given to local makes and brands. It's a heck lot more relevant to me and to a lot of Malaysian readers than Top Gear ever would be.

5. Some of you complained their choice of feature cars are getting worse. How so ? The articles are fascinating to me. Maybe you are just getting jaded with the selection ? In that case, what alternatives do you suggest bearing in mind you that for each month's issue you have to select from modded cars located within Malaysia and Singapore. You think that is an easy task ? Furthermore, name me another local car magazine with an equivalent or better coverage of locally modded feature cars, and product reviews ? Well, if you think the quality of the feature cars the mag is falling, then how about offering your own cherished rides to be featured. Are your rides up to the task ? Don't know how many of you actually bothered comparing the last issue (# 72) with, for example, #41 way back in 2005. The content now, including number of featuresand detailed reviews are much more now than back in 2005. The quality of photography is also way better. Don't take my word for it. Pull out the two issues and make a comparison yourself.

6. Comments about the poor binding....I have issues 41 to 72...none have fallen apart...don't exactly know how you handle your copy.

7. Too much adverts in the magazine for car accessories and tuning shops ? features, reviews and addresses of tuners and products all in one issue under one roof. Well what's wrong with that ?

8. Complaints about the magazine's price. RM 10.90. WTF guys ?!? Only 10.90 and you b*tch about it when most of you willingly piss away a ton load more money drinking yourself silly every Friday pub night, not to mention shopping and buying useless crap for a lot more than RM 10.90. When was the last time any of you gave some thought about how much a standard white piece of A4 photocopy paper cost. It adds up and the paper in Hypertune is actually gloss which will cost even more. RM 10.90 is a pittance in the overall scheme of things. For once, have a sense of perspective.

Just my 2 cents, or in case of Hypertune RM 10.90 :rofl:
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

Anyway, Top Gear is in a totally different league to Hypertune with their slightly dodgy production quality and sometimes cringe worthy writing. So I'll stop uttering them in the same breath.

i'm totally agree with this...:itsme:

just thinkin of complaint to them bout some of the Tech Talk bout Nos, Turbo & Exhaust.....really big mistake & really misleading....just feel like direct copy from unknown websites.....
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

Silverfist: Sounds like you've picked up a clue at how I am. I usually just agree that we're all different in the end of the argument and will continue to disagree to hell about the topic at hand. :biggrin:

FVel: Its not a comparison of Hypertune and TopGear. Its an analogy where Top Gear came under fire for 'unprofessionalism' by the critics.
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

Hi everyone. Its been a while i didnt post here. I used to be a member of zth a few years back but lately i am active in the lowyat forums. Its has been my hang out spot ever since, esp the fast & furious section and photography. :)

Yes, my name was bashed by Mark and it is a surprise to me as well. Let me tell u guys the fullstory here.

There a thread in the fast & furious section (the car section in lowyat forums) which is a discussion topic on hypertune. Well i do bought that mag a few times but i found out the writting is , pretty bad. Well for the record i usually got my motoring news/reviews from paultan.org, autocar asean, top gear, fifth gear and of coz, Jeremy Clarkson's weekly articles and his show.

Mark writting is ridiculous at times as he wrote alot of unnecessery stories on his car articles. So a couple of months ago, i do post a reply on that hypertune thread saying Mark should be shot to death due to his terrible writting. Common, its just a public forum, u might see even worse stuffs in autoworld forum.

I do made a num of negative comments on hypertune in the lowyat thread, saying the mag is nothing but a babe watch/FHM wannable rather than showing good modifed cars, (although personally i felt hypertune is much better compared to local car mofiduing mags here). I also commented that the pricing is ridiculous and there too many advertorial.

Not to mention, the bad writting, esp from this writter Mark (esp a older issues, check the toyota yaris turbo article for reference, that all i can think off). There are a num of ppl agree with me on this/

But somehow, from his shocking but inmature writiing in the recent issue of hypertune has clearly shown how childish he is and he has clearly shown his lack of profession ism as a journalist. I believe even Paul Tan has better professional values than this jerk. I wondering how can the editor can allow his articles to be printed? God......

I let u guys judge who is the fault here, but while i can simply give bad remarks on a online forum as a regular joe, this person is putting something not bad but stupid and childish action in a printed media, as a journalist.

Its like having president bush says "f*** off" to Osama in national TV, don't u guys get the drift?

You think i just keep myself quiet? Watch this space guys.


You meant his writing or his grammer? Cause yours isn't to shout about too you know.

After reading through your REMARKS on lowyat.net, personally, who are you to critic people? It's like the pot calling the kettle black.

You can't possibly put a remark like that on the NET and hope the person stays silent. Besides, you doing it on the net, same thing with this Mark going through a mag. Yours is possibly worse, with the millions of internet users and what not. If you so pissed, go book a space in your local newspaper and complain lor if you not happy.

To me, honestly, you get what you deserve. You started the fire, you should end it. No point asking people opinion la and all that crap. Take it like a man, you sure as hell started it like 1. So don't go running behind 'the people' and point your finger from way back in the crowd and go "you see you see...so many people support me". Thats horse shit.

After all this and you're calling the guy childish and immature? I mean since you're asking the opinion of others to justify your remarks.

Also, if you don't like the crap written inside a mag, don't buy la, save that money go makan and yum cha better right? What for complain? Sigh**..some people.

And if you start to hate me for my words, now you know how Mark feels lor.

...did i mention all this is just my 2 cents?
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

HAHHAAHHAHAA.... Aiyoi, cant help laughing. :biggrin: Why so complicated ??!??? Everybody needs a beer weih. Let me try to make things ALOT easier for everybody...

"Posting online in a forum with a nickname that anybody could register, bashing some other guy ONLINE."

compared with​

"Posting in a REKNOWNED local car magazine in the EDITORIAL section with your big ass name there, WHEN BOSS IS AWAY, bashing some other guy on MAGAZINE that would be sold nationwide. Showing exactly how professional he is in the magazine. (And showing how long he could keep a grudge)" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Famous Online Forum <--> Famous Local Magazine that involves BIG MONEY
are 2 big different things.​

Mark risked Hypertune's image by injecting his personal shit into a section of the magazine, which could start a flame war resulting in people either liking Hypertune more, or hating Hypertune becoz of this Mark. It is still a risk.

travis_ckt only risked his own image by posting online, which he has nothing to loose.

Why everybody arguing so badly until out of topic? loll.. Ok i will sit back, have some beer or popcorn so i can continue watching the show..
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

After reading 5 pages of replies, I'm still trying to figure out what really are all the grouses against that particular writer and the magazine he works for.

OK, so maybe he wasn't thinking properly when he used the editorial page to return an insult which was a tit-for-tat reaction for a personal attack by a forumer at lowyat.

Then again, many of you never really cared why he reacted the way he did. All I hear you saying is that Mark, as a journalist, ought to take criticisms like a man.

yeah well...as far as I can tell, there's just one problem with that statement....it depends whether the criticisms you levelled at him are 'constructive'.

Personally, I haven't seen or read one bit of constructive criticism offerred. You don't expect any guy with even an ounce of pride to swallow every bit of sh1t you throw at him.

1. People are taking issue with his writing style. Travis even mentioned the Turbo Vios article. I'm assuming you are referring to the Vios article in Issue 51. Well, what exactly is wrong with the way he wrote that piece ??? He described the car....the work and mods that went into it....the owner's intentions and plans, how the car handles...er....so what's wrong ? Sounds like pretty much how it is written in other car magazines. OK in some articles, he takes up a couple of paragraphs rambling on about an unrelated matter, but fair go guys....he doesn't do it all the time. Honestly, in the majority of his articles, I'm hard-pressed to single out any idiosyncracies with his style. Some people are so nitpicky :)

2. I don't know about you. But I take the good with the bad, and if the overall result is still good then everything is fine with me. The guy had maybe a few rambling articles out of many others but you tar and feather him nevertheless.....drag his name in dirt and suggest he ought "to be shot." And you wonder why he's pissed off at you ?

3. About those comments and comparisons of Hypertune to Clarkson and Topgear magazine as the benchmark.....that's just barking up the wrong tree. Don't get me wrong. I love Clarkson and Top Gear, but if you think Clarkson is any less slapstick, you're wrong. The guy writes a lot of BS and devote a ton of pages talking smack (in an article featured not so long ago in the Star he had a entire editorial in newspaper small print devoted to fighting global warming by building a giant pipe to space to channel hot air into the vacuum...what sh1t....but you love the comedy anyway didn't you?)

4. Clarkson and Top Gear is all about BMWs, Porsches, Caparos, Ariel Atoms, Mercs, Aston Martins etc etc. Cars most of the people here won't be able to afford. Hypertune is about local modding scene, local tuners, review of specific mods available locally, with due attention given to local makes and brands. It's a heck lot more relevant to me and to a lot of Malaysian readers than Top Gear ever would be.

5. Some of you complained their choice of feature cars are getting worse. How so ? The articles are fascinating to me. Maybe you are just getting jaded with the selection ? In that case, what alternatives do you suggest bearing in mind you that for each month's issue you have to select from modded cars located within Malaysia and Singapore. You think that is an easy task ? Furthermore, name me another local car magazine with an equivalent or better coverage of locally modded feature cars, and product reviews ? Well, if you think the quality of the feature cars the mag is falling, then how about offering your own cherished rides to be featured. Are your rides up to the task ? Don't know how many of you actually bothered comparing the last issue (# 72) with, for example, #41 way back in 2005. The content now, including number of featuresand detailed reviews are much more now than back in 2005. The quality of photography is also way better. Don't take my word for it. Pull out the two issues and make a comparison yourself.

6. Comments about the poor binding....I have issues 41 to 72...none have fallen apart...don't exactly know how you handle your copy.

7. Too much adverts in the magazine for car accessories and tuning shops ? features, reviews and addresses of tuners and products all in one issue under one roof. Well what's wrong with that ?

8. Complaints about the magazine's price. RM 10.90. WTF guys ?!? Only 10.90 and you b*tch about it when most of you willingly piss away a ton load more money drinking yourself silly every Friday pub night, not to mention shopping and buying useless crap for a lot more than RM 10.90. When was the last time any of you gave some thought about how much a standard white piece of A4 photocopy paper cost. It adds up and the paper in Hypertune is actually gloss which will cost even more. RM 10.90 is a pittance in the overall scheme of things. For once, have a sense of perspective.

Just my 2 cents, or in case of Hypertune RM 10.90 :rofl:
Caution: This is probably badly out of topic.

FVel; I'd just like to mention I like reading your posts. They're well thought through and well written. Same goes for Zeroed actually, which is why I take the time to respond.

I think everybody's just dispensing their opinions and views about the matter, just like you and I are doing. Just that not everyone can do it as well as you do.

Speaking of constructive criticism, I'd like to discuss a bit about Hypertune. I don't know if you've noticed, but I did mention in an earlier post that I once was an avid buyer of Hypertune, for several years I think. It started as a honest local mag about car mods, with simple, Malaysian flavoured writing. I liked that.

Then it started going wrong, for me at least, when I suppose they started becoming really popular (just guessing). First of which is the loads of ads (annoying, some with pathetically funny write ups). Too much ads is good for the mag not so good for me the reader. It's a bit like those women's mag which is an ad almost every other page.

Then there's the writing, which started to lose its honest humble nature, and became more ambitious (shall we say) and strikes me as trying too hard. Abuse of big English words, cliches or catch phrases. Trying to be witty but often times failing. All of which causes me to cringe and roll my eyes at the attempt. I shall put it down to them trying to write like those foreign magazine writers, unsuccessfully. Sometimes, less is more people. Keep it simple.

Too few of what I consider, actual reviews of cars. Like how it drives, how it feels, and objective opinions about the car and the mods. I don't like the reviews of the normal cars either.

Of course, not all of it is bad, there are the good but for me the bad shades the good. The annoyances turned me away. At the same time I began to have a liking for articles about on the limit handling balance and fingertip feedback and control instead of car mod mags which just spell out the spec list and wax a few superlatives here and there. So, I stopped buying Hypertune (its been a while since) and have no idea how they are now.

That's my RM10.90 ;)

PS: About the binding, I have problems with that too.
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

HAHHAAHHAHAA.... Aiyoi, cant help laughing. :biggrin: Why so complicated ??!??? Everybody needs a beer weih. Let me try to make things ALOT easier for everybody...

"Posting online in a forum with a nickname that anybody could register, bashing some other guy ONLINE."

compared with​

"Posting in a REKNOWNED local car magazine in the EDITORIAL section with your big ass name there, WHEN BOSS IS AWAY, bashing some other guy on MAGAZINE that would be sold nationwide. Showing exactly how professional he is in the magazine. (And showing how long he could keep a grudge)" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Famous Online Forum <--> Famous Local Magazine that involves BIG MONEY
are 2 big different things.​

Mark risked Hypertune's image by injecting his personal shit into a section of the magazine, which could start a flame war resulting in people either liking Hypertune more, or hating Hypertune becoz of this Mark. It is still a risk.

travis_ckt only risked his own image by posting online, which he has nothing to loose.

Why everybody arguing so badly until out of topic? loll.. Ok i will sit back, have some beer or popcorn so i can continue watching the show..


That's the most important point.
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

hehe....like small kid fight over wat also dunno..ekeke...
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

Caution: This is probably badly out of topic.

FVel; I'd just like to mention I like reading your posts. They're well thought through and well written. Same goes for Zeroed actually, which is why I take the time to respond.

I think everybody's just dispensing their opinions and views about the matter, just like you and I are doing. Just that not everyone can do it as well as you do.

Speaking of constructive criticism, I'd like to discuss a bit about Hypertune. I don't know if you've noticed, but I did mention in an earlier post that I once was an avid buyer of Hypertune, for several years I think. It started as a honest local mag about car mods, with simple, Malaysian flavoured writing. I liked that.

Then it started going wrong, for me at least, when I suppose they started becoming really popular (just guessing). First of which is the loads of ads (annoying, some with pathetically funny write ups). Too much ads is good for the mag not so good for me the reader. It's a bit like those women's mag which is an ad almost every other page.

Then there's the writing, which started to lose its honest humble nature, and became more ambitious (shall we say) and strikes me as trying too hard. Abuse of big English words, cliches or catch phrases. Trying to be witty but often times failing. All of which causes me to cringe and roll my eyes at the attempt. I shall put it down to them trying to write like those foreign magazine writers, unsuccessfully. Sometimes, less is more people. Keep it simple.

Too few of what I consider, actual reviews of cars. Like how it drives, how it feels, and objective opinions about the car and the mods. I don't like the reviews of the normal cars either.

Of course, not all of it is bad, there are the good but for me the bad shades the good. The annoyances turned me away. At the same time I began to have a liking for articles about on the limit handling balance and fingertip feedback and control instead of car mod mags which just spell out the spec list and wax a few superlatives here and there. So, I stopped buying Hypertune (its been a while since) and have no idea how they are now.

That's my RM10.90 ;)

PS: About the binding, I have problems with that too.

Hey man. I respect your opinion. I wouldn't say that Hypertune got everything right but I still have not found another local tuning magazine that are better than them. Unless people actually suggested a viable alternative, I'll be sticking to Hypertune.

I think when it comes to English prose and the use of flowery vocab, Hypertune is no different from a lot of other foreign tuning mags such as Super Street or even Import Tuner, although personally I don't think they are too bad compared to the smack talking in Super Street. All these tuning mags tend to write in an irreverent tone which seems to be part of a import culture to be 'cool'. Just something you and I won't be able to do anything about. Mark has a habit of telling a lot of background stories about the cars to set the mood of an article and this will likely not sit very well with some readers. I don't mind it much. Often when I don't care to read about his storytelling bits, I just jump straight into the meat of the article where he actually starts talking about the car proper. By comparison, his colleagues Cimatt and Murali and ex-Hypertune editor Hisham Jahudi write in a more conservative manner. Different styles I guess.

There's still a lot to look forward in the magazine in my opinion. I like the tech articles by Dennis Krishnan, the frequent product reviews. They are also doing regular reviews of tyre models in every issue now. All these are good info.

If it wasn't for the mag's reviews and the ads they carry, I wouldn't have known enough to hook up with Powerzone (they are doing up my car) or even get in touch with the GAB agent in Perak. I know people say you can get detailed advice at car forums, but its a nightmare for newbies like me to get anything sensible at forums. Try asking a simple question at the forums. You often end up with a whole range of answers and have to sift through a lot of stuff to get what you want to know, and many times forumers don't give sound advice in a timely fashion. A well published magazine offers a very good reference point. As I said before, Hypertune served my purposes well. .....and no complaints about the featured chicks either...they are hot LOL

But I do agree that this month's Hypertune editorial column should not have been commandeered as a platform to trade insults. As it is, it was not even an editorial at all. If Mark had wanted to respond to personal attacks he should have done it in a more appropriate environment. Using the magazine as a vehicle to air his indignation is a blemish in judgement, I think, eventhough I sympathize with the reason for his anger.

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