mods on Accord CF4

hehehe......saving a lot eh driving 160kmh?

Bump: today my car kong........

when i went to jb, passed red sun to my brother n forgot to tell him that my clutch pump has leaking. today nak gi kerja, realized that my clutch pedal jauh ke dalam. i pressed then the pedal didnt come back. i checked clutch oil....kering.... .then i top up the oil back and tekan2 pedal....but no change. started the engine, press pedal, cant insert gear..............think my clucth pump kong la..........................................any suggestion?

Had this before.. Just flush the fluid and it will be good.. Make sure to top up the fluid until you get the replacement.
oh, abe sloth driving CF4K oso?

i oso want to ask if he want to sell

i waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnttttttttttt.

Not all CH9 and CL1 came with VSA, mind you.

My friends' CF4 SiR had VSA, the other car didnt have VSA, both SiR spec. Not sure about the SiR-T that bro Bongek drives. He NEVER whacks his car for some reason.

Fobs, your snow white got VTEC System Activation or not??

woih, kete rmung dok parking under the tree, then the birdies yak yak...

how the handling? looks better with the new arms and knuckles, atleast the right-side wheel doesnt stick out too much, heck, it looks like stock.

have you done alignment?

bro sloth drives a 5lug cf3

my white nemo got, got vtech stabilizer assistant :hmmmm:
oppsss. sorry sorry, maybe just because i'm too excited coz found a member in same area.. also feel weird la talking in english with 'orang sekampung', right bro pyang? kihkih..thanks for remind me bros.. :biggrin:

sounds like Scorpion song title,

just kidding bro hehehe..

hehe bro, so you always going offshore ke? dunno whose car, but also saw a grey CF4 at kerteh.. also saw a white Euro R, carbon bonnet with plate number WPU xxxx, my pren said his owner is Idris, never meet him.. im in same field with bro ali, doing NDT inspection.. who's abe sloth, sounds like an otai due to bro faisal post.. ok bro pyang, give me a call when you around kerteh/kemaman k, can potpet alot hehehe.. piss bro.. :biggrin: 2 week duty..2 week off..always go to my opis ( KOP ) for attend class n course..maybe on 11 & 12 December i'm at kerteh..we can meet at KDRP or Mesra Mall..i'm not otai la wan...u can ask from abe sloth..otai

I think the white Cf4/CL1 last time I saw in Kemaman with reg WPU something, if me no mistake.
Same with what wan mentioned.

abe aja...WPU with to digit ker?? since last month..always saw white torneo CL1 TG..reg no. WRS XXXX..not kenai this owner.maybe baru beli TG now...i think about 8 CF4 + torneo euro R but don no the owner..always me n kizmet just TT.

alooo guys....pyang..where u at?im still at jb..this monday head back to tganu...fulus dah kurang aa bro..last week with bien looking for parts for my babe..lucky i found it in jb...maybe next month looking for something else..

aloooo abe ali...i'm still at 2 weeks on night tuesday i come want go spore??can bring back small2 item CL1 la..buah tangan...

what ur project??big brake??6 pot kah?? when u back ganu,will be meet at Leong workshop yaa..have small2 project..heheeh:listen:

oh, abe sloth driving CF4K oso?

i oso want to ask if he want to sell

i waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnttttttttttt.

Not all CH9 and CL1 came with VSA, mind you.

My friends' CF4 SiR had VSA, the other car didnt have VSA, both SiR spec. Not sure about the SiR-T that bro Bongek drives. He NEVER whacks his car for some reason.

Fobs, your snow white got VTEC System Activation or not??

woih, kete rmung dok parking under the tree, then the birdies yak yak...

how the handling? looks better with the new arms and knuckles, atleast the right-side wheel doesnt stick out too much, heck, it looks like stock.

have you done alignment?

abe sloth have the nice car...abe bien can :listen: to negotiate his car..cunnnnn with 5 lugs

yup..u are right abe CH9 meter dont have VSA.but i take card slot from CF4 meter n do modifiy for connect VSA slot at CH9 working good like abe fobs said..pening sekejap..

ali 's car makin powerful since park at abe bien house...abe bien..what u do hah??i'm also want to park la when i'm going offshore..:biggrin:

oh, abe sloth driving CF4K oso?

i oso want to ask if he want to sell

i waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnttttttttttt.

Not all CH9 and CL1 came with VSA, mind you.

My friends' CF4 SiR had VSA, the other car didnt have VSA, both SiR spec. Not sure about the SiR-T that bro Bongek drives. He NEVER whacks his car for some reason.

Fobs, your snow white got VTEC System Activation or not??

woih, kete rmung dok parking under the tree, then the birdies yak yak...

how the handling? looks better with the new arms and knuckles, atleast the right-side wheel doesnt stick out too much, heck, it looks like stock.

have you done alignment?

abe sloth have a nice car with 5 lugs..abe bien can :listen: to negotiate his car la..

abe ali's car become powerful since park at abe bien house..what u do hah???me also want to park my car la when i'm going to offshore..hehehe:biggrin:

u are right CH9 meter didnt have i kacuk with CF4 meter n do working good..

Bump: very relaxing work at night shift..:sleep:lai..lai..lai..layan Champion League..

Bump: very relaxing work at night shift..:sleep:lai..lai..lai..layan Champion League..

Bump: very relaxing work at night shift..:sleep:lai..lai..lai..layan Champion League..

Bump: very relaxing work at night shift..:sleep:lai..lai..lai..layan Champion League..

yes, it's me.. oredi kontek that guy 4 days ago asking the offset, it's +40..:banghead:

wan...what news about CL1 halfcut...u take the powerful engine n i take headlite n grill..:biggrin:
ali man guy....brape guni bawak balik duit Myanmar...AP lesing ker??diameter??8 pot kot..

abe cat77 & abe faisal...where fairy??oliver??sunyi sepi tanpa berita....

abe cat77.... i can't take mc "sembarangan" coz Medic was where..if btul2 sakit..can back onshore..if not..telan ubat n rest at sickbay :bawling:...but if off duty (onshore)..i can take mc senang2...

fairy bz doing recovery.........pyang, i think in munlee got euro r headlight......price RM 900 if not mistaken la.....
Had this before.. Just flush the fluid and it will be good.. Make sure to top up the fluid until you get the replacement.
yes...asked my mechanic about it and he told me to do that flush2 thing. now red sun can move back. currently dok fiding replacement part....had told my fren overthere to look for it
pyan, so many cf/cl in TG area,... standby kertas A4 cut into four,... write msg and place on their windscreen ler,... ask them join u, then join us.

wan, advan tc offset+40, not able to use.
slow slow cari,... ada punya.

whoaaa,... so many TG kaki here,... wan, kizmet, pyan, sloth,... later i conpius
i think now there are more TG kaki here compared to KL kaki hehe...

weih xmas... i'm planning to go to KB and then i will pass by TG to go back to KL. I'll ring you guys so that I can know where to find the right place to buy keropok :)

bulet... alaa don't say i'm the president la... i'm only the thread starter with the sole intention to get ciplak eropah aru bodikit last time. for saturday... we can go together gether la... no prob. most likely i will start from Taman Permata Ulu klang and not from Shah alam... got some things to do there first

fobs, wan... i think offset +40 pun ok... grind grind a bit la... 1 cm ground shld be ok wat.

kitzmet... so the plan to tour the west coast and penang is off?
i think now there are more TG kaki here compared to KL kaki hehe...

weih xmas... i'm planning to go to KB and then i will pass by TG to go back to KL. I'll ring you guys so that I can know where to find the right place to buy keropok :)

bulet... alaa don't say i'm the president la... i'm only the thread starter with the sole intention to get ciplak eropah aru bodikit last time. for saturday... we can go together gether la... no prob. most likely i will start from Taman Permata Ulu klang and not from Shah alam... got some things to do there first

fobs, wan... i think offset +40 pun ok... grind grind a bit la... 1 cm ground shld be ok wat.

kitzmet... so the plan to tour the west coast and penang is off?

grind 1cm,...
whoaaaa! almost half of the alloy gone,...

better if gring 5mm on rim,... grind 5mm on hub,...

kizmet tour kah? i'll arrange the WORK for u,...
see how lorrr,...
no lah fobs... i think in order to cut cost they use the same mould for +40 and +45. to make +45 rims they shaved off 5 mm from the centre hub so basically if u r shaving 1cm from a +40 rim... it's just like shaving 5mm from a +45 rim.

someone korek me if i'm wrong... this is a pure assumption lah... i don't have any experience in making in sport rims. anybody working in BSA or JRD here 2 week duty..2 week off..always go to my opis ( KOP ) for attend class n course..maybe on 11 & 12 December i'm at kerteh..we can meet at KDRP or Mesra Mall..i'm not otai la wan...u can ask from abe sloth..otai

wan...what news about CL1 halfcut...u take the powerful engine n i take headlite n grill..:biggrin:

hehehe bro, right now i'm not thinking to tke the halfcut yet, maybe just make a few touchup.. no jobs la in the end of years, so not much money hehehe.. bro, u can kontek that runner (cdvtec) to find the headlights and grills, his price quite good.. maybe u can ask bro bien hehehe..

pyan, so many cf/cl in TG area,... standby kertas A4 cut into four,... write msg and place on their windscreen ler,... ask them join u, then join us.
wan, advan tc offset+40, not able to use.
slow slow cari,... ada punya.
whoaaa,... so many TG kaki here,... wan, kizmet, pyan, sloth,... later i conpius

hehehe, looks like we have the penyu's konek syen..

bro fobs & bro faisal, i think offset +40 is completely not cun la to CF4, must be +45 at least then grind 3mm to become +48 as bro fobs did before, or find +48 then grind 2 mm will be very cun la.. if offset +40, then i should grind 10 mm to get offset +10, pergghhh my rim will be super duper lightweight la kehkehkeh.. :biggrin:
fairy bz doing recovery.........pyang, i think in munlee got euro r headlight......price RM 900 if not mistaken la.....

What happened to fairy ??? Recovery ? Never hear news about him woo....

Miss our hamsap king.....hehehee...
fairy bz doing recovery.........pyang, i think in munlee got euro r headlight......price RM 900 if not mistaken la.....

just wake up from :sleep:...really abe cat77..can ur help n confirm for me..:adore:..RM 900 its ok la if headlite + hid...i take headlite n bro kizmet take hid...Ali..u want or not???

pyan, so many cf/cl in TG area,... standby kertas A4 cut into four,... write msg and place on their windscreen ler,... ask them join u, then join us.

wan, advan tc offset+40, not able to use.
slow slow cari,... ada punya.

whoaaa,... so many TG kaki here,... wan, kizmet, pyan, sloth,... later i conpius

gd suggestion abe fobs...can TT "sokmo" at pantai Batu Buruk...n abe sloth is presiden for TG CF4/CL1 kakis..hehehe...

i think now there are more TG kaki here compared to KL kaki hehe...

weih xmas... i'm planning to go to KB and then i will pass by TG to go back to KL. I'll ring you guys so that I can know where to find the right place to buy keropok :)

bulet... alaa don't say i'm the president la... i'm only the thread starter with the sole intention to get ciplak eropah aru bodikit last time. for saturday... we can go together gether la... no prob. most likely i will start from Taman Permata Ulu klang and not from Shah alam... got some things to do there first

fobs, wan... i think offset +40 pun ok... grind grind a bit la... 1 cm ground shld be ok wat.

kitzmet... so the plan to tour the west coast and penang is off?

xmas????ala...i'm on duty la...22nd Dec i terbang ke laut..maybe kizmet can bring u to the right Keropok Lekor place..

abe about ur project CF4/CL1's tshirt..any idea for this??i want too....
just wake up from :sleep:...really abe cat77..can ur help n confirm for me..:adore:..RM 900 its ok la if headlite + hid...i take headlite n bro kizmet take hid...Ali..u want or not???


gd suggestion abe fobs...can TT "sokmo" at pantai Batu Buruk...n abe sloth is presiden for TG CF4/CL1 kakis..hehehe...


xmas????ala...i'm on duty la...22nd Dec i terbang ke laut..maybe kizmet can bring u to the right Keropok Lekor place..

abe about ur project CF4/CL1's tshirt..any idea for this??i want too....

later if i go to munlee i'll check for me our contact number...
abe wan.....can u help me..:listen:ask bro cdvtec for the headlite n grill?? now u "tengah cuti panjang" kah?? best what!!!!

later if i go to munlee i'll check for me our contact number...

ok thanks abe cat77.i will pm ur later..u can ask from abe faisal or abe fobs 4 my phone no..if confirm n condition cun...later i will give u marvelous Kerepok keping n keropok lekor..free2 no charge..:biggrin:
Hello to all abangs, sifus, otais.. i'm still alive,:itsme::itsme: just damn busy... work like mad.. hahaha.. just now got 2 cunn chicks came to my shop, 1 wearing a loose button top.. she bend down to look at phones and my oh my.. nice round and showing a bit of pink ring.. agrhhhhhhh.. CUBAAN...

that day had to rush to johor baru.. top speed reached was 245kmh and still going but slowly.. hopefully i didnt kena speed trap.. i love my car :biggrin:

sorry to my jb friends, cos wanted to call but spent only 3 hours in jb then vtec back to k.l...

geng, sorry lah lama tak muncul.. been very busy.. but i'll be back.. hehehe

take care all..:biggrin:
abe wan.....can u help me..:listen:ask bro cdvtec for the headlite n grill?? now u "tengah cuti panjang" kah?? best what!!!!

bro pyang, i oredi kontek mr cd asking the headlight n grill, he's looking for it now.. if have any news i will inform u bro.. i'm not 'cuti panjang' ler, everyday still working coz i'm permanent staff hehe.. but i have working allowance, so more working days=more allowance=more CF4 modification hehehe.. but this few weeks very syiok la sleeping, everyday is raining..:sleep:
actually which platform are u now bro?

p/s: last night Liverpool win kehkehkeh..:biggrin:
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