mods on Accord CF4

hi abe2 sume..:biggrin:

bz kije???..want to joint cyberjaya mega gathering but on duty la...

abe Fobs...kizmet ade kol x??
yarp... this saturday. fobs... u r kambing daun or not? if yes... i can deliver some of your belongings

Bump: yarp... this saturday. fobs... u r kambing daun or not? if yes... i can deliver some of your belongings

got coming kot kot kot,...
the trunklid will do,... the UA leave it at ur place 1st,... kot kot bien nak sambar. Coz scared leave long long wil berkarat kot kot.

hi abe2 sume..:biggrin:

bz kije???..want to joint cyberjaya mega gathering but on duty la...

abe Fobs...kizmet ade kol x??

WORK nih, kizmet dah cfmd, kot kot.

aiya, duty apa? apply cuti or mc lah kot kot kot
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ali ada kat sebelah rumah aku. keter dia dop siap lagi pyang..

tukar brake besor

lai lai lai.. come come come, the more the merrier.
cannot la abe fobs...super duper senior tech already take leave..adik2 junior kena kije..:bawling:

when kizmet mau turun penang???i'm back to onshore early december..

ali ada kat sebelah rumah aku. keter dia dop siap lagi pyang..

tukar brake besor

lai lai lai.. come come come, the more the merrier.

hi abe bien...

la...i thought kizmet still @ when ali back to kay tee??monsoon cup dah dekat...
ali ada kat sebelah rumah aku. keter dia dop siap lagi pyang..

tukar brake besor

lai lai lai.. come come come, the more the merrier.

BBK??? aiyooooo!!!

masuk ape? APlesing??? 6pot? pengsan.

cannot la abe fobs...super duper senior tech already take leave..adik2 junior kena kije..:bawling:

when kizmet mau turun penang???i'm back to onshore early december..


hi abe bien...

la...i thought kizmet still @ when ali back to kay tee??monsoon cup dah dekat...

kalau aku turun megaGath, and can swap rim,... the WORK i leave at kl,...
anyway,... by tis friday only see if i can go.
:shakehands:salam & hi abe2 super duper senior cf4 kacuk & cl1.....

lupe nak introduce..:shakehands:

me..Pyang..from kay tee..already have cf4 kacuk,campur aduk euro R since far no major problem.i hope abe2 & otai2 sume me can give me a lots knowledge about CL1 & sape2 nak lego bodypart euro R..hello me..hehehe

Wan.....kemaman which area?kg?kalu nak TT, bleh la turun Kerteh.... me n abe sloth...
:shakehands:salam & hi abe2 super duper senior cf4 kacuk & cl1.....

lupe nak introduce..:shakehands:

me..Pyang..from kay tee..already have cf4 kacuk,campur aduk euro R since far no major problem.i hope abe2 & otai2 sume me can give me a lots knowledge about CL1 & sape2 nak lego bodypart euro R..hello me..hehehe

Wan.....kemaman which area?kg?kalu nak TT, bleh la turun Kerteh.... me n abe sloth...

whoaaa,... abg sloth is otai jtcc, any tcc pun dia byk update punyerrrr!
and also abg ziddik pun kaki tcc gak,...
pyang... after all these years u only registered now... u can be considered as otai oredy with all the parts u put inside ur car. i heard you did 279.3km/h last time hehe
ali man guy....brape guni bawak balik duit Myanmar...AP lesing ker??diameter??8 pot kot..

abe cat77 & abe faisal...where fairy??oliver??sunyi sepi tanpa berita....

abe cat77.... i can't take mc "sembarangan" coz Medic was where..if btul2 sakit..can back onshore..if not..telan ubat n rest at sickbay :bawling:...but if off duty (onshore)..i can take mc senang2...
pyang... after all these years u only registered now... u can be considered as otai oredy with all the parts u put inside ur car. i heard you did 279.3km/h last time hehe

me??otai???no laa..junior otai can la..can solve kecik2 problem only..279.3km/h????mana u tau???ade cctv in my car ker??hehehe...RSM rosak kot..179.3km/h maybe..already change meter cluster CF4 to CH9..low mileage....
Err.....what parts pyang8018 sourced ? Wanna imitate la...hehehhe....

Today went to rate hk$ high ar.......
abe sato....not speacial part/toyol inside my car..just small2 item je...

abe2 / otais........who want to sell accord euro R headlite & grill CL1??kasi sell murah2 la sama adik....
Hey guys.....i juz wanna ask ar....

When rainy days...sometimes u open up the umbrella to go out of car la...when come back.....the umbrella is so wet but u still have to put it on the car's carpet right ?

So the next day ar.....bau busuk la......what to do ?
Hey guys.....i juz wanna ask ar....

When rainy days...sometimes u open up the umbrella to go out of car la...when come back.....the umbrella is so wet but u still have to put it on the car's carpet right ?

So the next day ar.....bau busuk la......what to do ?
I jemur the alas kaki.

usually, if wet umbrella, i will hayun kaw kaw to drain as much water as possible

pyang, mung pakai meter hok kuning wagon ke
:shakehands:salam & hi abe2 super duper senior cf4 kacuk & cl1.....

lupe nak introduce..:shakehands:

me..Pyang..from kay tee..already have cf4 kacuk,campur aduk euro R since far no major problem.i hope abe2 & otai2 sume me can give me a lots knowledge about CL1 & sape2 nak lego bodypart euro R..hello me..hehehe

Wan.....kemaman which area?kg?kalu nak TT, bleh la turun Kerteh.... me n abe sloth...

salam bro pyang, kawe duk kat bukit mentok, opis kt taman chukai tu hehehe..

bro duk mane? bro keje kat petronas penapisan/carigali tu ke? last time ade nampak cf4 kacuk kat situ.. kt ketengah jaya tu ade sebijik.. me always turun paka, coz ada bro in law duk kt situ, also slalu gak turun mesra mall hehe.. camana nk kontek bro eh, bleh jgak jumpe otai2 CF4/CLa nih..:adore: bro turun kemaman contek kawe 0139434055..

hahaha, akhirnya aku jumpa geng kat kemaman, amin...:proud:
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