Third party in relationship

we have an archaeologist in here??
all the old thread got dig out...
thought everyone's relationship got sorted out after CNY, now simon got problem pulak...
rough world we live in!....
Banana Split .....

A long firm "banana" sandwiched between two BIG delicious mound of vanilla ice-cream ... with one well rounded pinkish red cherry on top of each peak.

Finally topped over with lots and lots of HOT creamy cream .... Yummy !
Banana Split .....

A long firm "banana" sandwiched between two BIG delicious mound of vanilla ice-cream ... with one well rounded pinkish red cherry on top of each peak.

Finally topped over with lots and lots of HOT creamy cream .... Yummy !

well,thanx tohsan...
things sorted out dy...
not taht she don't wanna break up with hre bf,she hv phobia...
haha..long story..but well,its ok...i'll juz wait,while enjoyin the ride...
simon: why does it seemed like you are always in such tight-arse, triple-golden f**kin triangle, she had bf but wanna ditch him but can't, phobia for relationship aka bigger dicks, that she may have forgotten to put on her panty-liner, situations?
enjoying the ride???!!!!........

Must have since the thread had gone dead, suddenly ... hahahaha ....
alwayz meh?
i dowanna force her...but at the same time,i want her to break up with her bf...since she said no feeling anymore,yada yada...
everytime "her dad took her hp to melaka" i hv bad feleing..paranoia
it happened again ystd...
her dad went to melaka to supervise a fire safety check in one mall at 2am[logic ler,she say night time close,no visitor,can check thoroughly]
then morning wanna teman mom to hospital,her mom fell...
somehow,i would love to believe her story...but then...i can't...
i juz hv could i ask her to break up with her bf?
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