Bad Habit On Road


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
May 7, 2006
:shades_smile: hi guyz.. let we discuss on dis, as we're the road user n not everybody perfect, right..

1. throwing rubbish/gabbage on the road
- of coz not environment friendly
- can fly away such as plastic bags which will stuck at other's car (bumper, downpipe, piping, mudguard)
- really danger to motorcyclist, for example drink can or bottle cn make them out of control when hit it..

2. sms, but not everyone la..
- driving like turtle n sometimes not properly drive (go to right n left)
- not lookin at front n finally kaboom...!!! most at traffic light when not raise up their handbrake
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these are my bad habits....

1. sms grandmother/grandfather story while at 160km/h.....

2. sometimes when i am tired of using my hands(holding the steering), i use my feet and just sit back with no hands...

hehehehe.....jk jk..
1. left foot on the gas pedal
2. sms at all speed
3. use handsfree technique - hands free from the steering while on the phone
4. dig my nose to irritate other road user
5. try to catch short naps while driving 120kmh
6. peep on other motorist (especially lengluiz) while doing 120kmh
7. give middle finger if the gal's bf gets angry, while doing 120kmh
I've always HATED road users who:

1. NOT using signal lights WHILE switching lanes. Car manufacturers made this compulsory with the cars, NOT optional. LEARN to use it.

2. Cut into lanes, VERY closely. GO further in front then come in.

3. Can't stay in his/her own lanes, EVEN the road is STRAIGHT. Painted white lines on roads got their purposes.
If u are doing 50 on a 80km/h get the fuck off the road...take the bus
my habit

sms wif my gf at all speed =P
sleepy when drivng
gv my middle finger to people use right lane in speed 80kmh
Wherever and whenever we complaint .. Malaysians are still Malaysians, we cant change some of the bad habits. We're not like Singaporean, Singapore Govnt are very strict and take control because its only a small island and peoples are generous also rich ..

Malaysia is a Peninsular .. Island and Peninsular have huge differents to control, somemore with 14 states is impossible for Govnt to change unless the people themself have a courteous heart to care other people.

ok lets see;

- kissing in the car while driving
- fondling in the car while driving
- sms (so common)
- watching dvd in the car
- eating MCD in the car
- playing with niece/nephew/son/daughter in the car
- drunk

erm.. thats all for now.
hehehhee... me
- when i'm start pushing the pedal to the limit... i donno how to slow it down... ;-)
- tailgating car that doing 50km/h on 2nd/3rd lane
i owes sms while driving but i nvr/seldom slow down the car :tongwink:
overtaking car in a very high speed when im in rush.
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1 . sms while driving (always)...
2. talking to handphone
3. wearing jacket whendriving
4. tickling my gf when driving
5. holding the steering with 1 finger...haha
6. still more to come....
here are a few that i have observed over the years:

- ladies putting lipstick/makeup while driving
- smsing
- talking on the phone and driving at 50kmh on the fast lane
- hogging the fast lane
- cutting in and out of traffic without signalling
- simply turning a corner without stopping to look first
- running the red lights
- driving too close to others (both tailgating and side squashing)
- not turning on their lights at night
- driving in the middle of 2 lanes
- stopping the car wherever they want regardless whether its a roundabout, highway or suburb road
- double parking
- triple parking
- not parking in the box properly forcing others to park accordingly
- throwing fruits/cigarettes/toys/ etc out of the window
- not wearing seatbelts
- driving with hazard lights on during rainy days (do this and other ppl will think you car is not moving you know...)
- motorcyclists not wearing helmets
- people turning without looking around first (thinking that got no other ppl on the road)

i can't think of any more......
heres one,

those assholes driving sedans or whatever car equipped with HID,xenon or whatever super bright light turning it on unnecessarily, for example bright 8am in the morning or when theres a light drizzle
very 'saving' on my brake pads. use only when REALLY necessary to slow down.
and to go faster(left foot braking)
heres one,

those assholes driving sedans or whatever car equipped with HID,xenon or whatever super bright light turning it on unnecessarily, for example bright 8am in the morning or when theres a light drizzle

also for those using beamlights / spotlights all his way, blind ehh??
hehehe...if i'm driving company's car i'd like to play with someone who wants to 'potong queue' me without giving him a way..looked at the driver face with a nasty smile..kuahahaha...
smsing at 40000km/h
sleeping at 50000km/h
eating at 1000km/h
The most sucks thing..
When even you are in a hurry, there will be a stupid fellow enjoying his driving on his stupid car like turtle enjoying his good time...
What everyone posted is true ....... hopefully we can attempt harder to respect other(s) on the road by not committing those stated above.

1.) things that i hate that other road user do is...

When i am waiting to turn to the other side of the road
Car coming from the main road is going like 20-30km'h..friggin slow
but didnt turn on the signal light

so i waited..and waited...and waited....ZzzZz
i tought he/she wanna go straight..
then she/he turn into my lane slowly!!!!!!!!!
i could have come out if she/he had used the signal
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