The new maybe coming soon automotive policy in malaysia, nobody concern kah?

i would say..menteri if holding the same position after 5years if even more dangerous....can kill the whole nation :rofl:
instead of 15 years, they made it 12 years need scrap.... lots of supercar pun kena scrap, no nid say my old school civic..haiz
i would say..menteri if holding the same position after 5years if even more dangerous....can kill the whole nation :rofl:

Since they can have election every 5 years...I think cars deserve an election every 10 years as well if they are gonna go with 10 years or 12 years policy.

GE for used cars :rofl:

instead of 15 years, they made it 12 years need scrap.... lots of supercar pun kena scrap, no nid say my old school civic..haiz

Damn...means my 8 year old corolla. 2 more years need to scrap...
12 years....

If confirmed implemented, there goes my 21 year old corolla that has been faithfully serving the family :frown: .

Even though considered by the government 'old', it has been faithfully helping me to commute from Tanjung Malim - KL daily (selain daripada kehendak Allah of course).

The other day was discussing with wifey about the only public transport that has not faced an accident is our train services. Surprisingly, a few days after that the Komuter from tanjung malim to Rawang got derailed. Luckily no one died.

---------- Post added at 03:54 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 03:44 PM ----------

Too hard to teach those new drivers as new drivers usually observe and tend to duplicate the driving pattern of daily idiot drivers on the road...

Tailgating - "Wah!! He tail so close...I also follow...damn yeng wei!!!" :banghead:

I face that many times on the highway daily. From far flash or tailgate me like theres no tomorrow. Bila kasi potong...ceh vavi, mavi and dugong (usual suspects). Once in a while from other type of vehicles.

Seasoned (cough) road users who usually use the highway for sure give way or know when the driver in front is going to give you way. No need to flash. Its usually the people who seldom or rarely drive on highway that usually creates a shitstorm. They can't drive fast in towns, bila dapat highway...its like he / she is the king of the highway.

If the right lane looks tight as in a lot of cars are following each other closely, might as well stick to middle lane or left lane just to break away from the chain.
12 years....

If confirmed implemented, there goes my 21 year old corolla that has been faithfully serving the family :frown: .

Not only you, many more. I am sure if this goes thru' many kampungs will have many vehicles without license and road tax but still using and driving around the kampungs....:driver:
Not only you, many more. I am sure if this goes thru' many kampungs will have many vehicles without license and road tax but still using and driving around the kampungs....:driver:

Bro Vr, not only kampungs. Even you drive around new taman, you can see there is at least 1 vehicle (car or lorry) more than 10years old. If >5 years need to inspect, there are even more.

If this policy implemented, i think my house got 2 (1 old isuzu lorry & daihatsu ferroza) need to scrap and another 3 need to inspect.
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Not only you, many more. I am sure if this goes thru' many kampungs will have many vehicles without license and road tax but still using and driving around the kampungs....:driver:

without scrap policies oso have so many edi, that doesn't count the village mech who runs with those ol' datsun with everthing inside the engine, supposedly can run like a V8:driver:
Nyama, if they wanna implement this, they have to tie up loose ends ma.
Its their damn system that drivers doesn't know how to drive, not the car doesn't know how to drive.
What were they even thinking during the discussion of this policy.
This pisses me off so badly.

Compare to SG??? u wanna make me laugh ah. Their reasons are solid enough to back it up.
Bro Vr, no only kampungs. Even you drive around new taman, you can see there is at least 1 vehicle (car or lorry) more than 10years old. If >5 years need to inspect, there are even more.

If this policy implemented, i think my house got 2 (1 old isuzu lorry & daihatsu ferroza) need to scrap and another 3 need to inspect.

if this implemented, i will cry loorr, need 2 wait 9 years to finish finance, after finance oni 3 years to go scrap, hell can't even teach my kid to drive my fine ride:banghead:

if this is implemented, all those time of eating once a day for the sake of the ride is worthless what so ever edi, might as well burn my ride @ the heart of putrajaya when the time comes
Dugong, Myvi, Viva, City. As long as is an affordable FAMA car for their kids, then u will see those tiong kaw u...
Dugong especially. Lazy to play with them. The most tiong back them :rofl: Depends on mood...
majority of rakyat owns cars older than 12 years..

looks like they'll loose the majority.. if u know what i'm talking about :wink:
majority of rakyat owns cars older than 12 years..

looks like they'll loose the majority.. if u know what i'm talking about :wink:

What makes you think WE will still be the majority come 2018?

Government will say this policy will not burden the majority of the rakyat, because majority is Banglasias who take public transport and cycle yo!
What makes you think WE will still be the majority come 2018?

Government will say this policy will not burden the majority of the rakyat, because majority is Banglasias who take public transport and cycle yo!

They will tell you, car expensive then don't buy car....take public transport....they will go on to say our (Malaysia) public transport is better than Zimbabwe, Somalia, Congo, Tanzania, Madagascar, Afghanistan..etc...

And those fat minister say will reduce car price.....Yea, right...pelanpelantunggu la.....reduce ass......

I suggest those minister try living without their cars for 1 week....try taking public transport like the average Malaysian on peak hour....don't just take a joyride on the LRT on few station with bunch of bodyguards in half day then conclude our public transport is good.....trying taking public transport to Alor setar, then to JB then back to KL...
They slipstream(tailgate) you and get more speed mah, trying to make fastest Lap Times from work/shopping center to home then they share their experience with their ah beng friends about the average speed still faster than he race in track(Racing Game). :stupid:
I BANTAH the policy. ..
Those are blacklisted can not apply loan..
Those high commitment loan REJECT. .or cut loan amount...

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introduce 12 year policy cuz car too old.. where's the damn policy to remove the goddamn ruling party? 50 damn years of wasted time man.

Lambo Countach is a goner if they implement this. Whats even more interesting is Teresa Koks sample letter on how to protest can't seem to be shared on FB. Just copy and paste the link, then print out the letter and send in your protest. KNNCCB the gov
They will tell you, car expensive then don't buy car....take public transport....they will go on to say our (Malaysia) public transport is better than Zimbabwe, Somalia, Congo, Tanzania, Madagascar, Afghanistan..etc...

And those fat minister say will reduce car price.....Yea, right...pelanpelantunggu la.....reduce ass......

I suggest those minister try living without their cars for 1 week....try taking public transport like the average Malaysian on peak hour....don't just take a joyride on the LRT on few station with bunch of bodyguards in half day then conclude our public transport is good.....trying taking public transport to Alor setar, then to JB then back to KL...

They don't even just drive...they hire outrider to clear the road for them during traffic jam...of course they won't feel what we feel and dont understand what the rakyat is going through...

Always outrider clear road for them and cause even worse give way to their big asses.
All the old Japanese cars also will die if this happens. Silvia all gone, Skyline GT-R also gone, Supra, RX-7, whole lineup of Corolla from below KE70 to AE111, EF, EG, EK Civic all gone as well, old Evo and GC8 Impreza also gone. This is like a nightmare turning into a reality. :banghead:
To ... minister of transport think for those of tat can effort nee car...

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