You're just damn poor and stupid if your car is a cheap junk!!!


Beyond 20,000 RPM!
Senior Member
Sep 17, 2008
Hmmm...guess everyone was wondering what is that title all about? :rofl:

I came across a video that I would really need to share. I believe a lot of us here
were insulted indirectly after you watch the video.

Does driving a more expensive or luxury car represents your level of intelligence and the
depth of your pocket??? :dontknow:

Is it the best way to judge how poor and stupid can one be when they are just driving
local or cheaper cars? :hmmmm2:

Well, let's sit back and see what does the old lady in the video got to say about this.
She owns a Honda CR-V btw. :driver:

Let us hear her POV and kinda fluent type of english educated old lady.
Actually reminds me of the lady who is famous with the word

"LISTEN! LISTEN! LISTEN!" :listen: :listen: :listen:

K enough of me elaborating. Get some pop corns, sit back and watch.
Make sure you have your hands tied before watching, U might destroy your TV :rofl:

this HONDA women is discriminate PERODUA driver at last 10second

My dear friends who driving Perodua, this women who driving Honda CRV car plate BHD 988/998 is criticism n discriminate all of us!!
Because driving a "big" car so everythgs are correct?!
I have seen many rich people, especially women that doesn't know how to handle their powerful big cars.
Aih, what happen to this world.
Can actually see the aunty is a typical aunty.
And the student is not fierce enough I have to say.
3 series, C class, A4, all are 200 or over hp.
But please, rich humble people are hard to find.
I think she's using her husband's money anyway.
Actually is just that the lady's english language is better than the boy, which is why he has a hard time arguing with her and yet
she is not giving him a chance to speak as well. :stupid:

Then just walk off by insulting him...
Many aunty drivers (Im not saying all ya)...well, I dont know how did they get their license. I assume from kopi-o. I have seen many of them driving dangerously. I had this experience where there were 2 ques to an entrance. This aunty wanted to jump from her que into my que. I went to the 2nd que but dat Grand Livina with 3 aunties inside is somewhat 1/4 in the 2nd que. So I thought ok maybe this car just slightly out of alignment so I joined into the 2nd que. At the moment the car in front of me moved, I followed but then this aunty suddenly jump her Livina nose into my lane and I had to jam my brakes. No signal, nothing, just accelerate and jump.

The stupid part is that all 3 of them felt that I am the wrong driver here, trying to cut into their que or didnt want to let them through. I can see their cock stare and gestures. Frankly, if they bang into my car or I bang into her because I cant brake in time, I really gonna smash the Livina if they insists that they are rightful.
This shows money can buy you big cars and big diamond ring, but it can never buy class.
I like her quote, "ASSUME"
ass of u and me.

my ex-manager love to use that quote... miss the man, Allah bless him :adore:

back to the video... same as my case here

my next door neighbour's sons and daughters always park in front of my house like this... I've respect my neighbour..a pakcik and an ustazah... always love helping... but not their sibling.... once i heard my neighbour tried to scold his son... his son reply "relax la abah, kancil je pun (cool down dad, that house only has kancil)"

Damn me for being poor, but at least i don't insult other

*Sorry if I hold a grudge for big cars every now and then...
whos driving what story aside,
whats the story behind? the guy jumping queue or what?
folding side mirror to squeeze in tight space to drive ahead?
is that the story?
whos driving what story aside,
whats the story behind? the guy jumping queue or what?
folding side mirror to squeeze in tight space to drive ahead?
is that the story?

The story is that the Honda CR-V trying to cut queue but the Myvi refuse to give way to her.
So she accidentally knocked the Myvi Side mirror and yet she came down and scold
the Myvi driver for not giving her way that he should stop and let her pass...
Hahaha, only driving a CRV already become such big headed and talk down to others like she owns the road or something! :stupid:
Hahaha, only driving a CRV already become such big headed and talk down to others like she owns the road or something! :stupid:

This type of ppl u give them a Bentley, the nose can reach the sky already....
There was this lala dude who tried to cut cue at Kepong baru church traffic light. I dint giv way coz I was already at a steady speed. He tried to cut in no matter how even knowing that I wasnt backing off. Then there goes the mighty horn from me, he hesitated when he heard it and I passed wakakaka..if want to cut que, do it politely. Most people would let us pass if we ask nicely..signal, hand gesture, or maybe a horny stare?
Saw it many times, mostly ladies driver always changing lane without looking side mirror whether motorcycle coming from behind. And the motorcycle had to avoid the car
how you define stupid? is good in driving means you're clever..and those who bad in driving are stupid?

deep in my heart saying that those rich people are smart...
i hate people saying 'rich but stupid', when they see supercar accident...
if cheap car accident? poor and stupid then?

no driving proton BTW...

see video (youtube) in sepang? spectators clap their hand (and booing) when ferrari bang a porsche during parade...malaysian..
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