MPPP is getting from bad to worst

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Senior Member
Nov 15, 2003
Kuala Lumpur
I dunno how to say this
but it's for real.....

i'm getting compound tickets for their own mistake...

The meter was ROSAK during that time, far worst it ROSAK
after i insert more than RM 1 worth of time into the meter....
I stick a paper state ROSAK on it later...
Then when i got back, theres a ticket n the meter is working again..

WTF.......this is not what I think I should get for...
thsi is not the 1st time happen only to me....
my other friends and my boss also had the same problems...
but in diff parking lots....

We are getting tickets for their own mistake and their own
broken meter....I think MPPP should demolish all the meter ...
and used manpower to issue parking tickets, much better

these meter things are not making anyone life easy but more problems...
we dont earn more than 5 digits to give a huge $ parking tickets
plus future more Y the hell we pay road tax n all these tax for ....

I felt like we pay TAX to make our life more problems
than easy it off abit......

can any one comment about this issue and who the right person
I should talk to.......I 'm not at the happy stage with these MPPP.....


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2005
at nite go and wack kau the meter, make it break:rofl:


4,000 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 20, 2006
The meter ain't that bad if they are maintained. Would you rather have the coupon system like some other Councils had reverted back into the Stone Age. It's a bitch to find these damn tickets, and it's a bitch to always remember to have spares in your car. It's a bitch you have to spend the next 5 minutes scratching the bastard out. And it's also a bitch coz idiots just throw it on the ground once they're done with it ...

I also remember those damn parking dockets on your windscreen and after a typical Malaysian rain, you basically have to peel them off, and do the cellophane-job. The bastard guy at the pay counter were never there anywhere.

If you think it's broken, then make sure it's really broken .... Hint: Chewing Gum Job ...


500 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 7, 2005
yeah...i faced similar issue here.
muslim can simply put stall and parked their car during ramadan month. some even block a whole lane of road. none of them kena saman.

whereelse...i park illegal on the roadside near petrol station to go for a pee...kena saman... the officer was there but for sure, he didnt listen to my reason. he hasnt issue actually when i was calling him from far...but he keep on proceed issuing the ticker. damn... FARK!!


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 18, 2003
Visit site
hahah was it working again when you got back?!... probably you didnt know how to operate it properly... whahhaahaha... just a joke mate... :P


6,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jan 2, 2004
Bloody shit authorities are like that. bunch of pig brained shittards. Who knows, maybe the authorities are the ones who make the meter spoil, then wait till you go away, then then "on" back the meter and give you a summon.


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 11, 2005
Seriously, authorities should educate people and warn people about wrong-doing, encourage people by giving changes..... But in Bolehland, they fcuking don't, they think they should be more farking hardworking in giving saman, then servicing roads and public facilities......

Our country is controlled by a bunch of low class people, these people are nothing when they step out of this country..... They're have no/lousy education background, speak vaguely, think with their a$$es, sleep on their duties, can't even attend weekly parliament debate, corruption up the roof, non can be trusted.... (well you know these people won't be here without the constitution)

Don't bother to pay your saman and tax..... Gomen doesn't deserve to ask from us.....


Over 10,000 RPM!
Senior Member
Nov 13, 2004
Char Kuoy Teow
this uncle really yau yeng lo..i support, i support~
u can try too with a 20 pound hammer knock on their self power solar plate, the bouncing off of the hammer is pretty amazing :biggrin:

tommorrow i go try pour kerozene on the solar plate,see whether it burn or not kekekeke
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6,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jan 2, 2004
We who do those 'vandalism' is because the babi authorities are cheating the citizens. All other reasons are not acceptable. They can't expect us to park our cars there and wait till someone fixes up the meter and then we pay for the meter before leaving the car. The babi authorities are supposed to keep those meters in working order AT ALL TIMES. Put it this way. It's safer for the babi authorities that we (are being forced to) vandalize the meters, as compared to we vandalizing their damn pig face. Apologies if I sound harsh but I'm damn fed up of the pig infested authorities and govt.

Like many malaysians would say, "aiya, malaysia is like that wan la. just live with it la". So positive, huh? Inside me, I'm thinking about the person who said that to me, "yeah, malaysia is like that wan and so are you, fucking idiot" (refering to the person who said "aiya, malaysia is like that wan...... "


Known Member
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Thread starter
Nov 15, 2003
Kuala Lumpur
Isn't what you guys plan to do or have actually done considered vandalism?

if u consider this is what..
it's our bloody money they used to eat n drink tt n do the parking lot..

seriously ...I dont pay shit tax to these Government servant....
they way they try to make them self look high rated workers...but they dunno that there r the worst government servant in the categories

i dont c polices or bomba do such stupid things...

U have to know my story is bloody unbelievable...
i think my stories can enter one of the to 100 Amazing Stories Records..

u think n c...
1st meter tak rosak.....insert coins worth more than RM1
then the bloody machine went ROSAK.....wat hell...
means the meter makan duit....

later come back, i saw the ticket on my car....and check meter was Ok..
i'm suspecting something.....ppl in other forums
tells me that they have the repairman going around fixing the meters is it's rosak...

so i suspect my senario case is like this;

1st meter tak rosak.....insert coins worth more than RM1
then the bloody machine went ROSAK...
I put a ROSAK paper at the meter to notice the MPPP,
during the hours i was gone....the repairman came along
and repair the meter,he resets it to he leave
later the MPPP came along...saw my meter...then put the ticket there
while i was not around...

If wat i think senario 2 is happend to me.....
means these MO FO are playing tricks with us...
n Y the hell should i pay for their bloody mistakes....
I earn every dollar with my sweat n blood just to give them $$$

these ppl think they just give tickets n sit around to collect $$$ from u like
we are MONEY GOD......

bloody idoits ppl..
i'm leaving this forsaken place for good.....
at least I can let other country I'll b in
know how worst is the MPPP n parking systems in malaysia are...

peace n hell with this MPPP (MONYEK PANJAT POKOK PISANG - I thinK this is wat they really GOOD at)


Known Member
Senior Member
Thread starter
Nov 15, 2003
Kuala Lumpur
We who do those 'vandalism' is because the babi authorities are cheating the citizens. All other reasons are not acceptable. They can't expect us to park our cars there and wait till someone fixes up the meter and then we pay for the meter before leaving the car. The babi authorities are supposed to keep those meters in working order AT ALL TIMES. Put it this way. It's safer for the babi authorities that we (are being forced to) vandalize the meters, as compared to we vandalizing their damn pig face. Apologies if I sound harsh but I'm damn fed up of the pig infested authorities and govt.

like i say, it's not wrong to vandalise casue it's our tax $$ they put into doing it....if they cant maintain the meter properly....then we have the right to remove these meters.....

I feel if theres manpower that ask u n write ur parking ticket is better, if over due...they will write an unpaid ticket for u so u can paid the normal $$ rather than SUMMON PRICE....

Like many malaysians would say, "aiya, malaysia is like that wan la. just live with it la". So positive, huh? Inside me, I'm thinking about the person who said that to me, "yeah, malaysia is like that wan and so are you, fucking idiot" (refering to the person who said "aiya, malaysia is like that wan...... "
malaysia is like that......BOLEH lagi BOLEH.....BOLEH my A S S la...
thinking positive but used it in the wrong WAY.....
I felt a very bad image with these idoits.....

just hoping one day MPPP is SHUT DOWN


Known Member
Senior Member
Thread starter
Nov 15, 2003
Kuala Lumpur
u can try too with a 20 pound hammer knock on their self power solar plate, the bouncing off of the hammer is pretty amazing :biggrin:

tommorrow i go try pour kerozene on the solar plate,see whether it burn or not kekekeke

one of my friend .....was having the WORST day of his life...
so i mix with him go have a drink n play snooker...
the next thing u know ...unreliable ,...

there was a summon on his car for a rosak meter....
the next thing i know ...
he took out his hammer in his car booth
kinda big.....smash nearly 8 meters in the parking lot....
took his car ran a few down.....then somewith the meter came out from the pole....the took them put it in his car..

and drove us to the sea side near Costa Highway of the Industrial area....
and threw about4 meters into the sea ...

best of all with the coins too...ahahhaha
I cant even stop him....he was like over his head d...


Over 10,000 RPM!
Senior Member
Nov 13, 2004
Char Kuoy Teow
one of my friend .....was having the WORST day of his life...
so i mix with him go have a drink n play snooker...
the next thing u know ...unreliable ,...

there was a summon on his car for a rosak meter....
the next thing i know ...
he took out his hammer in his car booth
kinda big.....smash nearly 8 meters in the parking lot....
took his car ran a few down.....then somewith the meter came out from the pole....the took them put it in his car..

and drove us to the sea side near Costa Highway of the Industrial area....
and threw about4 meters into the sea ...

best of all with the coins too...ahahhaha
I cant even stop him....he was like over his head d...
kudos! to your friend! I will do the same things to. This local council is manage by a bunch of monkeys that know nothing about managing a simple parking meter, even some hypermarket center is more lenient toward public they let u park ur car in their parking lot for 2 hours without charge.


Over 10,000 RPM!
Senior Member
Nov 13, 2004
Char Kuoy Teow
Isn't what you guys plan to do or have actually done considered vandalism?
One question for you, are you happy with the way they treat you, everytime u park your car, u must pay minimum 50 cents even though u are there for just a few second. Can you imagine they give a summon when u park your car in front of your own house in a garden area? What did we do to deserve this? we all pay all kind of taxes, isn't that enough to feed the pig corrupted government. With all those parking revenue that goes into their Majlis Perbandaran, do u see any improvement on the local ameneties? do u see any nice road without pothholes? do u see any lesser parking meter being built? I DON'T THINK SO!

btw this is not about political topic,this is about being treated with respect, and respect need to be earn not give!
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