Money isn't everything. You want respect? You SHow respect.

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tat's the power n ugly of money ... it really can change ppl ...

so as for ourselves ... alwiz remember the ppl who had been wit you, who had help you in the past ... love and respect them ... well .. my personal opinion ... most of the time it;s nothing to lose if respecting someone else ...
totally agree with you, blitz. i'm a college student and i get to see these sort of things everyday. just cuz daddy is rich, the sons act like assholes.
koolspyda said:
aramis, i believe it 'generation difference' talk. (i might be wrong) Are you in your 30s? ;)

me; i'm well into my mid 30s. :rolleyes: heheh

it just the way chaps in different ages relate themselves, i suppose

Maybe, I was just giving examples of how we seperated our paths with our ex best friends.

koolspyda, I think you can feel it better than us at your age especially most people around you have had families.

but somehow..i am wondering (still wondering)
lets say,assuming i have a sports car,and ONE friend think i look down on him...and say i disrespect them and abandon them yada yada...
but the problem is...HE is the ONLY ONE feels that way,while all my other frens,never
they still think i'm the same me,except that i have a sports car,which they hope to sit in it (or even drive it) when its out of the mechanic
so does that mean i'm a bastard or he's juz a plain immature ass who felt threatened of me having a sports car?
zero4 said:
aiks, what you have mention make sense. good statement.

Once upon a time, zero4 and I was driving the same slow-ER car. His was flashy and faster while mine was stock. We hang out often and talk alot on how stock my car was. Then zero4 worked hard and got his dream car buddyclub already and dun wanna hang out with me anymore... so i resort to getting a better car but since he found out my car is slower than his he dun wanna layan me anymore :confused:

hahahaha dun whack me bryan O'Conner hahaha :D

Seriously, what I'm thinking is, if you want to hang out with peeps who own sporty/fast cars, you're GENERALLY better off with people who earn it with their own money since they know how it feels like to be 'in their shoes'. simon bro, just ask him directly , "what makes you think i'm looking down on you man?!". He's not a woman so he should be able to take a direct question. :D
my 2 cents bro...
some people get attached to you till ya get old because of what you are... sum will be there only for 2secs in ur life. Friendship is moulded from what we have. Common interest or 'I-like-to-be-your-friend-because...". Like us in ZTH became friends because we have a common interest... cars. Man, i wouldn't bother to be here if I'm not into cars...
When the status quo change,... meaning we don't have any interest for them anymore... situations change. We, them... might get hurt a bit when these change happens, but change do happen. Even with our love/d ones. We/They grew tired of us, too many things conflicting... BAM! Split up! And that's love bro! LOVE that make ppl come together. So between friends... think again. What interest do we expect from them, that makes us hurt when they turn their back on us?
It's a give n take thing.
simonchangwaimun said:

but somehow..i am wondering (still wondering)
lets say,assuming i have a sports car,and ONE friend think i look down on him...and say i disrespect them and abandon them yada yada...
but the problem is...HE is the ONLY ONE feels that way,while all my other frens,never
they still think i'm the same me,except that i have a sports car,which they hope to sit in it (or even drive it) when its out of the mechanic
so does that mean i'm a bastard or he's juz a plain immature ass who felt threatened of me having a sports car?

That 's a very good and real world situation. I think we all have friends who drive sport cars. But we never ask to drive/sit/borrow the sport car because this will lead to a very uncomforrable situation.

Sportcar owners, do you often hear this quotes from your friends??
1.) Your car can buy my apartment already.
2.) My car is just a small potato.
3.) Let's tarpao him with your sport car.(When seeing a fast car passes by)
4.) we're poor people lah, your car so expensive.
yes, speaking of perspectives.. here's a dilemma that all of us face at some point or another.

im knowingly offering an opposite view of the matter in respect to this thread, that IMHO is still worth considering. i hereby DISCLAIM that whatever i write is not to speculate or comment on blitzkid's current dilemma. its a mere neutral observation. his friend might be the asshole he is or he may not. it all depends on a certain point of view (got that from Obi Wan Kenobi - Ep. 6)

ever thought of how WE would feel in that "asshole" friend's place? its nature to humans that we only relate and believe what WE alone think is right. no matter how humble a person is, there are just moments when we will always feel that the another person is wrong about us.

im NOT saying that u are wrong, i have no say bcoz each situation is unique, and persons outside ur circle of friends should never pass judgement based on his, or ur own perception for that matter. he may be a real asshole to u, but he may think that he's just being himself with others (perhaps the 'new' peers he got now)

ANYWAY, sorry for confusing all of u with stupid ramblings, my point is; NO ONE PERSON is liked by all. get the point? ALL of us have friends which love us, dont love us, and enemies who hate us. what i would wish everyone would realize is, the crisis isnt always THEIR fault alone. situations force us into things like this, with sometimes its NOBODY's fault, just a simple misunderstanding. if u have come to understood what i mean so far, then u can relate to what im going to write next.

example given. i got a new sports car and a sudden fortune. i still try my best to keep as i was and try to be humble. however news travel fast among my friends and word gets out about my status jump. some of my long time friends are happy for me and may ask for 1 open table session celebrating my newfound happiness. all is nice and fine bcoz this became a catalyst for our gang to get back together for once.

then comes a paranoid period. suddenly more people out of my normal public relations (means other than work and ppl *I* seek) come to me out of nowhere to be 'friends' with me. naturally as a human being, it is extremely difficult to avoid some suspicion (the only difference is whether u show it or not) and be wary since i've got something to worry about that i never had before (my status,money etc). some old friends even start to call me often trying to be "familiar" again and become close friends. I try not to let paranoia cloud my good graces and keep my thoughts to myself.. but then the nagging starts.

ppl start asking me for help. friends, fine. help them and entertained them once, twice, a few times. suddenly im a celebrity in a sense that i am the one everyone can depend on. more and more 'friends' i never knew i had, start to crawl up my feet for something, anything.. and in the end, at least 5% of those ppl will either take advantage of me, disappear with my money or etc. and start giving shit about helping me in return bla2 (excuses yknow)

5% is all it takes to change me into the "asshole-friend-who-forgot-where-he-came-from" to almost all my previous friends. with exception of my closest of friends whom i confide in to tell all my worries and problems, who stick with me for old times sake.. a number of my casual friends, old or 'new' will automatically get a wary, sceptical treatment. thats when i stop answering calls from repeated offenders/backstabbers, decline to meet up by giving work excuses etc just to avoid those 5 goddamn % of shitty leechers. this unavoidably affects other good friends who are also friends with the 5% shitheads, who promptly spread the word. bad gossip travels fast, and is instantly believable only bcoz im rich or well off.

at the end of the day, and the fact of the matter is, no matter which side u're on, u cant make EVERYONE happy. someone out there doesnt like u, doesnt understand u.. and it may or may not be ur fault, and it may be NOBODY's fault. it just is.
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I'm also wondering,

What if your friend changes his car, not necessarily to a faster/better/sportier car, but of a different make. He/she used to mix with you because both of you are driving the same Proton. What if he switched to a 'better Honda'? Of course, he/she then mixes with with people who drives Honda more.

Makes you ponder, do you think he's still an arse now? I personally do not think so, it's only natural to talk to you 'peers'. What do YOU think?

p/s: pssst... I thought it was the Evil Sith Lord Palpatine who said 'Good, is just a point of view'? Makes you think again, why does war happens? Both sides think they're on the 'good' side, fighting for the greater good. Ramblings again...
Hahahahhaa.. Hey nice reading all these stuffs that you people have to say man. When I started this post I forgot that there were much more elder people in this forum.. Forgot that therer would be manyyy other point of views. Whoops.. :p

But anyway, wow. Each one of you have a point dudes, serious.

And about your situation "AE80TypeD", it sucks when people try to take advantage of you.

I have thought about it, after reading all ur posts.. And also after some self thinking. True la, not everyone can make everyone happy.. I don't need friends like him. I wasn't pissed when he started changing or mixing with other people, i was totally pissed when he said something about slower cars. :rolleyes:

So I'll just leave him be. If he wanna go on insulting slower cars, his problem lah. Nanti someday insult the wrong people, good for him lah. His car can't protect him off the roads.

So I rest my case aight. Thanks for the advises/comments bros!


ahahaha... yes, palpatine did give the "POV" speech as well, tho i dont remember whether is before or after Obi Wan's explanation. i think its afterwards in the throne room on the Death Star.

Obiwan responded to Luke while on Dagobah, after Master Yoda died.. when he confessed to lying about Lukes father.

not-so-accurate quote, but close:

Luke: Why didnt u tell me? u told me vader betrayed and murdered my father..

Obi Wan: your father.. was seduced by the dark side of the dark side of the force. he ceased to be Anakin Skywalker and became Darth Vader. when that happened, the good man that was ur father was destroyed. So what i told u was true, from a certain point of view.

Luke: A certain point of view?

Obi Wan: Luke, u're going to find out that most of the truths we cling to.. depend greatly on our own point of view..

ahahaahaha sorry for straying blitzkid... aiyak. :p

things we also learn for SW :p :rolleyes::p

ok now Life lesson no1;

dont worry about everything just remember to bring a towel when the world ends ;) if the world ends in 15 minutes ; forget worldly possessions and have a pint of beer before you go ;)
koolspyda said:
things we also learn for SW :p :rolleyes::p

ok now Life lesson no1;

dont worry about everything just remember to bring a towel when the world ends ;) if the world ends in 15 minutes ; forget worldly possessions and have a pint of beer before you go ;)

lol...well said!

and Lesson no. 2 is "Always follow lesson no. 1"

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now i agree with ur "generation gap difference" in way of thinking... LOL :D

coz i dont get what that means... AT ALL! hahaah im still too young to see em all...

whats the towel for?? u jedi always speak in riddles.. gah! *force lightning* :p ahahahahah
true wat aeroz said...
u've been thru my situation?
actually,he thinks i look down on him(and HIS gang of frens,not our mutual frens) coz someone add sugar spice and everything not nice in it
no point asking him anything already
i even explained myself to his other fren,who they actually misunderstood me
so its ok...
when he get a better car...we'll see how he treat others...
time will tell...
blitzkid said:
I have thought about it, after reading all ur posts.. And also after some self thinking. True la, not everyone can make everyone happy.. I don't need friends like him. I wasn't pissed when he started changing or mixing with other people, i was totally pissed when he said something about slower cars. :rolleyes:

So I'll just leave him be. If he wanna go on insulting slower cars, his problem lah. Nanti someday insult the wrong people, good for him lah. His car can't protect him off the roads.

Sry, just passed by and read all the post, your statement I somehow sense that you aren't that much a FRIEND youself as it sound like you are cursing or wishing that one day he get a repay from what you THINK he did to you? HE IS YOUR FRIEND for god sake! Also, I dont really see how insulting a other slower car affect you as a friend. Unless you felt threaten by his FASTER/BETTER car?

Like you said on your previous post, "If he wanna go on insulting slower cars, his problem lah" if so then why does it bother you?

I don't means flaming, just curious. Thats y these are question and not quote!
AE80TypeD said:
whats the towel for?? u jedi always speak in riddles.. gah! *force lightning* :p ahahahahah

if you are into british humour and had watch this movie :p :p :p

that towel reference is in there. you need to appreciate for what it is

in all honesty; the generation gap difference 'dont really exist';
well what goes around comes around...

life is wonderful... just reality makes it more interseting..

till then..
Crashvenom said:
Sry, just passed by and read all the post, your statement I somehow sense that you aren't that much a FRIEND youself as it sound like you are cursing or wishing that one day he get a repay from what you THINK he did to you? HE IS YOUR FRIEND for god sake! Also, I dont really see how insulting a other slower car affect you as a friend. Unless you felt threaten by his FASTER/BETTER car?

Like you said on your previous post, "If he wanna go on insulting slower cars, his problem lah" if so then why does it bother you?

I don't means flaming, just curious. Thats y these are question and not quote!

Hahahahha Crashvenom my friend.. I do not feel threaten by his better/faster car at all man.. In fact I don't feel threatened by any other faster/better car even if mine isn't very fast.. Cause I don't really bother competing/comparing to one another. On the road, if i wanna go somewhere, i just like to get to that "somewhere" fast. If i pass a fast/slower/whatever car on the road, I don't care, Honestly. I just like to get somewhere, drive, whatever.. It's just me and the road and being careful of other drivers on the road.

And didn't I say it correctly? "If he wanna go on insulting slower cars, his problem lah""
True right? It's memang his problem. I can't stop him from insulting other people. Right? And if he insults the wrong people, i'm sure he'll get something back in return right? I'm not wishing him any misfortune. I'm just saying, if he really kena something, "good for him". Because maybe he deserves it for simply opening his mouth. Get wat I mean?

I understand the sincerity in your questions up there Crashvenom. All you people here are good people who have something good or supportive to say. :) As for me.. Yeah i actually didn't wanna bleah anymore already as I've decided to rest it. So.. Yeah. Just hope this thread reminds most of us to take care of our friends in life, that's all. Cheers.. Peace bros. :)

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