How would u Fee| |f one day u know tt ur Gf SLEPT wif ur BrOtheR/Fr|enD.. {-_-}..

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May 2, 2005
A small Town in
Sometime i ask myself..why this kinda of drama story acutally happens in my life? =``

Fr|endsh|p or BrOtherhOOd??or even .... ur GF?

Sometime i duno who to b|ame on..? where the fault lies on? or is it really my own fault? this thread is to discuss abt it or any views or watever... but simply not to gain ppl to pity ok?

Please kindly show respect to the people who involve in the above incident.

-= How would u Fee| |f one day u know tt ur Gf ...SLEPTwif ur BrOtheRFr|enD????..{-_-}..=-
join it if you cannot beat it

If they try to hide it from me, she would not be my gf anymore, and he would not my "friend" anymore.
If they have a good and valid explanation, I'll see to the situation.

If that "friend" forced her to it, I sense some ball detachment happening soon.

Brothers? My bro is 10yrs younger than me, so I dont think he is interested in my choice of girls.
why have to blame the guys as always?

why not the gal?
fred not gang bang together thn kill both of them meh.
friend -1
gf -1

time to look for new friend and gf,
you shall feel glad if you find out that earlier, :)
so many gals out there, dun lost the "forrest" because of a "tree".

Just keep her for SEX, since she keep her secret sleeping with other.

Later start to find a new girl friend.....

This can work ar?
yuh_woei said:
Just keep her for SEX, since she keep her secret sleeping with other.

Later start to find a new girl friend.....

This can work ar?

It really works! a fren of mine did this..hehe! Tht time u noneed to sayang her..fuxk her
as toug h as u wan..since she ASKED FOR IT!...
Guys n gals both should be blamed! GAL so gatal..guy so ham sap! haha!!!
What can u do? make ur gf's (0) bigger then the guy cant enjoy..yeah!
man if that happens that sucks.
Just lose the cibai friend la. If he oso got gf.. then try to f*ck the gf as well la. lol.. unless damn kau yeong sui then........ :p
keep ur gf as sex toy while you look for another one. take all the naked picture of her which you can, then post here for everyone to see. :D:D

hahah so many ways man.. ahha .. unless you are heartborken.. then susah
relationships are like golf. you dont take it seriously, then its no fun. take it too seriously and you get hurt. if the situation happens to me, i will probably just leave her. but not before posting nudes pix of her all over zth.
BlackSamurai said:
friend -1
gf -1

time to look for new friend and gf,
you shall feel glad if you find out that earlier, :)
so many gals out there, dun lost the "forrest" because of a "tree".


yes. gals only.. plenty outside. 1day u wil find a better 1..

friendship/brotherhood owes comes 1st in my heart. if really they hv a good reason i can accept, then its ok for me.
yuh_woei said:
Just keep her for SEX, since she keep her secret sleeping with other.

Later start to find a new girl friend.....

This can work ar?

wont work brother, it may solve the current problem, but in future will make things worse.. u gotta settle this kind of problem fairly..
it sux man ... i knew how da particular person felt !!! damnit , ... speechless
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