• Thread starter skyline86
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tricky question about the price coz this would be the biggest enemy in any discussion before it starts...
ranging above 10k prolly, but to be rest assured, its negotiable...day to day, im still upgrading the car..so it depends on the progress as well. im still riding it as if i dont want to sell it off...so best offer shall be it
if new buyer wants to get it perfect condition, willing to pay more, wait for me to make it as requested....
so depends lor....

fastclubman...wat happen to ur car?

really not sure what went wrong where actually. Was driving back from Seremban to Kajang on the highway, moderate speed 120-150 like that, and it was fine. Then as I was got off the highway and reaching closer to home, it was harder to engage gear. Right infront of my house couldnt engage gear at all. No clutch.

Until now cannot figure out what went wrong. All my clutch components then were from the previous engine and only covered about 3000km. So its quite new and in very good condition. Intially thought the slave cylinder, so changed it and it had a bit of clutch but as soon as we got some heat in the car, no clutch again. Very odd! Then started replacing parts one by one. Even the thrust washer on the crank was changed and checked for endfloat. Still no luck.

Just bought in a complete set of AP racing race/rally plate and orange diaphragm from UK. Made it even worse, press clutch engine die off. So my mech now decided to take the entire engine off and strip it start from scratch. I have also had a new steel ultralight flywheel and backplate, dont know if thats affecting it somehow.

So while the engine is out, dropping in a std 1000cc so that i can still use the car.


if standard not so expensive. Sin Tong Bee is very expensive. I usually get mine from UK direct. Thanks to my work and also colleagues. For the ap race/rally plate and diaphragm STB quoted me close to a thousand, from UK hand carried it was slight more than 600.

I do have an excellent set of used orange diaphragm and rally clutch plate (AP Racing) for sale if anyone is interested. heheheh

sorry 4 d long silence. ws at OBS, lumut for 10 days. just came back this evening.

mokey is doing absolutely great. in fact, the lumut trip was done in mokey. with my wife-to-be, who comes from that area. wish i could hv recorded the face of mom-in-law-to-be when she saw us arriving in mokey!

tt - sorry, i can't come. backpacking in india 4 a month from tmr onwards.

marking exam papers? yup, that's a real chore! but the silence this time ws caused by the mokey trip to lumut. shikes, it was raining cats n dogs around 5pm near near the bangi exit! wife-to-be and I were drenched to bits, despite the hood and raincoats! water was coming in from all directions! still, it ws the best thing - we both had huge grins all the way, more so in the rain! n we r already planning a longer trip. bt first, mokey will tackle genting (hopefully!).

it's great 2 c this site moving again. wish i cld attend tt!
hafez no worries...the guys hasnt been online yet but ive already pmed him..
he has been scouting for a mini...n plus he is also frm rev saints...

suresh..do enjoy urself and take care! :D


i had that problem the other day, but rectify easily by my mechanic in tmn medan...cost, RM150 only....im not so sure what went wrong,or what he actually did to my car to make it right,but it wrks wonders on my car for a minimal cost...till now no other problem...in running condition since early the year. has been ages since i last went to ANY workshop for repairs....lucky me
sadly i have to sell the car coz i need the money as a downpayment for my new house...finally im going to buy a house...proudest moment of being an owner to a house...not easy with hard earned money
as long as there is a good offer, i sell..no good no sell. im fine, but going to have a hard time to look around for cash
but if i sell, definetely going to buy mini again..have to start from scratch yet again/......


thanks..keep me inform...
so where/when is the date for nx tt?how many is going? no list of ppl ah?

hey guys,

i have a clubman 1275GT in my garage. it has been there for like 2 years already. i cant start my car engine. it has been idle ever since my piston ring broke and i dont know what to do now. i plan to repaint the car and change the engine. i am interested to have a turbo engine but i dont know what kind of turbo engine and where to get it done. i thought of using a Daihatsu L2 turbo or a 4EFTE Toyota Starlet 1.3 Turbo. please all the sifu give me some advice on what to do with my car. so far the interrior is in a good condition. body needs painting. bought the car with customed bodykits (dont know if it is metal or fiber glass).

i hope someone can give me a good advice and let me know the budget.

thank you

hey chris...

welcome to the malaysian mini enthusiasts club... wud ya like to join us for the upcoming tt and meetups..and other events... :)

if u wud like to join us..then do leave me ur details..so that we can contact u prior to any events or tt's :D

here's wat i wud need..

Contact no:
Email Add:
hmm even venue not decided...
btw guys ill be away for a w/end next week..frm the 22nd till 24th so anytime after that is fine with me..

how bout end of the month on 30th july...or august 6 or august 13????
guys...agree on a date then ill put up the rest of the info and start emailing n contacting the rest... :)

Venue suggestions so far (:( here guys just fill it in )

1. hartamas - souled out,burger king,safiz mamak..
2. damansara mutiara - idaman
3. sunway - xtreme park
4. ss15 - mcd's drive through outlet
oh can even decide on a convoy route if u guys are interested :D

to the new members..its alrite if u cant take ur mini with ya to the tt's :)
we still welcome u with open arms...lol
sorry to hear ur saga with the clutch plate. the mini-never-ending-one-after-another-problem has hit u this time. i ws at the receiving end not so long ago. bt 2 think u wil b running on 1000! after looking n hearing ur car at the last tt, omg! then again, u r a modifying kaki - so, d 1000 probably will get more garang 2!

the 1000cc is going to be stock, but will be fitted with a race exhaust. heheheh. I will probably enjoy the manners of the engine (1000cc very smooth) compared to the 1400 beast that i was used too. Not planning to do anything to it, just waiting for my mechanic to sort the other engine out. I miss the lumpy idle and the snorting of the Weber, not to mention the acceleration.

Oh well, its another test of the Mini Gods!

Take care folks.




we gonna have to be tha same...i have a good stock of 1000cc engine...
at least this time i can be the same class with u...


just set up any date lor. would do for me

mini car for sale.. ASAP!

a'kum n hi there....
long time no see huh? hehehe...
is there anyone here that looking for mini?
i want to sell my mini..
mini minor
manual transmission
disc brake
rim 12"
cooper accessories
just service
just renew r/tax
only rm15800 nego
view to appreciate :cool:
wauuu ... this thread has become so long... just show long time not log in here... any way I need an tips here. A tips how to selected a good mini halfcut, exp engine. Any particular code o look for a good performance engine....cause some one said mini mayfair does not produce a good hp...how know ???? anyway did 1.3 manual halfcut quick difficult to get ?

an advice welcome
whoa okie a few days and im all outdated...
ill reply to the other postings tmoro..

but skyline yea a&w drive through sounds good... :D
hopefully everyone will be able to make the next TT im counting on it...
oh yea and to those that are puttin their cars on sale.. im inviting potential buyers to the TT so i recommand u guys to bring ur cars to fetch a better price ;)
we need to discuss n come out with the MTT date, time, location & venue, so tat others can make decisions earlier. And is anyone here interested to put zth sticker on our minis? angel do u know anyone selling? wats the price if u get it for us?

how's everybody? tis thread move fast n it is hard to catch... haha, feel im outdated abit even im the founder...
zth stickers...i can get it frm Tom...if u guys want a whole lot then...ive got mine aredy...
yea im setting the date...to 5th august then!! so u guys have time to decide if thats good for everyone....before we send out emails to all the current members...

date: 5th august 2005
time: 8.30pm
venue : ......
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