ZTH Kepong Area's TT

I think I will skip the drift event....too old for that....my bones all falling apart already....some more might melt under the sun...Bwahahahahaha
I think I will skip the drift event....too old for that....my bones all falling apart already....some more might melt under the sun...Bwahahahahaha

if u old, then i lagi old lor... kakakakaka...

anyway, let me know if u all wanna dinner on sat or sun lor...
wah...hang pun sifu gak nih...bila cum punya jam leh kontrol timing dan jumlah pancutan...kekeke

no la,me today having exam...if phail wanna resit for the exam again need to pay for rm300 u know....:thefinger:

rm300...very hard to earn la...ditukar dgn darah & peluh gua yg x ternilainya...plus i can use it for half month liao...
nope...today holiday...haha~~~~

finally today can TCSS with u guys at here!
now still early, I guess others not yet wake up

today you holiday, so early already wake up. Don't want to sleep more? :biggrin:
yesterday sleep early and well...so wake up early no problem...in fact,i everyday also wake up at 6.30am...sudah biasa.
during weekends also wake up at the same time? no wonder you are our sipu :adore:

got go minum kopi early morning one mou at those kopitiam? :rofl:

enjoying life to the max, yeah? :biggrin:
depends...if tired then wake up late abit...if not as usual lo...

now i alrdy lepak at kopitiam with a bunch of uncle but mostly at night la...:rolleyes:

oh,today sap em...vegetarian day...hehe
so when you TT with us, do you feel younger? :rofl:

you working too? Didn't know you also fatt qin horn like me :embarassed:
what is LPPL? Lan Pa Pa Lan? :rofl:

work more earn more. Then add some horsie to your car :driver:
I'm working also....then yesterday not feeling well...today is much better but something else happen when I driving to work...my turbo actuator got some problem....drop a gear and give more gas...the boost stick at 0.55bar only...give it more gas but boost just don't go up... T_T car felt sluggish....then at 1st gear when I floor the throwing and lift off to shift up...the car bogs a while and boost meter register a -0.17 boost...

Stop the car by the roadside...checking for leaking at hoses but no leak or loose hose.....then look at the turbo use a plier to clamp the actuator link...hear 2 tak tak sound...so suspect the actuator might get jam, diaphragm might be torn already or not responding quick enough....but when fire up the car again, try to floor it boost goes back to normal......1 bar sharp then a few boost spike but not so much spike....so might be the actuator....T_T

T_T Just call to shop to ask whether can just get a new actuator to replace it....hope they have it...I think have one....maybe have...

T_T pray to god nothing serious.....if the turbo problem then habis.....I just send the car to service yesterday then this morning like this already....yesterday night was still ok when I drive home....
yesterday you not working, I feel you bro. I have informed others you not feeling well :biggrin:

by the way, you should go back to the shop and inspect later. Tell them how come like this after sebis at your shop. You work until what time? I work until 3.30 pm like that can cabut already for lunch and go back. khoo / tr wanna join?
sms me

---------- Post added at 11:37 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 11:33 AM ----------

TR,time to convert -RB-..kekekekke

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