Zerotohundred members, would U help one another?

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Apr 16, 2007
Just a random thought..
if let's just say for example a member of Zerotohundred has been involved in a hit and run accident or got cheated to purchase faulty parts..and can't do anything about it now..lodged complain and far would one help another in this forum to solve and overcome the problem..not asking for gangs to come out and fight..but just in forum members..:_: opinions to share anyone? :angel_smile:
Who the ma-chow-hai-ham-kar-chan-tiu-nia-seng-chow-lan-jiao-mother-fker-assholdic-bas3rd-
madia-pandi-wata-pundek-madre-funkulo-bastardo bully you? I'm sure all the zth members will help. We will go to the nearest pop corn and coke stall and get some grubs and liquid to watch the show. hehehe
Just kidding. Really, most of the zth members are quite friendly people. We are not missing zth members from the middle east so bombing a fucktard is not feasible at the moment. hehehe
If you go car talk section there, that will answer your question. Everyone is helping each other. haha
Yes we ZTH, help if u need help.... help in anything....
hehe..blackhowling taiko...yai yai er..

let me put it straight.. what he meant is ...if you are a FEMALE...its a BIG YES YES for all the ZTH to help..

but if you are a MALE....better start queuing...hehe..
lolz... say until zth member vr sexist.... hahaha...
Don't agree we are sexist here .... Generally we'll (at least for me) put our thoughts and advise on it ... Regardless if you are male or a female ... Regarless if you drive a little kancil, wira, mira or some god's thoughts skyline's, evo's, supra's or subies ...

Let us know and we'll see if we can help ...
Sunkist, cute face help too. :biggrin:

just kidding. But in real life, both parties will have their own story to tell.
worst still, if both buyer and seller are zthian, who to help? LOL.
Definitely no sexists in here. But I do believe that we're slowly becoming racists because the pig arse govt is promoting racism.
blackie memang hamsap...
alwayz talk about jugs of beer and papaya ripeness...
tsk tsk tsk...
samore say me hamsap
but see how ler..if among zth,sure help,if close wan,help more
Who the ma-chow-hai-ham-kar-chan-tiu-nia-seng-chow-lan-jiao-mother-fker-assholdic-bas3rd-
madia-pandi-wata-pundek-madre-funkulo-bastardo bully you?

Hei satria,
your bad word very geng le...hahahaha...
Learn a new word this also can??:shades_smile:

But for sure ZTH member will help if we can la... depends on condition also...If u are wrong how to help?? correct??
not all are helpful, some are blardy selfish..
This is especially true for those very traditional chinese mentality and those narrow minded beef brains. It gets worst when one of those traditional chinese narrow minded beef brains is your manager, who always thinks of saving cost so he pays you RM1000 and works you RM10,000. All I can say is majority of malaysian bosses and managers are just plain fucked up. They think that as long as we work for them, they own our lives. Here's the best part. The stupid labour law is nothing but a pile of dried pig shit in the drain waiting to be washed away by rain again. So at the end of the day, we're just slightly better than slaves who work under the hot burning sun for 1 whole day.
This is especially true for those very traditional chinese mentality and those narrow minded beef brains. It gets worst when one of those traditional chinese narrow minded beef brains is your manager, who always thinks of saving cost so he pays you RM1000 and works you RM10,000. All I can say is majority of malaysian bosses and managers are just plain fucked up. They think that as long as we work for them, they own our lives. Here's the best part. The stupid labour law is nothing but a pile of dried pig shit in the drain waiting to be washed away by rain again. So at the end of the day, we're just slightly better than slaves who work under the hot burning sun for 1 whole day.

this is some serious Larry King Live shit dude...:motz:
hahahaa..interesting answers from zth members :p
guess all males have the heroin ego in them to help the more delicate creatures. Popcorns and drama..hahaa...=.=
noone bullied me la..just a random thought that came across my just wanted to share.. :)

Edward Chew:
its just a general question, not really specifying on car stuff only :)

driftking II: in Anything? thank u for replying :)

=.= no comment.. :P

haha..thanks for putting in it into a "nicer"

ahaha..not sexist la..just human nature of men wanting to help the ladies :p

Thanks :)

hahahaa..cute face ^^ ya true there's two sides of the stories to hear, and of course i hope that zth members wont have anything against each other lor..peace peace peace :)


ZTH members are really friendly..kinda fun to start threads :p

p/s: sorry if i didnt get the nicknames correctly..still not really familar with the quotes and multi quotes reply thingy :P have a nice day everyone!
this is some serious Larry King Live shit dude...:motz:
erm.... sorry dude. I don't watch Larry King so I don't know what that's all about. hahaha

My company management is basically what I mentioned above. So basically, I feel like I work in Egypt and the bosses are the pharoahs. hahaha

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