Video : Diy Flame Thrower




ehehheheh my accord last time 2 litre....large engine CC thats y flame damn im using straight flow exhaust....with no silencer or bullets :rolleyes:
my little L2s..
with just 0.66 liter..
small cc also can flame long bro..
straight piping frm front..
thanks satanic....
btw...if i'm using downpipe....dumppipe...??? :blink:

i afraid da flame will come out from da front bumper....hik hik hik hik..... :lol:
it wont...becos the spark plug is situated at the rear will only ignite the unburnt fuel that is flowing out of the muffler...
wah long flame like 2fast2furious.... will burn other ppl's bumper when ppl tail gate you.... :P
Originally posted by SataniC@Dec 7 2004, 12:53
it wont...becos the spark plug is situated at the rear will only ignite the unburnt fuel that is flowing out of the muffler...
wanna try it out....
actually last time i called this thing ATS or Anti Tionging System...AHAHAHHAHA teach those tailgaters a thing or two....sumtimes can even make the bang bang sounds...but now bored take it off...ekekekek
i threw mine oredi....cos scared if i kept them later ichibawah go install back again....dun wan
hey guys,

this fire dragon thing can be done to stock mufflers ah?

and another thing.. can i use other things to ignite de gases? such as using an electronic circuit to create a spark mayb? mayb it will be cheaper n less mess using ignition coil...

any comments guys?
i think need so expert who done this stuff, draw our the wiring diagram ler...
i really cannot understand leh......wat 1st coil than 2nd coil.... head asap liao lo...
im a newbie here.. i really wan the flame thrower thing.. can help me pls... maybe we meet up then help me to do pls... i cheng u..pls pls pls.. 1 really dunno how to do.. can meet u anywhere in pj kl subang or shah alam... can anyone help? 0126617771... i saw a set of flame thrower ...cost at 250 like ML car accessory in puchong...not as expensive as in should be more interested :D :lol:
just now i went to kuchai lama there.. got a petrol station... will McDonald drive tru

then got few guys.. on a civic.. testing out their flame thrower exhaust aka Fire Dragon... wtf!! testing the thing in a petrol station? altho far away from de pumps lar.. but still in a petrol station mah..

then de feller went behind de station n test more kau kau.... show off to me somemore when i passed by...:o

i came home onli realised that those guys r very dangerous doing dat in a petrol station.. :huh:
walau eh....u should run faster that time man...before kaboooom!!!
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