Vehicles on Wrong lanes in Klang Valley

May 29, 2007
Hey fellow members of ZTH,

Just wondering if of late you have been encountering vehicles coming towards you when they should be in their respective lanes. Disturbingly, Friends have had cars coming towards them on Sprint Highway and even Federal Highway... The On-Coming Drivers could be drunk, depressed, suicidal..but be weary, those lights you see ahead, could at times actually be head on to your vehicle!!! Just had a friend who fell victim to this on the Federal highway 2 weeks back. The car is a write off now.

IF any of you have videos of these vehicles, please share as I think it is simply whacked to have these vehicles heading the opposite direction on the wrong side of the highway...eapecially when you know you've got the right lane! Quite hard to belief eh..hence the need for videos or pics.
No Video or photo but real life story to share.

20+years back, My father had a head-to-head collision accident with a container truck because the truck driver is drunk and drove in opposite direction in the middle of the night! It happen too sudden and at single lane road.

The Merc Big van my dad drove - total write off.
My dad - Went through couple of surgery and stay in hospital for months.
oh sucks man... i hope your dad had fully recovered... damn those fucked up drivers. They wanna kill themselves they should do it far far away in their own room... dont take on innocent lives.. #*&^(#*$$#!!!!

i've not witness any such cases, but i was on the scene after the accident of the similar type. It was a few yrs ago, when old klang road was still under construction... a drunk merc driver.. crashed past the divider .. .rammed onto an opposing motorcyclist... and still continue driving up the curb of unfinished roads.... like say 100m away fr the motorcyclist...

darn man... my hair stood on ends... the pakcik and makcik was motionless on the floor... no one dare to move them as fearing for worst.. so waited for ambulance to come.

the drunken driver was held by passerby... no one let him go.. he just stood there... looking blur.. old indian man. Haiiii..........
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huh??.....Federal Highway??...
it's understandable on normal roads but on highways??
is it possible??...
the guy must be looking for suicide because how drunk drunk also no way they're going to crash through the central divider and still not noticed and the car still can moves.......
unless of course suicidal in a sense that the guy suddenly spin 180 degree and starts to head towards on coming vehicles.

psyhco drivers out there nowadays....
normally drunk person will hitting the car beside them or fly away to another lane..
last 2 years during i was still in Banting, one wira was fly away to the road opposite after hitting road divider, during time people rushing to work n on main road, the driver was drunk, smell like hell, huh..
btw, wat the hell is going out there.. feel sorry to Yew, hope his mother will rest in peace..

dats why we need to be careful when driving out there, especially the area dat we r not familiar, even their son/bro/sister hitting our car, they will attack us back w/out any question, s**t..
normally drunk person will hitting the car beside them or fly away to another lane..
last 2 years during i was still in Banting, one wira was fly away to the road opposite after hitting road divider, during time people rushing to work n on main road, the driver was drunk, smell like hell, huh..

Even my fren ex boss also died coz of drunk in NKVE..
New BMW 5series split to 2..
It is Possible...I See DUMB Drivers

As much as you think it is impossible to drive like an absolute is so very possible... For a vehicle to go down the wrong ramp to enter federal highway (pre-turning from Pantai road and straight down to Federal on the opposite direction) is possible... For vehicles to exit mid valley car park and decide to turn right against traffic thinking you've got a short cut...Very possible...Afterall, Malaysia Boleh...

We have mostly modded cars that aren't suppose to be modded they way they are... Many Sagas, Wiras are running with over 200hp and body not strengthen, cheap anti-roll bars bought from...yes..non-other from a car accessory shop that claims to be the best place to tint your windows and add woofers and loads of speakers with no regards to the quality of sound...(Loud is good...that is all they know...Speakers don't distort means hoh-yeh!). Most cars don't even do anything about their brakes and suspension...better invest in the turbo and intercooler first, forget even straightening chasis (from all those accidents on the way back from a party or club), stability, and more. The best are stickers on cars.... Seriously, do people actually think it is cool to have a sticker of a racing part on their car??? Man..As if that 1 sticker adds 3 horsepower more...The original purpose for race cars to have that is for money...Sponsorship...not looks.

I know I speak quite broadly and may not all be true. We all know who are the actual real ones who stand for quality and applause and kudos goes to these people.
As much as you think it is impossible to drive like an absolute is so very possible... For a vehicle to go down the wrong ramp to enter federal highway (pre-turning from Pantai road and straight down to Federal on the opposite direction) is possible... For vehicles to exit mid valley car park and decide to turn right against traffic thinking you've got a short cut...Very possible...Afterall, Malaysia Boleh...

We have mostly modded cars that aren't suppose to be modded they way they are... Many Sagas, Wiras are running with over 200hp and body not strengthen, cheap anti-roll bars bought from...yes..non-other from a car accessory shop that claims to be the best place to tint your windows and add woofers and loads of speakers with no regards to the quality of sound...(Loud is good...that is all they know...Speakers don't distort means hoh-yeh!). Most cars don't even do anything about their brakes and suspension...better invest in the turbo and intercooler first, forget even straightening chasis (from all those accidents on the way back from a party or club), stability, and more. The best are stickers on cars.... Seriously, do people actually think it is cool to have a sticker of a racing part on their car??? Man..As if that 1 sticker adds 3 horsepower more...The original purpose for race cars to have that is for money...Sponsorship...not looks.

I know I speak quite broadly and may not all be true. We all know who are the actual real ones who stand for quality and applause and kudos goes to these people.

Its true but what else we can do...
those kind of so call as cool fellow didnt appreciate their life ended us and their family suffer....

double tumb for u man...
yeah, u r rite man.. summore heavy loaded turbo car but wit stupid brakes n 'tayar korek'..
As much as you think it is impossible to drive like an absolute is so very possible... For a vehicle to go down the wrong ramp to enter federal highway (pre-turning from Pantai road and straight down to Federal on the opposite direction) is possible... For vehicles to exit mid valley car park and decide to turn right against traffic thinking you've got a short cut...Very possible...Afterall, Malaysia Boleh...

We have mostly modded cars that aren't suppose to be modded they way they are... Many Sagas, Wiras are running with over 200hp and body not strengthen, cheap anti-roll bars bought from...yes..non-other from a car accessory shop that claims to be the best place to tint your windows and add woofers and loads of speakers with no regards to the quality of sound...(Loud is good...that is all they know...Speakers don't distort means hoh-yeh!). Most cars don't even do anything about their brakes and suspension...better invest in the turbo and intercooler first, forget even straightening chasis (from all those accidents on the way back from a party or club), stability, and more. The best are stickers on cars.... Seriously, do people actually think it is cool to have a sticker of a racing part on their car??? Man..As if that 1 sticker adds 3 horsepower more...The original purpose for race cars to have that is for money...Sponsorship...not looks.

I know I speak quite broadly and may not all be true. We all know who are the actual real ones who stand for quality and applause and kudos goes to these people.

Well said.
I agree with you. There is lack of enforcement from JPJ.
The should often set up roadblocks and go for those
shops in that offer these modifications.
Well said.
I agree with you. There is lack of enforcement from JPJ.
The should often set up roadblocks and go for those
shops in that offer these modifications.

The funniest thing is if u send your car for inspection with ABS, for sure they will reject u..
Coz i have tried it b4...they said braking system out already??what the heck???
ABS sure wont immediate brake wht no matter u are using brand brake pad also the same wht...dun know wht they are thinking...stupid..
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