Ultimate for Mivec..Need Help


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Mar 1, 2004
Hi guys,

I've just bought an Emanage Ultimate recently to install on my Mivec engine. However, i found out that Emanage Ultimate software does not have the initial vehicle setup for Mivec. All they have are vehicle setups for 4G93, 4G63, 6A n 6G engines which all runs on MAF system. Mivecs on the other hand runs on MAP system. Currently i'm running on a 4AGZE with MAP system for initial vehicle setup temporarily just to get the car started and moving. However, the problem for me now is:

1. Check Engine light keeps popping out
2. Cant tune the ignition properly
3. Error code on the ignition channel 2,3 & 4 keeps emerging
4. Rev cuts at 6.5k rpm even when i set my rev cut to 8k rpm

I seriusly suspect the error code on the Ignition Channel is now triggering the OEM ecu to safe mode, hence the inability to tune the Ignition Map properly and also for the 6.5k rpm rev cut.

So, i'm wondering if anyone out there knows the proper vehicle setup, setting for Mivec MAP system engines or what needs to be done for it to run properly. I seriusly need some help here cause this problem has been giving me quite a headache. I'm not sure if the Emanage Blue and Emanage Ultimate has the same database of vehicle setup. If it is, then maybe i can try use the setup as used by Emanage Blue since i've heard of so many Mivecs running on Emanage Blue. Thanks in advance. Cheerzzz... =)....
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Drop by and say hello to you.
I think ask "chong" check on the inside jumper on "the silver" or read the menu
Make sure set on "map sensor".
and better use back the stock map sensor.

Good Luck.
Hi there Prof,

Ya, Chong is now checking thoroughly with jumper settings and whatever thats possibly causing the above mentioned problems to happen. Everything is really trial and error now. I just hope we can find one that makes my car run properly, else it'll be useless. Haha. I still have not called him and get any updates from him yet. Just letting him taking his time to find out the problem. In the meanwhile, I'm trying to get some feedback if there are any Mivec owners out there that's using Ultimate. Thx alot Prof. Cheerz.
Hey, where is the E-Manage Si Fu go ?

May be is New for them, the "Utimate"!
May be most of them using the "Blue"

I am sure someone can help, right!

Any comment, 140db. Thanks
Ultimate is selective on 'car type'. Unlike the blue where the settings can be manipulate to work with an 'unlisted' car.

Not really an all-around general usage item.
Sounds like I've potentially bought something that I cant use. Sighhh~~~. Anyway, thx mate. Cheerzzz. =)
like that E-manage blue is the right one for mivec ah ? any e-manage sifu's here that can guide me to get one !
i need help like ...... good price n workmanship shop/shops in kl that fix, tune and advice/wat are the things that I need to buy together with e-manage blue !
but bro spydersIr try to go back to the shop wer u purchase the ultimate get the advice n help bro ! good luck !

sory to use ur thread for asking question regarding e-manage for mivec's ! cheers bro !
Basically Emanage Blue comes with a basic harness (injector harness) and u'll need another set of ignition harness to tune the ignition maps. Thats basically all u need to buy n total cost would b circa 1200-1300 (i'm not sure if there's a recent price hike) depending on shops. As for where to get, any of the famous shops with dyno machines in Sunway sells them n will charge bout 1700-1800 inclusive of installation and dyno tuning.

Its alrite bro. =). Hehe. Cheerzzz
anyone mind helping me to provide me contact number or person for AMOIL or LINKS ! I would to enquire some infos regrading e-manage blue ..... thanks in advance !
Just a q you guys. Now lets say my car is running a 4g93 DOHC ecu + Wirring harness and i were to install a mivec head to my 4G93 engine making it an Hybrid MIVEC 1.8. Can i use emanage blue to convert my existing MAF to MAP sensor and eliminate the Airflow sensor?
theoryly u can.. practically donno... coz i've got my fren trying using map sensor at evo.. but it cant work properly..
Just a q you guys. Now lets say my car is running a 4g93 DOHC ecu + Wirring harness and i were to install a mivec head to my 4G93 engine making it an Hybrid MIVEC 1.8. Can i use emanage blue to convert my existing MAF to MAP sensor and eliminate the Airflow sensor?

maintain all your 4G93 DOHC wiring, ecu and MAF, invest more and get the Ultimate....its far more worth it than the emanage blue when it comes to tuning a Mivec 1.8....if you think the MAF is too small, go get an Evo MAF (requires some mods to work tho).....good luck...:)....
maintain all your 4G93 DOHC wiring, ecu and MAF, invest more and get the Ultimate....its far more worth it than the emanage blue when it comes to tuning a Mivec 1.8....if you think the MAF is too small, go get an Evo MAF (requires some mods to work tho).....good luck...:)....

yeah, but whats the benefit of the ultimate over the blue unit?
well the main thing is that its much more powerful in governing the tuning over your stock ECU as compared to the blue.....pretty close to a standalone even tho its still a piggyback......the rest of the functions might not be relevant or even be used tho......
can get a full standalone for emanage ultimate pricing + a lil more
dnt find the ultimate worth the money
for a piggyback, thats as good as it can get.....having a standalone is a totally different story.......

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