TT for KLIA resident at kota warisan on 16/05 saturday

ok confirmed tomorrow we meet at nilaì square. yesterday my friends and I 5 person decided to do tt at nilai square memandangkan takde tmpat lain ynag lebih sesuai. next time tt we will find other interesting place. who ever from putrajaya can meet blutuik or me at shell kota warisan. others which is from nilai can directly standby at nilai square. time be at nilai square 4.30pm. at shell must be there before 4pm because 4pm we convoy to nilai square. see u all there. thanks.
nilai sq located bside the nursing college (i forgot the college name..)..
near majlis pbandaran nilai..& near masjid nilai.. :biggrin:
i want to folo to...but want to watch drift at cyberjayaaa...see u all at cyberjaya la,acct it a night drifft
wow...great event tonite..!!
we can go there la after TT...hehehee...

but sadly bro EDRA can't join us today coz
early this morning he called me..
telling me that his family member passed away..
now he's on d way back to kelantan..

btw..this TT will be as planned.. (sorry..poor english..hehee... :biggrin::biggrin: )
i'll be waiting at shell kota warisan about 3.30pm..
just look for an 'uncle looked' green seg.. :biggrin:
and my friend suhaimi will wait at nilai sq..
look 4 a white ae111'96 with BZ-R facelift!!

See ya..... :wavey:

**jimi..come la..we go there after TT...
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Nice TT..thank you very2 much for those who joined this event..
although our organiser didn't come..about 20 Toyotas attended..

Some photos from me..enjoy!! :biggrin:






want more?? continue after this.. :biggrin:
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sorry geng, I cannot join u all this evening. my uncle passed away this morning. need to rush to kota bharu. I just finished tahlil just now. when I view the pictures really jelous. thanks and appreciate to you all cause join this tt. maybe we can meet next tt. anyway thanks to my partners yad<BLUTUIK>and suhaimi coz help me to handle this first tt.

Bump: sorry geng, I cannot join u all this evening. my uncle passed away this morning. need to rush to kota bharu. I just finished tahlil just now. when I view the pictures really jelous. thanks and appreciate to you all cause join this tt. maybe we can meet next tt. anyway thanks to my partners yad<BLUTUIK>and suhaimi coz help me to handle this first tt.
U r welcome EDRA..yeah..mayb next TT..

Btw, more pics to view..


SE.G's... ooppss...BZ-R??




still got more pics... :biggrin:
Another pics..

1 of our friend has been 'warned' while waiting us at a nearby petrol pump..hehehee.. :biggrin:


nice rear lamp..



not enuff??
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Gotcha!! u r in candid camera.. :biggrin:

Teh tarik time..


That's all folks..
See ya at next TT.. :driver:

Thank you very much..
wah....syiok la the monster summore....
im sorry tho for did not family matters to handle....

will try next tt.....atm, we still can hv a small tt at hijaz....wht say u EDRA :biggrin:
can but need to call first la. tomorrow afternoon around 4pm my friends wanna go to bangi to tuned up thier engine. i willing to go too. if u wanna join come la.
sorry late reply, bangi tuner ? should hv flw u guys.

anybody free for Hijaz tomorrow morning ? :driver: feel free to drop by:beer:

Bump: sorry late reply, bangi tuner ? should hv flw u guys.

anybody free for Hijaz tomorrow morning ? :driver: feel free to drop by:beer:
just woke up...
got tt ahh this morning?? aiyaa...
working nite shf laa tis week..
Phantom Scarab,

I saw ur car this evening @ dataran..
nice ride....... :biggrin:
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