Tein & N1 Racing

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Why not? Have the shock stripped and put an internal bump-stop on the shaft, since Tein has a service center in KL.

Service centre is one thing la....but the main problem is the expertise in workmanship ~

U dun have to worry about getting parts for the shox......but men who carried the services really INEXPERIENCED lor...

Sometimes u will think it's a waste.....u spent like RM3000 - RM4000 for a brand new shox......life is shorter than u expected....services also can't solve the problem.....and would u be WILLING to spend that few thousands again to buy another brand ? If so many hassle....y not juz get OEM shox then ?

Other than N1, i think the other shop is err.....WANGAN.....services...i dunno...but saw their advertisement in magazines....
Why not? Have the shock stripped and put an internal bump-stop on the shaft, since Tein has a service center in KL.

hahahaha...wat the ...hahahaha.....
if can simply put the bump inside, there r no more complain liao..ahahhahaha....

after put the bump inside, the bound & re-bound will be another issue, the distance btween the valve & the bump will be very close. just imagine la...hahahaha...:rofl:
the sound will be from Kuk Kuk Kuk to Buk Buk Buk...ahahahhahahaha...:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
hahahaha...wat the ...hahahaha.....
if can simply put the bump inside, there r no more complain liao..ahahhahaha....

after put the bump inside, the bound & re-bound will be another issue, the distance btween the valve & the bump will be very close. just imagine la...hahahaha...:rofl:
the sound will be from Kuk Kuk Kuk to Buk Buk Buk...ahahahhahahaha...:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

By the sound of what you wrote I forgive you for never seen, serviced, gas, oil and valve a complete shock assembly. Not trying to show-off or anything (apologize if I am too lansi), but I have personally assembled thousands of shocks for cars, components for new trucks, special shocks, Aus-Nascar, Aus-touring cars, targa cars, rally cars, Porsche cup racecar, and even modified a hydraulic shock for a hospital bed *biggrin*

The internal bump stop I mentioned is not the regular one you seen on the top of your shaft. It's a little bump stop (looks like a big O-ring) about 5 mm high and about 15-20 mm OD.

I hope that enlightened you alittle :smokin:
Try this if they can give a solution.

MPD Auto Centre Sdn Bhd. (507818P)
No.38, Jalan Mewah 3/3, Taman Perindustrian Hata,
Pandan Mewah, 68000 Ampang
Selangor, Malaysia
Tel : +60(3) 4297-9878
Fax : +60(3) 4295-7868
Email : [email protected]
Nothing wrong wit the products, just the 'ppl' got problems. Tis is NOT the 1st time customers complaint bout N1 Racing....or Mr.Desmond himself.

Myself also a victim to their business tactic. I knew a lot of the forumers here r quite friend wit him. Ppl won't purposely waste time create stories & type long essays trying to explain wat reli happen to their nightmares when servicing their cars in certain workshops.

I would say N1 is 1 of a good shop displaying aftermarket parts or performance parts in which car modders shud take a look or check it out. The only probs is the 'ppl' ther,nothing more. Me myself was his customer once but no more after wat i've been goin thru. More than RM15k business i gave him,still after sales no service. So i decided to end my business deal wit N1.

To pk47,do ur best in ur claims. Good luck bro!!:listen:
Service centre is one thing la....but the main problem is the expertise in workmanship ~

U dun have to worry about getting parts for the shox......but men who carried the services really INEXPERIENCED lor...

Yes, like I mentioned before servicing shock is a breeze during days just as long the shock is not too based up or any machining work (we used to machine the shaft to custom length as well). But when it comes to specific valving on fussy clients, usually it takes about 3 days to a week turn-around depending on our loading.

Matching the right shaft diameter to valve, gas pressure and spring rate characteristics is a true art-form. Sometimes your specs may not always match your dyno sheet as well. That when it boils down to REAL experience.
By the sound of what you wrote I forgive you for never seen, serviced, gas, oil and valve a complete shock assembly. Not trying to show-off or anything (apologize if I am too lansi), but I have personally assembled thousands of shocks for cars, components for new trucks, special shocks, Aus-Nascar, Aus-touring cars, targa cars, rally cars, Porsche cup racecar, and even modified a hydraulic shock for a hospital bed *biggrin*

The internal bump stop I mentioned is not the regular one you seen on the top of your shaft. It's a little bump stop (looks like a big O-ring) about 5 mm high and about 15-20 mm OD.

I hope that enlightened you alittle :smokin:


but, i'm still hahahahaha... bout wat u just wrote...ahahahaha....:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
u dun even know wat really going on...ahahahahahahaha....:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
i forgive u too for ur never learn...ahahahahaha....:rofl: :rofl:

yo bro, long time no see liao... hows the day..?? still at Carace thread there..??
Yup, I don't know at all .... I'll let other experts speak instead. Sorry for trying to be helpful here.

Looks like you have dissappeared wor? No more chicks to tackle here, that's why? Hahahaha ...
Yup, I don't know at all .... I'll let other experts speak instead. Sorry for trying to be helpful here.

Looks like you have dissappeared wor? No more chicks to tackle here, that's why? Hahahaha ...

i disappeared coz of got too many chicks need me to handle... busy than Satan in hell...damn... shld call u to give some helping hands... now only get to know that 2 hand not enuf to hold a bunch of 'boob boobs'....:adore: :adore: :adore:
Nothing wrong wit the products, just the 'ppl' got problems. Tis is NOT the 1st time customers complaint bout N1 Racing....or Mr.Desmond himself.

Myself also a victim to their business tactic. I knew a lot of the forumers here r quite friend wit him. Ppl won't purposely waste time create stories & type long essays trying to explain wat reli happen to their nightmares when servicing their cars in certain workshops.

I would say N1 is 1 of a good shop displaying aftermarket parts or performance parts in which car modders shud take a look or check it out. The only probs is the 'ppl' ther,nothing more. Me myself was his customer once but no more after wat i've been goin thru. More than RM15k business i gave him,still after sales no service. So i decided to end my business deal wit N1.

To pk47,do ur best in ur claims. Good luck bro!!:listen:

Thanks bro! I don't think I will tok the N1 anymore, let them tok to the gaverment officer.
Nothing wrong wit the products, just the 'ppl' got problems. Tis is NOT the 1st time customers complaint bout N1 Racing....or Mr.Desmond himself.

Myself also a victim to their business tactic. I knew a lot of the forumers here r quite friend wit him. Ppl won't purposely waste time create stories & type long essays trying to explain wat reli happen to their nightmares when servicing their cars in certain workshops.

I would say N1 is 1 of a good shop displaying aftermarket parts or performance parts in which car modders shud take a look or check it out. The only probs is the 'ppl' ther,nothing more. Me myself was his customer once but no more after wat i've been goin thru. More than RM15k business i gave him,still after sales no service. So i decided to end my business deal wit N1.

To pk47,do ur best in ur claims. Good luck bro!!:listen:

Thanks bro! I don't think I will tok the N1 anymore, let them tok to the goverment officer.
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