PS Powersport tuning products

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Not a jokes????

you kidding right? what the fuck, wht is the latest update bro?

What the hell??? Seriously????

No joke guys, I've had to resort to slipping letter of demands under his shutters. Apparently he up'd and left for China for a month. I'll fill in more once I've done my police report etc tomorrow because I can't be sure my car is even on the premises right? Reasonable assumption considering his behavior.

Anyway, stay tuned but give me a day or two - sister getting married this week so going to be in Kangar mostly but my lawyers will push ahead without me as well as the police too hopefully.
even he at china at least a courtesy call to inform you before he fly
but his shop no other worker meh ?
dont tell me worker also fly to china
[PIMPIN];1064015437 said:
No joke guys, I've had to resort to slipping letter of demands under his shutters. Apparently he up'd and left for China for a month. I'll fill in more once I've done my police report etc tomorrow because I can't be sure my car is even on the premises right? Reasonable assumption considering his behavior.

Anyway, stay tuned but give me a day or two - sister getting married this week so going to be in Kangar mostly but my lawyers will push ahead without me as well as the police too hopefully.

Wow. Hope you get your car back. I smelled bullshit with PS Powersport all along.. now we can really conclude they are a sham. Hope that asshole didn't chop your car and haul the engine to China with him.

Is this with your newly rebuilt RB30 inside?
Well the latest is that I've been contacted by him, now safely back in Malaysia and although I've yet to find the time to go down to the workshop (sister got married over the weekend up North, work commitments, etc) I did manage to send him a letter, an email and an SMS demanding some form of compensation. Slightly off-topic, this car is meant to be a display car for a company which I part-own and since his delays, we have participated in events and exhibitions whereby the rental space alone cost upwards of RM50k and although not necessary for us to have the car at every single event, there were some events which we could have really, really used our marketing tool - after all, why should we go without something we own?

But I was sent an SMS asking me to pay for storage fees while he was away. Who in their right mind would even think of countering a demand for compensation with a demand for ME to PAY storage fees when I did not consent to it being stuck there in the first place. If a mechanic/tuner/shop is unable to complete a job then hand back the car, apology optional but reflects on your upbringing. But this has been the last straw for me and I'm going ahead with legal action and I've been advised to make a police report as well which I will be doing this week.

I suppose my GTR is still there, as is my RB30 and spare RB26 but now I have to question whether the RB30 there is the same one that was built previously or have internals been swapped? Not to make accusations but any reasonable person would be curious as to the safety of his/her asset left unattended for 5-6 weeks. ANYTHING could have happened to it with or without his knowledge and I do not know who else has had access to the workshop and subsequently my car over the past few weeks.

So I'm going for the takedown. Will keep this thread updated.
This something beyond the normal people able to do.
The work force, knowledge & support to bring this case up something new to us.
By doing this you already set an example to the mechanic & as our reference.

Kindly share on your finding about this matter.
Normally the car owner unable to counter this type of case due to lack of everything.

This might effect the brand...
Commiserations PP.
I thought the guy was a bit fishy - more on the money than the service.
Doesn't look like a hands on mechanic to me.
where are all the PS Powersport fan boys and supporters now? its proven PS Powersport cannot walk the talk.. you losers are all full of cock.
get the car out asap,

why should u pay storage fee when he did not finish up the car at a stipulated time
I heard from friend that this guy never pay a single cent since the beginning but only giving empty promises such offering rm30k cheque . I also heard his car was towed out from Sifu workshop n he sent to a few shop in Sunway but most of them refuse to accept, why? They all asking the same question, is sifu's 30++ years experience cannot do Skyline? There must be something wrong here. Who want to do your car for free?
I heard from friend that this guy never pay a single cent since the beginning but only giving empty promises such offering rm30k cheque . I also heard his car was towed out from Sifu workshop n he sent to a few shop in Sunway but most of them refuse to accept, why? They all asking the same question, is sifu's 30++ years experience cannot do Skyline? There must be something wrong here. Who want to do your car for free?

Unless you hear it from the horse's mouth, don't spread rumors. Its slander.
Hmm.... Must be a PS Supporter....
I remember PS was trying to sell me product telling me that they've proven a Corolla 2JZ with 500WHP... bla bla bla....

I wasn't too impressed...
I heard from friend that this guy never pay a single cent since the beginning but only giving empty promises such offering rm30k cheque . I also heard his car was towed out from Sifu workshop n he sent to a few shop in Sunway but most of them refuse to accept, why? They all asking the same question, is sifu's 30++ years experience cannot do Skyline? There must be something wrong here. Who want to do your car for free?
I've dealt with [PIMPIN] personally and I've known him for quite some time. I can vouch that he's definitely not that type of person who would not pay. You should always take what you hear with a grain of salt and don't be so naive.

He did not even send his car to "a few shops in Sunway" bro. Get your facts straight before making accusations...
good luck Pimpin...
never thought that you would go this far in testing this products...

Well, unlike some of the PS fans here who never bothered with a proper explanation I actually went to find out the facts for myself. And a lot of people who know me both here and in the Malaysian Skyline Club know that if I say I'm going to do something then I'd follow through. Barring of course circumstances such as the one in question.

Nevertheless, I've always maintained that CF Lo probably knows the most about RB engines and his attention to detail is second to none but that he might not be the best businessman around which is not necessarily a bad thing but when it affects the businesses of his customers then it becomes an issue I suppose. Now I'm no Warren Buffett but I've sat down and had coffee with CF Lo many times for up to four, five hours at a stretch and its obvious more could have been done for the brand not to mention a lot of what he has told me could have answered many questions raised pages and pages back.

I heard from friend that this guy never pay a single cent since the beginning but only giving empty promises such offering rm30k cheque . I also heard his car was towed out from Sifu workshop n he sent to a few shop in Sunway but most of them refuse to accept, why? They all asking the same question, is sifu's 30++ years experience cannot do Skyline? There must be something wrong here. Who want to do your car for free?

You heard from a friend? Why not from your Sifu himself? Is it because he doesn't have that high an opinion of you as you do of him? No offence but your name has come up a few times and to save you some embarrassment, I won't repeat what he has said about you nor bring up incidences from the past. Oh, btw he thinks that sticker you have near the exhaust is dumb as hell.

If I wasn't so busy (ixeo, iszo and a few others can tell I've been somewhat absent lately), I'd unravel your 'gossip' bit by bit but frankly, you're not worth the time and I have lots of work to do - that's how I've managed to spend more on cars than you've probably earned in your entire life.

I'll leave you with this - my 'settlement' with CF Lo was an eleventh hour deal brokered by a very good friend of mine caught in the middle and out of respect for friendship, I called off what I had planned so you might want to consider your future posts because I could very well change my mind - don't make me get your sifu to tell you to retract and apologize because that'll just be humiliating.

If your great sifu does not have the cash to even get my braided lines, what makes you think he can handle a lawsuit? Not to mention the police, Consumer Affairs, etc? Next time make sure you have the facts before repeating what "a friend" told you.

My apologies to all other ZTHians, its not me to stoop to low blows but this one PS-Pro Slanderer is got on my nerves.

Unless you hear it from the horse's mouth, don't spread rumors. Its slander.

It's a typical PS defense strategy bro. Counter attack with.. ermm whatever I guess. Next they'll say I killed Michael Jackson.

I thought PP was taken in by the two Skylines in the shop...LOL
My impression was that the guy is a racer and not a mechanic/tuner.

He's a racer of many, many years and he comes from an engineering background as did his father and his son is following in his footsteps. He does build, tune and used to race quite actively but lately I guess China is his priority as he probably sees a better future for PS products there.

And there was only one Skyline in the shop to begin with, the black one in previous pictures with the RB30 engine is mine.

I've dealt with [PIMPIN] personally and I've known him for quite some time. I can vouch that he's definitely not that type of person who would not pay. You should always take what you hear with a grain of salt and don't be so naive.

He did not even send his car to "a few shops in Sunway" bro. Get your facts straight before making accusations...

Well bro, I guess I'm a cheapskate :bawling:

N1, CV Audio, Speed Spin Turbo, JDM Autolink, SS Racing oopss Samurai etc even smaller shops like Mike in USJ1 and even your esteemed self for that matter have all been conned by me in the past as I never pay and I'll try bargain my way into getting the absolute cheapest price from everyone. :rolleyes:

All these years and nobody has wised up to my antics?

Or perhaps its because only ONE mechanic and his ever growing smaller posse thought it'll make a nice story? Considering I have documented the entire ordeal complete with evidence, I guess an expose of the what really happened last summer would be a fitting final nail in the PS coffin. Just need to find the time I guess. In the meantime, GTR ready to send over/pick-up anytime.

Payment in full in glovebox as mentioned (Nah, kidding AS IF I'd pay!) :rofl:

[pimpin] : whats the story now?

I think the project needs it own thread LOL but basically engine in, do fuel system (which RIPS waited ages for me to get back to them because Robbie Ward who I have to mention has been building RB30s for nearly as long as CF Lo has been in the scene was not happy with the way the fuel system was going to be set-up but I could not revert as I didn't have access to my car.

Also had issues with the throttle body (went to a single TB instead of the factory's ITB setup) because despite being told TWICE how to go about it, CF Lo reckoned he needed to machine one from scratch which he then could not afford to pay for. I have no problems with deposits or even payment in full in advance but only when I know what I'm getting.

If one can't be bothered to list down what is to be done, then how to give you a lump sum which you've pulled out of the air? Despite the fact that I've supplied the majority of the parts and in fact had repeatedly asked what else was needed as I've got A LOT of spares or access to parts, I was always brushed off.

Anyway, hopefully in the hands of others the car will be out by Megalap Round 4 provided I don't have to balik kampung all week. Even then, it'll just be a shakedown and won't be pushing the car as the suspension etc have yet to be sorted. Need to do corner weighting plus setup - most likely be sending to FA Racing who will setup suspension at Sepang since I haven't gotten a proper response from the local Nitron guys (plus Nitron is nearly 5k more supplied not to mention servicing means sending back to UK).

Other than that, I'll update as things progress starting next week. Like I said, I need my own thread ala Kevin Lee. :banghead:

Cheers guys, this is my last post in this ghastly thread.
People with genuine passion for cars will go great lengths to satisfy the craving for speed (or stance whatever rocks your boat) but all must be done properly, not scamming others for the sake of money.

As with khoyos, I can vouch for [PIMPIN]. I can say flatly what lancersr20 posted earlier is just bullshit (I think even bulls' shit would be offended).

So bro lancersr20, don't be naive (or stupid depending on how u prefer). Get ur facts straight before opening ur pie hole.
lancersr20 , lol after all the arguments on zth and dcm , all i can ask you is "who has the last laugh ?" :rofl: , PS Rulez bebeh lolx
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