plasma ball is it legal?

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what is a plasma ball?
sounds like something out of Doom 3 or Quake
ohh...the glass ball inside got 1 conductor wan...the electricity ball thingy....
wet the ball then ask jpj to touch then chao lou...hahahaha
Is it the one whereby it looks like electricity moving around a sphere and when you touch it, it'll attract to your fingers.

If so, then i don't see any reason its illegal. Unless you put one that is as big as your wheels, when you're stopped, you can just say its decoration. In fact i've seen a few sold in accessories shops, it has a off button. Or you could just simply unplug it from the ciggarette lighter socket.
can cause distraction. same like u put blinking led light on your wind screen washer. but i think mostly depends where u put it, if u put a big one on your beautiful dashboard, then dun forget to off it when got road block.
I got 2 small plasma balls.... built-in. Very powerful!!!!!. KAKAKAKAKA!!!
those thing might come handy when there's autoshow going on...sure a lot of people will buy that plasma oso like but it's kinda big to put on the dashboard...
rollakid said:
erm.. so.. you got stick the 'power plug' into the.. er.. ciggy socket?

Hahahaha....nothing beats the good ol' "plug and play"....
i dun think is illegal lah....come part of the deco interior of the car...even fluffy stuff and slam into kenari....

unless ur plasma ball can predict the future thn....ahem....the next malaysia nostradamus.....ahha...well..i guess is legal........

if police stop u..thn just tell him..ini bola ajaib....bagi saya rm10 saya beritahu tuan punya masa depan..hehehe....jk jk
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