Julie Hoi

Huh, another boy obsessed already. Julie, julie.... you spoiled another boy's life

by making him fall in love and thinking of you all the time.

Anyway, i went to KLIMS last Saturday. Really packed with people from the range

of 8 - 80 yrs old. Not bad, shoot till my camera off by itself, keke.... The only thing

is i din manage to see julie at naza or fiona at ford loh.... :bawling: :cry_smile: :banghead:

A bit disappointed already as i intend to take some photos of this 2 lady. TOO BAD

By the way, still manage to see other hot chicks there..... At Naza, although Julie

is not there, i shoot another gal who's not bad too.... looks elegant and sweet.

Maybe i'll post her photo here later for u all to see... :tee: Cheers !!
joeker, cum on la....
as what ingolstadt said...
u stil got so many choices out there...
doesnt mean u muz choose julie de ma...
even u choose her for ur rest of ur life, if she dun wan choose u oso no use la..
trust us.. we r here to help u....
i agree with legend speedy... there alot of gal out there... nw u still young get some gal from the sch... when they grow they oso will as pretty as julie leh...
what a kind people you guys are, give him a conselling session cukup-cukup...

advice him to get other gals which belongs to his group, encourage him to carry

on with his life...... joeker, pls listen la. Wake up, wake up !!
No NO!!

I am like the Taxi Driver (Kenny Bee) and my Julie is Maggie Cheung. Just like that chinese love movie....forgot the name adi

Finally we will be together wan.

'"Every Monday I eat Curry Chicken....every Tuesday I eat Capati...."

"...smoke get in your eyees..........."

you are really a good joker man..... i salute to you here... The enthusiatic

that you are having. The persistenty that should be learn by other people.

All the best to you then. Hope u n Julie will be happy forever to the rest of your

Oh, what have i done, i have spoilt a boys life. I shouldn't put so many Julie's pictures in this thread at the first place. Should i go back and take out all the Julies pics that i posted. Nah, i dont think so, since i have out of stocks i'll passed the postings of her pics to the younger generations.

I went to KLIMS too but didnt meet them too, not much pretty girls this year compare to last years Dreamcars Asia. My favourite booths for girls category, Volvo, Naza & Bridgestone. No Ford caused i didnt get to see Fiona, she already went for her brake when i reach Ford booths. Then there is one or two around the KLIMS in other booths.

Listen to them Joeker, there is whole forest out there.
this is useless, i tell you. there are no return for joeker, he's already obsessed....

That's why i just wish him from the bottom of my heart..... hope he'll be happy

forever and ever ......
i think u had watched so many movie liao....
tats y u imagination u r de character in de movie..
so dun watch so many movie...
n b clear of urself.... dun dream oledi...
legend speedy,

u still haven't give up on him yet huh ?! :afraid: Joeker, why don't we open a

thread just to talk about you there? U like that huh ?! :thrasher:
Joeker: Just take care bcoz nanti LDRAGON finds out he will ....

Ivanhoe: wow great what did she sign on ?? ur shirt or ur mag ??

ryan05: Oh sorry to hear that, hope u can meet her next time. I understand how you feel now. I was like you b4.:cry_smile: Dont worry ade Hikmah di sebalik-nye.
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hahah ryan05 dont like tat... there not much inters of talk about a guy at a thread... will get bored soon... he still young just let him la!!when he come out then he will knw wat is the forest!!!
give him a chnace he is still young...but you shouldnt fight with some older uncles about gals, you must respect them. I think you better wish she faste get married and faster give birth. Then... her daughter you got chance.
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absolute said:
give him a chnace he is still young...but you shouldnt fight with some older uncles about gals, you must respect them. I think you better wish she faste get married and faster give birth. Then... her daughter you got chance.

nice 1 i salute u.. this u oso can think of it
absolute said:
give him a chnace he is still young...but you shouldnt fight with some older uncles about gals, you must respect them. I think you better wish she faste get married and faster give birth. Then... her daughter you got chance.

Wah, you advice Joeker to become "kam yu lo". By the time Julie daughter (if she married now) become 12 years old, he already become 30 years old.

The best advice is look for girls around your aged, no need to become " kam yu lo"
Yehcc, sorry huh as i can't control my emotion sometimes..... Kekeke

absolute/ soulseaker

What's the difference man....... ?! He's either become a "kam yu lo" or he's going

to "bou lou ngau" already. Nvm, i totally understand...... there are a lots kind of

people in this world and the choice is yours !! :X-:
ok stop guys..... this thread is about julie how come suddenly all chat about Joker!!!
Coz joeker is hijacking the thread..... joeker, why don't you post your pic here

to show your sincerity.... then alll peple here will know you as die-hard fans

of julie. To show your love....
hahaha....come on guys....we all know is good to helping each other.
but I't remind me the japanese movie something called "The Train man"..hehehe

But abit out of topic....:_: . Anyway More photo is always welcome..hahahaha
Don't get Angry..hahaha

give him a chnace he is still young...but you shouldnt fight with some older uncles about gals, you must respect them. I think you better wish she faste get married and faster give birth. Then... her daughter you got chance.

haha....damn funny man. nice phrase, man!! I think jeoker is not that young. Do u guys really believe he is 17??? I'm suspecting on that. Agree?? Jeoker, nice tactic to get attention of all guys. haha.....

driftking II: she sign on the photograph. It's just kinda of souvenir for me only,
it's not a big deal. Actually, i'm not her fan coz i dont really know her well. After i read through this thread, then i know abit more about her. Seems u all guys like her very much.
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