Julie Hoi

haha yaya i finally surf all 47 pages.....she looks damn hot in the white mini skirt and tip top.

haha dude....every1 is unique......unless human cloning.
For me Julie Hoi is kinda perfect already

Any1 have more pic of her? poster? wallpaper? please post here hahaha.......
me Julie Hoi adict liao.

i also bet julie is a car. since this is under "car talk" section.

walau..... haha..... damn funny statement i ever seen. How could u think of the name is a car??? Have u heard about car's name Julie???
hmmm...why do I suddenly feel like saying :

"Juliechan, you can run but you can't hide. muahahaha"(evil laughter optional)

her name is Julie Hoi but not Julie Chan!!!
I spent half day to read through 47 pages. Then i found that i was replying to the posts one a year ago in my previous 2 posts. haha.... damn funny, man. But nvm!! I found that u guys r extremely amazing in voicing out all of yr opnion no matter normal or pervert (hamsap). After read through 47 pages, then i know julie hoi is famous model. No offence, ppl, coz i'm new comer. Anyway, i got to know her in KLIM 06, she is a hot and pretty model. But i dont really know much about her, so cant comment much on her. Just want to say nice to meet her who is an angel for u all guys.

To: Julie,
Best of luck and gambateh (japanese) in yr future career. Appreciate what u r having now ( gift of god). Good luck and all the best to u and may everything goes yr way. Hope to c u again. Take care.
IvanHoe said:
I spent half day to read through 47 pages. Then i found that i was replying to the posts one a year ago in my previous 2 posts. haha.... damn funny, man. But nvm!! I found that u guys r extremely amazing in voicing out all of yr opnion no matter normal or pervert (hamsap). After read through 47 pages, then i know julie hoi is famous model. No offence, ppl, coz i'm new comer. Anyway, i got to know her in KLIM 06, she is a hot and pretty model. But i dont really know much about her, so cant comment much on her. Just want to say nice to meet her who is an angel for u all guys.

To: Julie,
Best of luck and gambateh (japanese) in yr future career. Appreciate what u r having now ( gift of god). Good luck and all the best to u and may everything goes yr way. Hope to c u again. Take care.

try get her autograph next time u see her.
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Joeker said:
She going to be my wife when I grow up.

Julie, you wait for me k?

wa.. brother joe.. u still want ppl to wait for u to GROW UP AH? until when oni u wanna marry her wor? 60? LOL..

anyway.. din see her in klim oso..
LOL, grow up in what sense? Some other parts...

I heard someone said this sentence before, "you are unique, but you are not that special", from my previous lecturer(a chun lecturer).

aHa, cheersssss.
try get her autograph next time u see her.

thnx dude!! Actually, i got her autograph already!! Seems that she is so famous and well known. A lot of ppl know her but i think she doesn't really regconise us, right?? Famous people wont know their fans or supporters, right???
Not really if you did something 'outstanding', she will remember you for life. just like what Volvo did. Volvo for life...lol.
She going to be my wife when I grow up.

Julie, you wait for me k?

To Jeoker:

It's gd to have dreams but sometimes we need to be practical abit. If u really got, i think a lot of her fans will jealous at u. Everybody agree??
i saw her when she was going up the escalator today.
is it just me or her (_!_) abit larger already?
well whatever it is she was jiggling it all the way up :_:
Err.....me 17 this year.

I hope she give me chance and wait till I 25 like tat.

By then I think I wil have steady job and career and then I can marry her.

Oh Julie, please give me chance and wait for me.
walau... 8 yrs ohhh...
do u think will????
impossible... if reli happen den reli unbelieveable lo...
wow~ really hot girl here. Very pretty and bootylicious. :)

By the way, there are some really good comments and fans here and of course some perverts.

Judging from her never-changing-hairstyle, i believe she's the kind of person who had songs she'll never grew tired of listening, possesions she'll die to defend. Hmm loyal lover perhaps? Anyway, i dunno her, but people with never-changing-hairstyles usually had this kinda good characters.

By the way regarding Fiona Kwok .... **edited**due personal opinion** , worked with her once .... ya know, there is a definite boundary between sexy and slutty; guess she crossed the boundary just slightly... anyway.... dunno whether you guys had the same feeling or not, but when i was in KLIMS, i can almost imagine the heavenly luckiness we guys have IF every girls out there were of the same quality of KLIMS girls (except for the Sony Xplod girls.... hehehe)
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Ingolstadt said:
Judging from her never-changing-hairstyle, i believe she's the kind of person who had songs she'll never grew tired of listening, possesions she'll die to defend. Hmm loyal lover perhaps?

Anyway, i dunno her, but people with never-changing-hairstyles usually had this kinda good characters.


So happy now, I can't sleep!!
Legend Speedy said:
walau... 8 yrs ohhh...
do u think will????
impossible... if reli happen den reli unbelieveable lo...

Like Andy Lau and Rosemund Kwan love story last weekend..........sure can wan

If she no wait for me and found somebody who will make her happy, I also happy for her.

But preferably she wait for me lar.
Hey Joeker, you'll have your fair chance. You have a 'wide variety' of choices from girls who are 10yr old - 19yr old. (not kao mui mui zai lar.... but 7 yr plan mar, by the time you're 24, they're 17 also ok mar right?

For Julie ..... leave it for us older folks lar ok? (beyond 25 .... ) we cannot kao 17 yr old .... later kena bash by parents... .kekeke
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