JB New Section........ Part 4.....

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If its really ur wife driving, then ok la... thn i believe she obey the traffic light

I dunno what you thinking. So inspector saman who then who is wrong? Do u know in this case, the inspector can choose to saman both party? Thn who is right who is wrong?

What is inspector? To inspect the whole incident and see who is at fault thn only saman the wrong party. How come yours is the other way round? Saman 1st then only truth will reveal?

Who sumbat the most money to inspector, who win. Simple.... im god damn suprised u wasnt aware about that......

the car was a Myvi JKS6335 yellow gold color..................actually accident cannot advoid one tat one i know.........but the fella beat the traffic light and can come down of the car and shout at my wife "BARU HIJAU TAK SABAR NAK JALAN" :banghead::banghead::banghead:.........damn tulan at least come down n ask if she is ok or not...............come down alraedy start shoot at ppl......best part is he dun have the guts to admit his fault in the police report................KNN...............next time see this car just burn it only..............
like tat ka....
then when accident da first thing to do is shout to the other car huh....
basil, 1st thing, red = stop, hijau = jalan. this one law. no run one. He loose already. sabar ke tak, lain cerita.

But how u put it is important. ask for police advise or else if u have lawyer, better.

on other hand, since u wanna burn his car. i suggest u get a lawyer urself also. Tulan is tulan, but sense talk also ma....

you should add....

"who loud who fierce who indian who win"

like that also can....

then ash u portugees wor, how? can win? wahahaha.

like tat ka....
then when accident da first thing to do is shout to the other car huh....

dont wait gangster comeout then habis... haha.
agree wif kiasu....
burn this burn dat...
talk oni la!!!!
n if u really do....
u make things worst oni!!!!

as for the who fierce who win.....
quite true oso la....
even dat time i accident oso i see wat's the situation 1st....
i memang wrong la...
if the other fella KPKB n kurang ajar....
then do it back to him la..
if not then just admit mistake la....

ash is spannish la...
not portugese!!!
ya lor i mouth onli cakap but always didnt do it and as all of us are civilize ppl we shouldnt use action we should mouth rite..........my bb boy now is ok but we need to get this case right, who also dun wan anything happen in future "touch wood" for my bb if some sort like case happen can refrence n sue the fell kaw kaw mah....................
u better dun post youtube link then...
i dun wanna see aunties!!!
i'm ok for now oso....
mayb later MIGHT hav dinner appointment....
not sure yet....
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