if a girl.......

Serra said:
well, some girls are complicated i suppose. hehe. not going to deny. even i dun understand myself sumtimes.

n I may be wrong, but...

Whenever a bf has a problem or an issue that is bothering him, he rarely tells the gf about it. I know the intention most of the time is good, that he dont wanna worry the gf, dont want her get involved, or mebbe dun want her to NAG about it cos the bf already have enuf in his mind.

but when things get messy btween the couple, bf starts to feel that the gf is not caring enough, not sensitive enough, not helpful, not understanding. It comes to question then... how was the gf able to be extra helpful/caring/sensitive/understanding when she doesnt know what is going on? :P

Probably NOT all guys are like that, but this is something in common that me n most of my girlfriends share or had experienced before. And this was apparently one of the guy topics that was mentioned in another forum as well. Hehe. So i think it is safe to say that a lot of girls feel this way? :P

just an opinion. pls dun be offended or anything.

As a whole, I think communication is crucial in any relationship.
I would say, Communication is the Core of any Relationship.
girls are complicated but it would be boring if they are not complicated at all. The only reason i find guys complaining about girls being too complicated are because they don't cherish them at all.

I do complain about my girlfriend being complicated, but I like it, at times it can be annoying, but that's what makes a relationship challenging rite?
meaning to say no choice but to admit eventhough annoying and complicated; but still an interesting and loving romance........
PocketRocket said:
if thteh dont say this,karen sure tapau him when she reads this...hehe
justin, not really le....just giving some hint to some asshole who's been really irritating and annoying, who doesn't cherish his own love but in the end being sad because the girl left him, but in my opinion, this fella deserves everything that has happened
eyong said:
You'll be fine and great .. Just remember this like:

"An Ew Em" mean I love You.
"Kwe Aio Kom" How are You.
"Gar Mung", Thank you.
"Chao" it's like Hi ...


u must be "visiting" there quite often huh?

the cafe there are quite nice....there was a chick who trying to tok to me when my fren was away(he is my translator)...but i cant get she wants to said...hahah end up she smile and walk away...but a meal cost me $300k here...hahaha have to bring few million$ when go out......

well, my fren called me again(shit$$%for roaming charges) and he has some more question to ask:

1)he went out with the gal on last weekend, the gal brought some frens along, when they in karaok, the gal get very close to one of her male fren and they even share drinks. My friend was not very happy and want to leave but the gal told him that this guy just normal fren..but my friend is sure that the guy want to woo the gal and she knows it...(i asked my friend to ask the girl F#uck off coz i think she just playing him)

2)The girl send sms to him and said they can be couple but need my friend to show her his sincerity...but she said still need to see how my friend treat her first.....(this is crap..i think she just probly try to step on few boats)...as usual the girl dun reply sms and phone call during weekdays...

This girl behave abit similar to the girl i met previously...so i think very likely they are same kind......Well did i blame on wrong person?
links...........just ask your friend to be strong and just f*cking leave her.............
reminds me of this girl i went out with last time, very vain and materialistic.

she even said, "i think that guy looking at me wanna kao me"
aiiii....seems that nowadays its hard to get those innocent + a bit wild gals already... all corrupted completely. turn into bitch & bitches...
look outside of KL :_:

my friend John went to Johor to do sales blitz.
over there the sales manager hired a few helpers for the sales team.
john so ngam team up with a girl promoter, 19 years old tessa.
at night tessa ask john to fetch her go out for a drink but since john dunno the roads he decline and followed the other guys to karaoke.
but the girl every now and then call him.
few months later she come to kl purposely to find him.
then he of coz gotta send her home coz kenot stay his house somemore the mother called.
on the way back she ask him to be her bf.
somemore on the way back her friends called ask where she is she say with her BF. whoah!
then reach home oso intro him as her bf. wah liao eh!
now she everyday call him.
if they not couple mebbe she become stalker :_:

*names and places have been changed to protect the "innocent", LOL.
links said:
u must be "visiting" there quite often huh?

No exactly ... I had a few Viet friends before when I was doing my academics in Australia. That's how I picked up a few of the language. hehe.
btw....seraph; how's the "tessa"??.............looks and personality??
Seraph said:
look outside of KL :_:

my friend John went to Johor to do sales blitz.
over there the sales manager hired a few helpers for the sales team.
john so ngam team up with a girl promoter, 19 years old tessa.
at night tessa ask john to fetch her go out for a drink but since john dunno the roads he decline and followed the other guys to karaoke.
but the girl every now and then call him.
few months later she come to kl purposely to find him.
then he of coz gotta send her home coz kenot stay his house somemore the mother called.
on the way back she ask him to be her bf.
somemore on the way back her friends called ask where she is she say with her BF. whoah!
then reach home oso intro him as her bf. wah liao eh!
now she everyday call him.
if they not couple mebbe she become stalker :_:

*names and places have been changed to protect the "innocent", LOL.

What a lucky guy he is....... how does the gal looks like anyway.... Not g-par right ?!

seraph, this tessa girl can almost become like you-know-who hor? that my "best friend", that girl. *names are kept anonymous to protect the, err, innocent*

errr.....u 2.....pls no secret keywords here........

it's meant to be a public forum.....not da vinci code wor.....

quick quick....share share the infor........

pssst........i wouldn't tell..........

:embaressed_smile: :emoticon_U:

you are right..... all those secret code you guys share later.... here, everything should be visible. Kekeke. Come, share share :X-:
haha nole. talking about a college fren of mine (not my best fren actually, was just kidding on that part) who very easily perasan wan. a guy just pay a LITTLE bit of attention to her only, she will think that he likes her, and she will also start to have a crush on him and try to make moves on him. in other words, i would say...naive and desperate. hehe. change bf every few months.

when bf working, also must reply her sms must answer her call, even tho he busy at work. if not then she angry etc etc.

call herself not materialistic, but everytime shopping with bf, will see an expensive branded stuff, pura pura buat manja, and do the puppy eye face n say no money to buy. then the bf have to buy. hahahhahha.

*gosh i pray she never reads this man*

thats about it lor. no davinci code here. :P
if pretty.....intro me as part time.....

after score than fleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

i'm bad!
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