Help needed: settings for my x-overs..

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Apr 19, 2004
Previously in autoworld i posted about my subwoofer not punchy enuf and the bass(low) are kinda spread out. the new settings is as below..Any suggestions are much appreciated...

Front mids 6.5"
- i set the frequency at 45Hz X 20 (frequency multiplier)= 900Hz
- set the slope at 6dB

Rear mids 5.25"
- i set the frequency at 80Hz
-Slope at 18dB

Subs 12"
- set the frequency at 60Hz..
- boost it at around 60-70Hz at 6dB
- Phase at 0 degree in mono mode..

sounds much better now..i believe the tuner set my subs at very low..bout
32hz which made my car esp those side door rattles..

but there`s another Q i wanna ask..isit normal if we hear pok pok noise
in the subs when we open d boot? i hope it`s not clipping sound

Any suggestions for my X-over settings? slope can only choose
either at 6dB or 18dB... I need more suggestions =)

ur woofer got box or not?
if got box then pok pok sound is no good
got box wor..i think pok pok means on too max edi rite? i lower down my subs but somehow the punchy feeling gone. i dont want loud. all i want is clean bass...not bass that are spread out..anyone could help on my crossover settings?
since u mention u 'set' ur xover point n slope..tta means u running active izit?

try setting mid 2 80hz-2khz

tweeter set to 2khz...(if can lah...if cant then dun force ur tweeter...coz some tweeter can go tat low...

if possible set the xover slope 2 24db...

n ur subwoofer xover point should match ur mid bass....80hz...
i dunno how to say..but then my tweeters are wired direct fr HU..but got passive XO lah.

my active XO controls the front and rear mids and the subs. i hav pix here but cant seem to upload it..
lloks like u've got ur self a 3 way active crossover...

but urs is
front xover
rear xover
n sub woofer...

try 2 look 4 these...
highpass-4 tweeter
bandpass-4 mid
lowpass-4 subwoofer
mmm... how come no one says anything about HP the fronts at 900 hz?

Also this is one very badly configured setup.. Tweeters from HU and mids from amp.. rear also from amp...

Mids playing full range... another cause of problems...
ayluvb3ech, u have a few issue here... :)
bass from sub not punchy, u want clean precised bass
output.. punchy bass can be bad if it affects staging..
1st of all, is your sub gain set properly according to the HU? else u may need to turn the volume knob more for stronger bass output, which is not desirable... sub's x-over point of <100Hz is alrite for most setup, then it also depends on your ride, hatchback or sedan? for hatchback, bass can filter thru the rear to the front much easier, lower x-over point may be enuff.. then, have to c whats the size of the sub box, what's the freq response its tuned to..
it'll b easier to tune the mids once u get the x-over point of the tweets that come with passives..
usually, bandpass for mids ie. mids low pass at __Hz & mids high pass at ___Hz... IMO mids lowpass at 1kHz or lesser is kinda low

most importantly, 4 better effective tuning, gotta know the driver's & amp's capability.. no point tuning beyond driver's spec :cool: tweets are wired directly fr HU..but it passes a passive XO made by a series of caps and an inductor.

i've tuned my front mids 6.5" to 70Hz..slope at 6dB

rear mids 5.25" i set at 240Hz...also slope at 6dB

for my subs it's at 50-60Hz and boost 6dB at 50-60Hz...

hope there wont be any problem =P aihz..maybe it's due to my amp..i think i need a better amp to play clean bass...

btw...pjam, mine's a sedan..maybe it's cuz of that the bass has been filtered out.. i dont knoe what's the size for my sub's box. i dont think those ppl in most audio shops really knoe how to measure the optimal volume for certain settings..most of these things are usually determined by sound engineer.. those audio shops fella i think they oni knoe how to built a box which can hold the subs enuf edi..

also, aren't front and rear mids are supposed to wire fr amp? i oso blur edi..
cuz i'm using 2 amps..first amp is 4channel for 4 mids..and the second amp is 2channel for subs..
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.. most good sub producers have suggestion for the enclosure size, which best match the sub.. so, good installers will know how to build the box based on the specs given. eg. volume, dimension (width, height, depth), port size..

yup.. getting better amp is also wise if budget permits

the 4-channel amp can be used for tweets & 2 pairs of mid
the 2-channel bridged can be used for sub...
eg. 4-channel amp (channel a, b, c, d):
channel a & b for tweets,
channel c & d for mids.. for this the amp needs to be 2 ohm stable
icic..what do u mean 2 channel bridged? i don't couz has a 2 channel amp..GS brand..neva heard of..but then there stated bridged..

dat installer adviced me not to wire my tweets directly to amp cuz he said that if i on loud, tweets also gets loud and it'll hurt d ears.

btw, my active xO also cant use for tweets rite?(say if i remove my rear mids) cuz frequency range that can b tuned on the e-XO is way below the tweets working frequency range rite?
ayluvb3ech said:
icic..what do u mean 2 channel bridged? i don't couz has a 2 channel amp..GS brand..neva heard of..but then there stated bridged..

dat installer adviced me not to wire my tweets directly to amp cuz he said that if i on loud, tweets also gets loud and it'll hurt d ears.

btw, my active xO also cant use for tweets rite?(say if i remove my rear mids) cuz frequency range that can b tuned on the e-XO is way below the tweets working frequency range rite?

I think your installer is talking crap.
When you run your system full active, you will be wiring your tweeters direct from the amp.
It is just that you have to use a full active crossover to "distribute" the respective frequencies to the right speakers.
For example:
1) HP your tweeters from 2500Hz.
2) BP your mids from 60Hz to 2500Hz.
3) LP your sub at 60Hz.
Then from there you adjust the levels of each drivers to achieve a tonal balance.
But sad to say that there are very few installers here who can tune an active system.
howiechoo said:
can i know wat is active and wat is passive?
and wat is the slope in the xover ?
To put the explanation simple, active crossovers can be tuned and they have to be powered by electric current.
Passive crossovers cannot be tuned except for the tweeters level setting.
Slope means the rate of decay of the set frequency.
For example, high pass at 3000hz at 12 db/oct means at 1500 hz (the next octave), the db level is 12 db lower.
pisces..thanks for d info..
but then my XO i heard someone say dat mine's a 3way activ XO...
dun hav HP, BP and LP..

there oni write high pass, highpass (for front and rear mids) and subwoofer setting oni.. dun hav tweeters..i think so la..i oso dunno..c the url pic i attached..
eh..i think my got HP,BP and LP..cuz the frequency multiplier isit we need to switch to 20x when we using tweets for dat rite? correct me if i'm wrong..nw oni realize..if i set d frequency to 150Hz hen i times wit 20xmultiplier than it's = 3000Hz which is ngam for tweets rite? but i duno why he duwan wire d tweets to amp ler..
There are 2 types of external crossovers:
1) The one with HP for front, HP for rear and LP for sub.
With this type of crossovers, you'll need to use the passives for the comps.
2) The one with HP for tweeters, BP for mids and LP for sub.
With this type of crossovers, you do not need the passives.
However, you'll need 4 channels of amplification-2 for the mids and 2 for the tweeters.

yong, how's life??
i'm fine thx...

but no time 2 audit ur ice system wor..hehee...

last time u mention a cd where the bass reproduces from the front of the bonnet...
hope next time got chance 2 audit...:D
Yong_5290 said:
i'm fine thx...

but no time 2 audit ur ice system wor..hehee...

last time u mention a cd where the bass reproduces from the front of the bonnet...
hope next time got chance 2 audit...:D

Oh that's track 11, Scotland The Brave, from the Marantz Test CD.
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