First Drive: 2006 Satria Neo

Don't count on another R3 Limited Edition Vehicle (LEV) just yet. Satria Neo Zerokit + performance parts will be available starting next year. R3 is releasing 'kits' like the Savvy Zerokit, instead of outright vehicles at the moment.

Expect performance parts/accessories and Zerokits for the Gen.2 and Waja to be made available in August.

The Satria Neo R3 Concept looks da bomb, IMHO. Best looking Proton-R3 vehicle yet!

Performance parts for Neo by next year? sure or not..we Gen2rian waited for Gen2's performance part for nearly 2 years already, and the best part is Savvy's parts like springs are already available now for a car that just came out..
Ethan, they are slated for August release. I think there was a change in plan where the Gen.2 was concerned (from the original plan to release the Gen.2 R3 in any case). It was probably due to the powers-that-be that influenced that.

Rest assured, R3 is committed to develop and release performance kits for all of Proton's cars (with exception of the obsolete Saga/Iswara, Perdana and Juara platforms). This includes the Gen.2, which will be revealed later), Savvy, Satria Neo, Satria/SGTi/Putra/Wira, Waja and newer models in the works (including a Gen.2 sedan!).
best handling, smooth ride, nice interrior and superb design! btw, nice pics you got!
nice design, but what about a little bit quality improvement on the interior, at lease PVC leather rather than plastic?
juz got my neo last week.. overall is nice, basically cannot extract all the potential yet.. tak sampai 1000km lagik maa.. maybe afta dat lenjan abis la haha
hello everybody pls give me a suggestion is campro engine good? thinking of having 1. T_T
hmm.. i think it depends loh.. or maybe u can check with current gen2 owners loh..

Great design and very solid body

and people wont think you are driving your wife's or sister's car (ala MyVi )
fulamak! symphony chun wei... amps at the back! the interior is nice! Proton really maju d wei... i hate the hood that's all.. it's kinda weird with those two black lines there.. desire is not bad, just that the spoiler is a bit odd.. well, wat can i say bout r3? it's always the same colour and theme!
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is satria neo comfortable to drive? because the height seems like so small, anyone? mujadid84 so far how is ur satria neo going on?
for me it is comfortable enough, having 180cm height.. dun compare it with benz or bm's.. but still the gap with my head and the roof is close.. but it is ok for me..
which model u take mjadid84? 1.3 or 1.6? i test 1.6 but dunno the power of 1.3 i am 172 height ok for me also nice handling haha!
of coz 1.6 manual.. ahaks.. have quite long journey 2day, travel from kl to k.terengganu.. with my neo.. ride juz nice, body roll is minimum, power juz enough to overtake.. em maybe should wait until 1000km la.. eheh
WOW! good! i think i confirm 1.6 but auto T_T no pick up but u travels o far.. good man! hehe where do live actually?
the hood is kinda weird actually...with the lines there...but i guess it wont be recognised if u buy the model with the dark color on it..
Like the Gen.2, brighter colours seem to work better. Black (although my favourite colour) seems to subdue to nice lines the Satria Neo has. The orange, white and grey seem to work pretty well.

Personal opinion only :)
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